Dynamodb 简明教程
DynamoDB - Operations Tools
DynamoDB 提供三种执行操作的选择:基于 Web 的 GUI 控制台、JavaScript shell 和您选择的编程语言。
DynamoDB provides three options for performing operations: a web-based GUI console, a JavaScript shell, and a programming language of your choice.
在本教程中,我们将重点介绍为清晰和概念理解而使用 GUI 控制台和 Java 语言。
In this tutorial, we will focus on using the GUI console and Java language for clarity and conceptual understanding.
GUI Console
Amazon DynamoDB 的 GUI 控制台或 AWS 管理控制台可在以下地址找到 − https://console.aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/home
The GUI console or the AWS Management Console for Amazon DynamoDB can be found at the following address − https://console.aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/home
它允许您执行以下任务 −
It allows you to perform the following tasks −
View Table Items
Perform Table Queries
Set Alarms for Table Capacity Monitoring
View Table Metrics in Real-Time
View Table Alarms

如果您的 DynamoDB 账户没有表,则在访问时,它会指导您创建表。其主屏幕提供了三个执行常见操作的快捷方式 −
If your DynamoDB account has no tables, on access, it guides you through creating a table. Its main screen offers three shortcuts for performing common operations −
Create Tables
Add and Query Tables
Monitor and Manage Tables
The JavaScript Shell
DynamoDB 包含一个交互式 JavaScript shell。shell 在 Web 浏览器中运行,推荐的浏览器包括 Firefox 和 Chrome。
DynamoDB includes an interactive JavaScript shell. The shell runs inside a web browser, and the recommended browsers include Firefox and Chrome.

Note − 使用其他浏览器可能会导致错误。
Note − Using other browsers may result in errors.
通过打开 Web 浏览器并输入以下地址访问 shell − http://localhost:8000/shell
Access the shell by opening a web browser and entering the following address −http://localhost:8000/shell
使用 shell 的方法是在左窗格中输入 JavaScript,然后单击左窗格右上角的“播放”图标按钮,该按钮运行代码。代码结果显示在右窗格中。
Use the shell by entering JavaScript in the left pane, and clicking the “Play” icon button in the top right corner of the left pane, which runs the code. The code results display in the right pane.