Excel 简明教程

Create Worksheet in Excel 2010

Creating New Worksheet

当您启动 Microsoft Excel 时,始终会打开 3 个新的空白工作表。以下步骤将说明如何在使用一个工作表时创建一个新的工作表、或者在关闭已打开的工作表并希望启动一个新的工作表时,如何创建新的工作表。

Three new blank sheets always open when you start Microsoft Excel. Below steps explain you how to create a new worksheet if you want to start another new worksheet while you are working on a worksheet, or you closed an already opened worksheet and want to start a new worksheet.

Step 1 − 右键单击 Sheet Name 并选择 Insert 选项。

Step 1 − Right Click the Sheet Name and select Insert option.

new sheet

Step 2 − 现在您将看到“插入”对话框,并从常规选项卡中选择 Worksheet 选项。单击 Ok 按钮。

Step 2 − Now you’ll see the Insert dialog with select Worksheet option as selected from the general tab. Click the Ok button.

insert dialog


Now you should have your blank sheet as shown below ready to start typing your text.

blank sheet

您可以随时使用一个快捷方式来创建一个空白工作表。尝试使用 Shift+F11 键,您会看到一个新的空白工作表,类似于上述工作表已打开。

You can use a short cut to create a blank sheet anytime. Try using the Shift+F11 keys and you will see a new blank sheet similar to the above sheet is opened.