Excel 简明教程

Excel - Quick Guide

Getting Started with Excel 2010

本章将教您如何通过简单的步骤启动一个 Excel 2010 应用程序。假设已在您的 PC 中安装了 Microsoft Office 2010,请按照以下步骤在您的 PC 中启动 Excel 应用程序。

This chapter teaches you how to start an excel 2010 application in simple steps. Assuming you have Microsoft Office 2010 installed in your PC, start the excel application following the below mentioned steps in your PC.

Step 1 − 单击 Start 按钮。

Step 1 − Click on the Start button.

start button

Step 2 − 从菜单中单击 All Programs 选项。

Step 2 − Click on All Programs option from the menu.

all programs

Step 3 − 从子菜单中搜索 Microsoft Office 并单击它。

Step 3 − Search for Microsoft Office from the sub menu and click it.

microsoft office

Step 4 − 在子菜单中搜索 Microsoft Excel 2010 并单击。

Step 4 − Search for Microsoft Excel 2010 from the submenu and click it.

microsoft excel

这将启动 Microsoft Excel 2010 应用程序,您将看到以下 excel 窗口。

This will launch the Microsoft Excel 2010 application and you will see the following excel window.

excel window

Explore Window in Excel 2010

当您启动 excel 应用程序时,将出现以下基本窗口。现在让我们了解此窗口的各个重要部分。

The following basic window appears when you start the excel application. Let us now understand the various important parts of this window.

explore excel window

File Tab

“文件”选项卡替换了 Excel 2007 中的“Office”按钮。您可以单击它以检查 Backstage view, ,在需要打开或保存文件、创建新工作表、打印工作表以及执行其他与文件相关的操作时转到该位置。

The File tab replaces the Office button from Excel 2007. You can click it to check the Backstage view, where you come when you need to open or save files, create new sheets, print a sheet, and do other file-related operations.

Quick Access Toolbar

您会发现此工具栏就在 File tab 上方,其目的是为 Excel 中最常用的命令提供便捷的存储空间。您可以根据自己的喜好自定义此工具栏。

You will find this toolbar just above the File tab and its purpose is to provide a convenient resting place for the Excel’s most frequently used commands. You can customize this toolbar based on your comfort.




Ribbon contains commands organized in three components −

  1. Tabs − They appear across the top of the Ribbon and contain groups of related commands. Home, Insert, Page Layout are the examples of ribbon tabs.

  2. Groups − They organize related commands; each group name appears below the group on the Ribbon. For example, group of commands related to fonts or group of commands related to alignment etc.

  3. Commands − Commands appear within each group as mentioned above.

Title Bar


This lies in the middle and at the top of the window. Title bar shows the program and the sheet titles.


您可以使用 Help Icon 随时获取与 excel 相关的帮助。这提供了有关与 excel 相关的各种主题的优秀教程。

The Help Icon can be used to get excel related help anytime you like. This provides nice tutorial on various subjects related to excel.

Zoom Control

缩放控件可让您放大以近距离查看文本。缩放控件由一个滑块组成,您可以将其向左或向右滑动以放大或缩小。可以单击 + 按钮以增大或减小缩放比例。

Zoom control lets you zoom in for a closer look at your text. The zoom control consists of a slider that you can slide left or right to zoom in or out. The + buttons can be clicked to increase or decrease the zoom factor.

View Buttons

位于屏幕底部缩放控件左側的三個按鈕組可讓您在 excel 的各種工作表檢視之間切換。

The group of three buttons located to the left of the Zoom control, near the bottom of the screen, lets you switch among excel’s various sheet views.

  1. Normal Layout view − This displays the page in normal view.

  2. Page Layout view − This displays pages exactly as they will appear when printed. This gives a full screen look of the document.

  3. Page Break view − This shows a preview of where pages will break when printed.

Sheet Area

您輸入數據的區域。閃爍的垂直條稱為 insertion point ,它表示當您輸入時文本將出現在的位置。

The area where you enter data. The flashing vertical bar is called the insertion point and it represents the location where text will appear when you type.

Row Bar

行從 1 開始編號,隨著您繼續輸入數據,它們會持續增加。最大限制是 1,048,576 行。

Rows are numbered from 1 onwards and keeps on increasing as you keep entering data. Maximum limit is 1,048,576 rows.

Column Bar

列從 A 開始編號,隨著您繼續輸入數據,它們會持續增加。在 Z 之後,它將開始 AA、AB 等一系列編號。最大限制是 16,384 列。

Columns are numbered from A onwards and keeps on increasing as you keep entering data. After Z, it will start the series of AA, AB and so on. Maximum limit is 16,384 columns.

