Docker 简明教程

How to Setup BusyBox in Docker Containers?

BusyBox 是一款将多种标准的 Unix 实用工具合并到单个可执行文件中(压缩为单个可执行文件)的可执行二进制文件。当我们将 BusyBox 并入 Docker 映像中时,开发人员可以最大程度减小总体映像大小、优化资源利用,并加快容器配置速度。

BusyBox is a single executable binary that incorporates numerous standard Unix utilities, compressed into a single executable. When we incorporate BusyBox into Docker images, developers can minimize the overall image size, optimize resource utilization, and expedite container provisioning.

此外,BusyBox 的全面实用程序集为容器提供了必要的非常规功能,使它们能够在复杂的微服务架构中履行各种角色。通过将多个工具集成到一个二进制文件中,BusyBox 节约了磁盘空间,并简化了系统管理和任务管理。

Moreover, BusyBox’s comprehensive utility set provides containers with essential functionalities that empower them to fulfill diverse roles within complex microservices architectures. By integrating multiple tools into a single binary, BusyBox conserves disk space and also simplifies system administration and management tasks.

下面是使用 BusyBox 基本映像创建和运行 Docker 容器的不同方法。

Below are the different ways to create and run a Docker container with a BusyBox base image.

  1. Pulling BusyBox Docker image from Dockerhub and running the container.

  2. Creating custom Docker images with BusyBox base image using Dockerfile.

  3. Using Docker Compose to run BusyBox Docker containers.

在本指南中,我们借助命令和示例来了解逐步运行 BusyBox Docker 容器的过程。

In this guide, let’s look at the step-by-step processes to run BusyBox Docker containers with the help of commands and examples.

How to Pull and Run BusyBox Docker Image from Dockerhub?

以下是从 Docker Hub 拉取并运行 BusyBox Docker 映像的分步指南:

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to pull and run the BusyBox Docker image from Docker Hub −

Step 1: Pull the BusyBox Docker Image

你可以首先使用 docker pull 命令从 Docker Hub 抓取 BusyBox 映像。

You can start by using the docker pull command to fetch the BusyBox image from Docker Hub.

docker pull busybox

当你运行此命令时,它将默认情况下抓取最新版本的 BusyBox 映像。如果你想抓取特定版本,则可以像这样指定标签:

When you run this command, it will retrieve the latest version of the BusyBox image by default. If you want to retrieve a specific version, you can specify the tag like this −

docker pull busybox:<version>

Step 2: Run a Container from the BusyBox Image

拉取映像后,你可以使用 docker run 命令创建并启动容器。

Once you have pulled the image, you can create and start a container using the docker run command.

docker run --name my_busybox busybox

此命令将使用 BusyBox 映像创建一个名为“my_busybox”的新容器。

This command will create a new container named "my_busybox" using the BusyBox image.

Step 3: Verify the Container

要验证容器是否正在运行,你可以使用 docker ps 命令:

To verify that the container is running, you can use the docker ps command −

docker ps


This command will list all the running containers on your system. You should see the "my_busybox" container in the list.

Step 4: Access the Container’s Shell

你可以使用 docker exec 命令访问 BusyBox 容器的 shell:

You can access the shell of the BusyBox container using the docker exec command −

docker exec -it my_busybox sh

此命令将在“my_busybox”容器内打开一个交互式的 shell 会话。你可以在 BusyBox 环境中执行命令。要验证 BusyBox 是否已正确安装,可以在 shell 中运行以下命令:

This command will opens an interactive shell session within the "my_busybox" container. You can now execute commands within the BusyBox environment. To verify the proper installation of BusyBox, you can run the following command in the shell.

busybox --help

Step 5: Stop and Remove the Container


You can stop and remove the container using the following commands once you are done with it.

docker stop my_busybox
docker rm my_busybox

How to run BusyBox Container using Dockerfile?

以下是使用 Dockerfile 运行 BusyBox 容器的分步说明:

Below are the step-by-step instructions on how to run a BusyBox container using a Dockerfile −

Step 1: Create a Dockerfile

创建一个名为 Dockerfile 的文件,在其中包含以下说明。这将用于使用 BusyBox 基本映像创建 Docker 映像。

Create a file called Dockerfile with the following instructions inside it. This will be used to create the Docker image with the BusyBox base image.

# Use BusyBox as the base image
FROM busybox

# Set a default command to run when the container starts
CMD ["sh"]

Step 2: Build the Docker Image

导航到创建 Dockerfile 的目录,并使用 docker build 命令根据该 Dockerfile 构建 Docker 镜像。

Navigate to the directory where you created the Dockerfile and use the docker build command to build the Docker image based on that Dockerfile.

docker build -t my_busybox .

此命令将构建带有标签 my_busybox 的 Docker 镜像。结尾的点 . 用于将当前目录指定为构建上下文。

This command will build the Docker image with the tag my_busybox. The dot . at the end is used to specify the current directory as the build context.

Step 3: Run the BusyBox Container


Now that you have built the image, you can create and start a container from it using the following commands −

docker run --name my_busybox_container my_busybox
docker ps
docker exec -it my_busybox_container sh
busybox -help

Docker run 命令用于创建和运行与 my_busybox 镜像关联的容器。它还向该容器提供一个名称。Docker ps 命令用于列出系统上运行的所有活动容器。

The Docker run command is used to create and run a container associated with the my_busybox image. It also provides a name to the container. The Docker ps command is used to list all the active containers running on your system.

