Dynamodb 简明教程

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DynamoDB 是一款受全托管的 NoSQL 数据库服务,专为提供快速且可预测的性能而设计。它本质上使用 Dynamo 模型,并改进了这些功能。它最初用于管理假日季负载带来的网站可扩展性挑战。本教程将向你介绍创建和部署高可扩展且注重性能的数据库所需的 DynamoDB 关键概念。

DynamoDB is a fully-managed NoSQL database service designed to deliver fast and predictable performance. It uses the Dynamo model in the essence of its design, and improves those features. It began as a way to manage website scalability challenges presented by the holiday season load. This tutorial introduces you to key DynamoDB concepts necessary for creating and deploying a highly-scalable and performance-focused database.