Status Bar

这会显示工作表中活动单元格的当前状态。单元格可以处于四种状态中的任何一种 (a) Ready 模式,表示工作表已准备好接受用户输入 (b) Edit 模式表示单元格处于编辑模式,如果未激活该模式,则可以通过双击单元格来激活编辑模式 (c) 当用户在单元格中输入数据时,单元格将进入 Enter 模式 (d) 使用鼠标指针或键盘上的箭头键通过单元格引用输入公式时,将触发 Point 模式。

This displays the current status of the active cell in the worksheet. A cell can be in either of the fours states (a) Ready mode which indicates that the worksheet is ready to accept user inpu (b) Edit mode indicates that cell is editing mode, if it is not activated the you can activate editing mode by double-clicking on a cell (c) A cell enters into Enter mode when a user types data into a cell (d) Point mode triggers when a formula is being entered using a cell reference by mouse pointing or the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Dialog Box Launcher

这显示为 Ribbon 上许多组的右下角的一个非常小的箭头。单击此按钮将打开一个对话框或任务窗格,其中提供了有关该组的更多选项。

This appears as a very small arrow in the lower-right corner of many groups on the Ribbon. Clicking this button opens a dialog box or task pane that provides more options about the group.

BackStage View in Excel 2010

Backstage view 已在 Excel 2010 中引入,并充当管理工作表的中心位置。后台视图可帮助创建新工作表、保存和打开工作表、打印和共享工作表等。

The Backstage view has been introduced in Excel 2010 and acts as the central place for managing your sheets. The backstage view helps in creating new sheets, saving and opening sheets, printing and sharing sheets, and so on.

进入后台视图很容易。只需单击位于 Excel Ribbon 左上角的 File tab .如果您还没有打开任何工作表,则您将看到一个按以下方式列出所有最近打开的工作表的窗口:

Getting to the Backstage View is easy. Just click the File tab located in the upper-left corner of the Excel Ribbon. If you already do not have any opened sheet then you will see a window listing down all the recently opened sheets as follows −

backstage view


If you already have an opened sheet then it will display a window showing the details about the opened sheet as shown below. Backstage view shows three columns when you select most of the available options in the first column.

backstage view2


First column of the backstage view will have the following options −


Option & Description


Save If an existing sheet is opened, it would be saved as is, otherwise it will display a dialogue box asking for the sheet name.


Save As A dialogue box will be displayed asking for sheet name and sheet type. By default, it will save in sheet 2010 format with extension .xlsx.


Open This option is used to open an existing excel sheet.


Close This option is used to close an opened sheet.


Info This option displays the information about the opened sheet.


Recent This option lists down all the recently opened sheets.


New This option is used to open a new sheet.


Print This option is used to print an opened sheet.


Save & Send This option saves an opened sheet and displays options to send the sheet using email etc.


Help You can use this option to get the required help about excel 2010.


Options Use this option to set various option related to excel 2010.


Exit Use this option to close the sheet and exit.

Sheet Information

当您单击第一列中可用的 Info 选项时,它将在后台视图的第二列中显示以下信息:

When you click Info option available in the first column, it displays the following information in the second column of the backstage view −

  1. Compatibility Mode − If the sheet is not a native excel 2007/2010 sheet, a Convert button appears here, enabling you to easily update its format. Otherwise, this category does not appear.

  2. Permissions − You can use this option to protect the excel sheet. You can set a password so that nobody can open your sheet, or you can lock the sheet so that nobody can edit your sheet.

  3. Prepare for Sharing − This section highlights important information you should know about your sheet before you send it to others, such as a record of the edits you made as you developed the sheet.

  4. Versions − If the sheet has been saved several times, you may be able to access previous versions of it from this section.

Sheet Properties

当您单击后台视图第一列中可用的 Info 选项时,它会显示后台视图第三列中的各种属性。这些属性包括工作表大小、标题、标记、类别等。

When you click Info option available in the first column, it displays various properties in the third column of the backstage view. These properties include sheet size, title, tags, categories etc.


You can also edit various properties. Just try to click on the property value and if property is editable, then it will display a text box where you can add your text like title, tags, comments, Author.

Exit Backstage View

退出后台视图非常简单。只需单击 File tab 或按键盘上的 Esc 按钮即可返回到 Excel 工作模式。

It is simple to exit from the Backstage View. Either click on the File tab or press the Esc button on the keyboard to go back to excel working mode.

Entering Values in Excel 2010

在 Excel 工作表中输入值就像一个孩子的游戏,本章介绍如何在一个 Excel 工作表中输入值。正如以下屏幕截图中所示,当您打开一个 Excel 工作表时,默认会显示一个新工作表。

Entering values in excel sheet is a child’s play and this chapter shows how to enter values in an excel sheet. A new sheet is displayed by default when you open an excel sheet as shown in the below screen shot.

enter text


Sheet area is the place where you type your text. The flashing vertical bar is called the insertion point and it represents the location where text will appear when you type. When you click on a box then the box is highlighted. When you double click the box, the flashing vertical bar appears and you can start entering your data.

