Eclipse 简明教程

Eclipse - Close Project

Why Close a Project?

一个 Eclipse 工作区可以包含任意数量的项目。一个项目可以是打开状态或关闭状态。

An eclipse workspace can contain any number of projects. A project can be either in the open state or closed state.


Open projects −

  1. Consume memory.

  2. Take up build time especially when the Clean All Projects (Project → Clean all projects) with the Start a build immediately option is used.

close project clean

How to Close a Project?


If a project is not under active development it can be closed. To close a project, from the Project select the Close Project menu item.

close project menu

Closed Project in Package Explorer

一个被关闭的项目会在包资源管理器视图中可见,但其内容不能使用 Eclipse 用户界面编辑。此外,一个打开的项目不能对一个关闭的项目有依赖。包资源管理器视图使用不同的图标来表示被关闭的项目。

A closed project is visible in the Package Explorer view but its contents cannot be edited using the Eclipse user interface. Also, an open project cannot have dependency on a closed project. The Package Explorer view uses a different icon to represent a closed project.

close project pe