Elasticsearch 简明教程

Elasticsearch - IngestNode


1 true/false

Set to true to make the index and index metadata read only, false to allow writes and metadata changes.


Sometimes we need to transform a document before we index it. For instance, we want to remove a field from the document or rename a field and then index it. This is handled by Ingest node.


Every node in the cluster has the ability to ingest but it can also be customized to be processed only by specific nodes.

Steps Involved

摄取节点的工作涉及两个步骤 −

There are two steps involved in the working of the ingest node −

  1. Creating a pipeline

  2. Creating a doc

Create a Pipeline

首先创建包含处理器的管道,然后执行管道,如下所示 −

First creating a pipeline which contains the processors and then executing the pipeline, as shown below −

PUT _ingest/pipeline/int-converter
   "description": "converts the content of the seq field to an integer",
   "processors" : [
         "convert" : {
            "field" : "seq",
            "type": "integer"


On running the above code, we get the following result −

   "acknowledged" : true

Create a Doc


Next we create a document using the pipeline converter.

PUT /logs/_doc/1?pipeline=int-converter


On running the above code, we get the response as shown below −

   "_index" : "logs",
   "_type" : "_doc",
   "_id" : "1",
   "_version" : 1,
   "result" : "created",
   "_shards" : {
      "total" : 2,
      "successful" : 1,
      "failed" : 0
   "_seq_no" : 0,
   "_primary_term" : 1

接下来,我们使用 GET 命令搜索以上创建的文档,如下所示:-

Next we search for the doc created above by using the GET command as shown below −

GET /logs/_doc/1


On running the above code, we get the following result −

   "_index" : "logs",
   "_type" : "_doc",
   "_id" : "1",
   "_version" : 1,
   "_seq_no" : 0,
   "_primary_term" : 1,
   "found" : true,
   "_source" : {
      "Addrs" : "Hyderabad",
      "name" : "Tutorialspoint",
      "seq" : 21

您可以在上面看到,21 已经变成一个整数。

You can see above that 21 has become an integer.

Without Pipeline


Now we create a document without using the pipeline.

PUT /logs/_doc/2
GET /logs/_doc/2


On running the above code, we get the following result −

   "_index" : "logs",
   "_type" : "_doc",
   "_id" : "2",
   "_version" : 1,
   "_seq_no" : 1,
   "_primary_term" : 1,
   "found" : true,
   "_source" : {
      "seq" : "11",
      "name" : "Tutorix",
      "Addrs" : "Secunderabad"

您可以在上面看到,11 是一个字符串,没有使用管道。

You can see above that 11 is a string without the pipeline being used.