Eclipse 简明教程
Eclipse - Install Plugins
Locating and Installing Plug-ins
构成了 Eclipse IDE 基础的 Eclipse 平台由插件组成,并且设计为使用额外插件扩展。
The Eclipse platform which provides the foundation for the Eclipse IDE is composed of plug-ins and is designed to be extensible using additional plug-ins.
有几百个插件可用。每个插件都为 Eclipse 增加了更多功能。您可以通过搜索 Eclipse Market place ( ) 来找到提供某些功能的插件。例如,您可以找到允许将 eclipse 用作 Python IDE 的插件。
Several hundreds of plug-ins are available. Each plug-in adds more functionality to Eclipse. You can locate a plug-in that provides certain functionality by searching the Eclipse Market place ( For example you can locate plug-ins that allows eclipse to be used as a Python IDE.
在 Eclipse IDE 中,您可以使用 Eclipse Marketplace 对话框搜索市场,可以通过单击“帮助”菜单并选择“Eclipse Marketplace”来调用此对话框。
From within the Eclipse IDE, you can search the market place by using the Eclipse Marketplace dialog which can be invoked by clicking on the Help menu and selecting Eclipse Marketplace.
在上面的屏幕截图中,要安装 PyDev-Python IDE for Eclipse,只需单击“安装”按钮即可。使用出现的对话框,您可以安装该插件。
In the screenshot above, to install PyDev-Python IDE for Eclipse, just click on the Install button. Using the dialog box that comes up you can install the plug-in.
You can also install a plug-in by using the Install New Software menu item accessible from the Help menu (Help → Install New Software).
在这种情况下,您必须知道可以从中下载插件的远程站点的 URL。您可以通过单击“添加”按钮来提供此 URL。
In this case you have to know the URL of the remote site from which the plug-in can be downloaded. You can supply this URL by clicking on the Add button.
install 对话框显示了远程站点中可用的插件组件,并允许您安装它们。
The install dialog box shows the plug-in components available in the remote site and allows you to install them.