如果您找到了名为 my_busybox_container 的容器,则表示您的容器正在运行。然后您可以通过在交互模式下运行 Docker exec 命令来访问容器的 bash。在获得了 shell 访问权限后,您可以使用 –help 标志检查 busybox 是否正在运行。

If you find a container called my_busybox_container, it means your container is running. You can then access the bash of the container by running the Docker exec command in interactive mode. Once you have access to the shell, you can very whether the busybox is running or not using the –help flag.

How to run BusyBox Docker Containers using Docker Compose?

以下是在使用 Docker Compose 运行 BusyBox 容器的步骤。

Here are the steps to run BusyBox containers using Docker Compose.

Step 1: Create a Docker Compose File

创建一个名为 docker-compose.yml 的文件。添加以下属性以定义服务。

Create a file named docker-compose.yml. Add the following properties to define the services.

version: '3.8'
   image: busybox
   command: sh

Step 2: Run Docker Compose

导航到终端中包含 docker-compose.yml 文件的目录,并执行以下命令:

Navigate to the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file in your terminal and execute the following command −

docker-compose up -d

此命令以分离模式 ( -d ) 启动 BusyBox 容器,在后台运行。

This command starts the BusyBox container in detached mode (-d), running in the background.

Step 3: Verify the Container

为确保容器正在运行,您可以列出容器并访问 bash:

To ensure that the container is running, you can list the containers and access the bash −

docker ps
docker exec -it <container_id_or_name> sh
busybox -help


If you’re done with the container, you can stop and remove it using the following command −

docker-compose down


总之,在 Docker 容器中使用 BusyBox 对部署实践很有好处。其轻量级和强大的工具包使开发人员和系统管理员能够简化操作,优化资源利用,并提升容器化环境中的整体效率。

To sum up, using BusyBox within Docker containers offers an advantage in deployment practices. Its lightweight and robust toolkit allows developers and system administrators to streamline operations, optimize resource utilization, and enhance overall efficiency within containerized environments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I use BusyBox in Docker for production environments?

对于容器化环境而言,BusyBox 是一种轻量级且有效的解决方案,但是,它可能并不适合生产,具体取决于用例和需求。BusyBox 可能适合某些生产情况,如嵌入式设备或边缘计算,其中极简主义和资源限制至关重要。为了确保完整的功能、安全性和支持,客户可以选择更富特性的基础镜像,这些镜像经过定制,以适用于复杂或流量大的应用程序。

BusyBox is a lightweight and effective solution for containerized settings, however depending on use cases and needs, it may not be suitable for production. BusyBox might be appropriate for some production situations, like embedded devices or edge computing, where minimalism and resource limits are crucial. To ensure complete functionality, security, and support, customers may choose more feature-rich base images customized for complicated or high-traffic applications.

Q2. How does BusyBox handle security vulnerabilities in Docker containers?

与其他软件组件类似,BusyBox 可能容易受到安全漏洞的影响。通过在容器与主机系统之间建立隔离,Docker 容器化可以在一定程度上降低这些风险。此外,BusyBox 项目的频繁更新和补丁有助于快速解决安全漏洞。

Similar to other software components, BusyBox could be vulnerable to security flaws. By establishing isolation between containers and the host system, Docker containerization helps to reduce these risks to some extent. Furthermore, the BusyBox project’s frequent updates and patches aid in quickly addressing security flaws.

建议用户随时关注安全咨询,并快速部署补丁以保护其容器化环境。在 Docker 容器中部署 BusyBox 时,还可以通过实施最佳实践(如漏洞管理、容器镜像扫描以及遵循安全建议)来进一步改善安全性态势。

It is recommended that users stay up to date on security advisories and quickly deploy patches in order to protect their containerized environments. When deploying BusyBox in Docker containers, security posture can be further improved by putting best practices like vulnerability management, container image scanning, and adherence to security recommendations into practice.

Q3. Can I extend BusyBox functionality by installing additional packages within Docker containers?

当然,用户可以根据需要安装额外的软件包或实用程序,以增强 Docker 容器内 BusyBox 的功能。虽然 BusyBox 提供了精简的基本 Unix 实用程序集合,但用户可能需要其他工具来执行某些作业或应用程序。

Certainly, users can install extra packages or utilities to increase the functionality of BusyBox within Docker containers as desired. Although BusyBox provides a condensed collection of basic Unix utilities, users might need other tools for certain jobs or applications.

通过针对基于 Alpine Linux 的容器使用 apk 等软件包管理器,或针对基于 Debian 的容器使用 apt-get ,Docker 用户可以在容器内安装和配置额外的软件包。通过以这种方式扩展 BusyBox 的功能,客户可以根据自己的确切需求自定义容器,确保在容器化环境中具有适应性和有效性。

Using package managers such as apk for containers based on Alpine Linux or apt-get for containers based on Debian, Docker users can install and configure extra packages within containers. By expanding the capabilities of BusyBox in this way, customers may customize containers to meet their precise needs, guaranteeing adaptability and effectiveness in their containerized settings.