Eclipse 简明教程
Eclipse - Debug Configuration
Creating and Using a Debug Configuration
一个 Eclipse 调试配置类似于运行配置,但它用于在调试模式中启动应用程序。因为应用程序在调试模式中启动,所以会提示用户切换到调试透视图。调试透视图提供多种适合于调试应用程序的视图。
An eclipse debug configuration is similar to a run configuration but it used to start an application in the debug mode. Because the application is started in the debug mode the users are prompted to switch to the debug perspective. The debug perspective offers a number of views that are suitable for debugging applications.
The Debug Configuration dialog can be invoked by selecting the Debug Configurations menu item from the Run menu.
要为 Java 应用程序创建一个调试配置,从左侧列表中选择“Java 应用程序”,然后单击“新建”按钮。在弹出的对话框的主选项卡中指定 −
To create a debug configuration for a Java application, select Java Application from the list on the left hand side and click on the New button. In the dialog box that comes up in the main tab specify −
A name for the debug configuration.
The name of a Project.
The name of a main class.
在参数选项卡中,指定 −
In the arguments tab, specify −
Zero or more program arguments.
Zero or more Virtual Machine arguments.
To save the run configuration, click on the Apply button and to launch the application in the debug mode click on the Debug button.