Eclipse 简明教程

Eclipse - Run Configuration

Creating and Using a Run Configuration


The Run Configurations dialog allows you create multiple run configurations. Each run configuration can start an application. The Run Configuration dialog can be invoked by selecting the Run Configurations menu item from the Run menu.

run config 1

要为 Java 应用程序创建运行配置,请从左侧的列表中选择“Java 应用程序”,然后单击“新建”按钮。在出现的对话框中,在主选项卡中指定:

To create a run configuration for a Java application select Java Application from the list on the left hand side and click on the New button. In the dialog box that comes up in the main tab specify −

  1. A name for the run configuration.

  2. The name of a Project.

  3. The name of the main class.


In the arguments tab specify −

  1. Zero or more program arguments.

  2. Zero or more Virtual Machine arguments.

run config 2


The Commons tab provides common options such as the ability to allocate a console for standard input and output.

run config 3


To save the run configuration click on the Apply button and to launch the application click on the Run button.