Excel 简明教程

Copying Formulas in Excel 2010

Copying Formulas in MS Excel

复制公式是典型电子表格中执行的最常见任务之一,该电子表格主要依赖于公式。当公式使用单元格引用(而不是常量值)时,Excel 使得将原始公式复制到需要类似公式的每个地方的任务变得容易。

Copying formulas is one of the most common tasks that you do in a typical spreadsheet that relies primarily on formulas. When a formula uses cell references rather than constant values, Excel makes the task of copying an original formula to every place that requires a similar formula.

Relative Cell Addresses

MS Excel 会自动调整原始公式中的单元格引用,以适应您制作的副本的位置。它通过 relative cell addresses, 系统执行此操作,其中公式中单元格地址中的列引用会更改以适应其新的列位置,而行引用会更改以适应其新的行位置。

MS Excel does it automatically adjusting the cell references in the original formula to suit the position of the copies that you make. It does this through a system known as relative cell addresses, where by the column references in the cell address in the formula change to suit their new column position and the row references change to suit their new row position.

让我们借助示例了解此操作。假设我们想要最后一行所有行的总和,那么我们在第一列(即 B)上编写一个公式。我们希望获得第 9 行中第 3 行至第 8 行的总和。

Let us see this with the help of example. Suppose we want the sum of all the rows at last, then we will write a formula for first column i.e. B. We want sum of the rows from 3 to 8 in the 9th row.


在第 9 行中编写公式后,我们可以将其拖动到其余列,并且会复制该公式。拖动后,我们可以看到剩余列中的以下公式。

After writing formula in the 9th row, we can drag it to remaining columns and the formula gets copied. After dragging we can see the formula in the remaining columns as below.

  1. column C : =SUM(C3:C8)

  2. column D : =SUM(D3:D8)

  3. column E : =SUM(E3:E8)

  4. column F : =SUM(F3:F8)

  5. column G : =SUM(G3:G8)

copied formula