Documentdb 简明教程
DocumentDB - Environment Setup
Microsoft 提供了 Visual Studio 的免费版本,其中还包含 SQL Server,可以从 下载。
Microsoft provides a free version of Visual Studio which also contains SQL Server and it can be downloaded from
Step 1 - 下载完成后,运行安装程序。将显示以下对话框。
Step 1 − Once downloading is completed, run the installer. The following dialog will be displayed.

Step 2 - 单击“安装”按钮,安装过程将开始。
Step 2 − Click on the Install button and it will start the installation process.

Step 3 - 安装过程成功完成后,您将看到以下对话框。
Step 3 − Once the installation process is completed successfully, you will see the following dialog.

Step 4 - 关闭此对话框并在需要时重新启动计算机。
Step 4 − Close this dialog and restart your computer if required.
Step 5 - 现在从开始菜单打开 Visual studio,将打开下面的对话框。第一次仅准备需要一些时间。
Step 5 − Now open Visual studio from start Menu which will open the below dialog. It will take some time for the first time only for preparation.

完成后,您将看到 Visual Studio 的主窗口。
Once all is done, you will see the main window of Visual Studio.

Step 6 - 让我们从“文件→新建→项目”创建一个新项目。
Step 6 − Let’s create a new project from File → New → Project.

Step 7 - 选择控制台应用程序,在“名称”字段中输入 DocumentDBDemo,然后单击“确定”按钮。
Step 7 − Select Console Application, enter DocumentDBDemo in the Name field and click OK button.
Step 8 - 在解决方案资源管理器中,右键单击您的项目。
Step 8 − In solution Explorer, right-click on your project.

Step 9 - 选择“管理 NuGet 程序包”,这将在 Visual Studio 中打开以下窗口并在“联机搜索”输入框中搜索 DocumentDB 客户端库。
Step 9 − Select Manage NuGet Packages which will open the following window in Visual Studio and in the Search Online input box, search for DocumentDB Client Library.

Step 10 - 通过单击“安装”按钮安装最新版本。
Step 10 − Install the latest version by clicking the install button.

Step 11 - 单击“我接受”。一旦安装完成,您将在输出窗口中看到消息。
Step 11 − Click “I Accept”. Once installation is done you will see the message in your output window.

You are now ready to start your application.