Dom 简明教程
Discuss XML DOM
文档对象模型 (DOM) 是一项 W3C 标准。它定义了访问 HTML 和 XML 等文档的标准。本教程将教您学习 XML DOM 的基本知识。本教程分为以下几部分,如 XML DOM 基础、XML DOM 操作和 XML DOM 对象。每一部分包含相关主题,并提供简单且有用的示例。
The *D*ocument *O*bject *M*odel (DOM) is a W3C standard. It defines a standard for accessing documents like HTML and XML. This tutorial will teach you the basics of XML DOM. The tutorial is divided into sections such as XML DOM Basics, XML DOM Operations and XML DOM Objects. Each of these sections contain related topics with simple and useful examples.