Dotnet Core 简明教程
.NET Core - Getting Started
Visual Studio 2015 为 .NET Core 应用程序开发提供了一个全功能的开发环境。在本章中,我们将在 Visual Studio 中创建一个新项目。安装 Visual Studio 2015 工具后,便可开始构建新的 .NET Core 应用程序。
Visual Studio 2015 provides a full-featured development environment for developing .NET Core applications. In this chapter, we will be creating a new project inside Visual Studio. Once you have installed the Visual Studio 2015 tooling, you can start building a new .NET Core Application.

在 New Project 对话框中,在“模板”列表中,展开 Visual C# 节点并选择 .NET Core,你应该会看到以下三个新项目模板
In the New Project dialog box, in the Templates list, expand the Visual C# node and select .NET Core and you should see the following three new project templates
Class Library (.NET Core)
Console Application (.NET Core)
ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Core)
在“新建项目”对话框的中间窗格中,选择“控制台应用程序(.NET Core)”,并将其命名为“FirstApp”,然后单击“确定”。
In the middle pane on the New Project dialog box, select Console Application (.NET Core) and name it "FirstApp", then click OK.

Visual Studio 将打开新创建的项目,你将在“解决方案资源管理器”窗口中看到此项目中的所有文件。
Visual Studio will open the newly created project, and you will see in the Solution Explorer window all of the files that are in this project.
要测试 .NET Core 控制台应用程序是否正常运行,我们添加以下行。
To test that .NET core console application is working, let us add the following line.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FirstApp {
public class Program {
public static void Main(string[] args) {
Console.WriteLine("Hello guys, welcome to .NET Core world!");
Now, run the application. You should see the following output.