MS Excel 提供各种删除工作表中数据的方法。让我们看看这些方法。
MS Excel provides various ways of deleting data in the sheet. Let us see those ways.
Delete with Mouse
选择要删除的数据。在工作表上 Right Click 。选择 delete option ,以删除数据。
Select the data you want to delete. Right Click on the sheet. Select the delete option, to delete the data.
Delete with Delete Key
选择要删除的数据。按键盘上的 Delete Button ,它会删除数据。
Select the data you want to delete. Press on the Delete Button from the keyboard, it will delete the data.
Selective Delete for Rows
使用 Mouse click + Control Key. 选择要删除的行,然后右键单击以显示各种选项。选择“删除选项”以删除所选行。
Select the rows, which you want to delete with Mouse click + Control Key. Then right click to show the various options. Select the *Delete option * to delete the selected rows.