Excel 简明教程

Insert Data in Excel 2010

MS Excel, 中有 1048576*16384 个单元格。MS Excel 单元格可以有 Text, Numeric value or formulas. 个字符。MS Excel 单元格最多可以有 32000 个字符。

In MS Excel, there are 1048576*16384 cells. MS Excel cell can have Text, Numeric value or formulas. An MS Excel cell can have maximum of 32000 characters.

Inserting Data

对于 inserting dataMS Excel, 中,只需激活单元格类型文本或数字,然后按 Enter 键或导航键。

For inserting data in MS Excel, just activate the cell type text or number and press enter or Navigation keys.

insert data

Inserting Formula

对于在 MS Excel 中插入公式,请转至公式栏,输入公式,然后按 Enter 键或导航键。查看下面的屏幕截图以了解它。

For inserting formula in MS Excel go to the formula bar, enter the formula and then press enter or navigation key. See the screen-shot below to understand it.

insert formula

Modifying Cell Content

对于修改单元格内容,只需激活单元格,输入一个新值,然后按 Enter 键或导航键即可看到更改。查看下面的屏幕截图以了解它。

For modifying the cell content just activate the cell, enter a new value and then press enter or navigation key to see the changes. See the screen-shot below to understand it.

modify cell content