所以,只需将鼠标光标保持在文本插入点,然后开始输入您想输入的任何文本。我们只输入了两个词“Hello Excel”,如下所示。当您键入时,文本出现在插入点的左侧。

So, just keep your mouse cursor at the text insertion point and start typing whatever text you would like to type. We have typed only two words "Hello Excel" as shown below. The text appears to the left of the insertion point as you type.

hello excel


There are following three important points, which would help you while typing −

  1. Press Tab to go to next column.

  2. Press Enter to go to next row.

  3. Press Alt + Enter to enter a new line in the same column.

Move Around in Excel 2010

Excel 提供了许多使用鼠标和键盘在工作表中移动的方法。

Excel provides a number of ways to move around a sheet using the mouse and the keyboard.

首先,在我们继续之前,让我们创建一些样本文本。打开一个新的 Excel 工作表并输入任意数据。我们在屏幕截图中显示了一个样本数据。

First of all, let us create some sample text before we proceed. Open a new excel sheet and type any data. We’ve shown a sample data in the screenshot.






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excel sample text

Moving with Mouse


You can easily move the insertion point by clicking in your text anywhere on the screen. Sometime if the sheet is big then you cannot see a place where you want to move. In such situations, you would have to use the scroll bars, as shown in the following screen shot −

excel scroll bars


You can scroll your sheet by rolling your mouse wheel, which is equivalent to clicking the up-arrow or down-arrow buttons in the scroll bar.

Moving with Scroll Bars


As shown in the above screen capture, there are two scroll bars: one for moving vertically within the sheet, and one for moving horizontally. Using the vertical scroll bar, you may −

  1. Move upward by one line by clicking the upward-pointing scroll arrow.

  2. Move downward by one line by clicking the downward-pointing scroll arrow.

  3. Move one next page, using next page button (footnote).

  4. Move one previous page, using previous page button (footnote).

  5. Use Browse Object button to move through the sheet, going from one chosen object to the next.

Moving with Keyboard

以下键盘命令用于在工作表周围移动,也会移动插入点 −

The following keyboard commands, used for moving around your sheet, also move the insertion point −


Where the Insertion Point Moves

Forward one box

Back one box

Up one box

Down one box


To the previous screen


To the next screen


To the beginning of the current screen


To the end of the current screen

您可以按框或按工作表移动。现在,点击工作表中包含数据的任意框。您需要按住 Ctrl 键,同时按箭头键,其将按如下所述移动插入点 −

You can move box by box or sheet by sheet. Now click in any box containing data in the sheet. You would have to hold down the Ctrl key while pressing an arrow key, which moves the insertion point as described here −

Key Combination

Where the Insertion Point Moves

Ctrl +

To the last box containing data of the current row.

Ctrl +

To the first box containing data of the current row.

Ctrl +

To the first box containing data of the current column.

Ctrl +

To the last box containing data of the current column.

Ctrl + PageUp

To the sheet in the left of the current sheet.

Ctrl + PageDown

To the sheet in the right of the current sheet.

Ctrl + Home

To the beginning of the sheet.

Ctrl + End

To the end of the sheet.

Moving with Go To Command

F5 键使用“转到”命令,该命令将显示一个对话框,在该对话框中,您将找到用于跳转到特定框的各种选项。

Press F5 key to use Go To command, which will display a dialogue box where you will find various options to reach to a particular box.

通常使用行号和列号,例如 K5,然后最后按 Go To 按钮。

Normally, we use row and column number, for example K5 and finally press Go To button.


Save Workbook in Excel 2010

Saving New Sheet

在新的 Excel 表格中输入内容后,需要保存工作表/工作簿,以免丢失在 Excel 表格上的工作成果。以下是保存已编辑的 Excel 工作表的步骤:

Once you are done with typing in your new excel sheet, it is time to save your sheet/workbook to avoid losing work you have done on an Excel sheet. Following are the steps to save an edited excel sheet −

Step 1 − 单击 File tab 并选择 Save As 选项。

Step 1 − Click the File tab and select Save As option.

save as

Step 2 − 选择一个要保存工作表的文件夹,输入要用于工作表的文件名,并选择一种“另存为类型”,默认情况下为 .xlsx 格式。

Step 2 − Select a folder where you would like to save the sheet, Enter file name, which you want to give to your sheet and Select a Save as type, by default it is .xlsx format.


Step 3 − 最后,单击 Save 按钮,工作表将使用输入的名称保存在所选文件夹中。

Step 3 − Finally, click on Save button and your sheet will be saved with the entered name in the selected folder.

Saving New Changes


There may be a situation when you open an existing sheet and edit it partially or completely, or even you would like to save the changes in between editing of the sheet. If you want to save this sheet with the same name, then you can use either of the following simple options −

  1. Just press Ctrl + S keys to save the changes.

  2. Optionally, you can click on the floppy icon available at the top left corner and just above the File tab. This option will also save the changes.

  3. You can also use third method to save the changes, which is the Save option available just above the Save As option as shown in the above screen capture.


If your sheet is new and it was never saved so far, then with either of the three options, word would display you a dialogue box to let you select a folder, and enter sheet name as explained in case of saving new sheet.

Create Worksheet in Excel 2010

Creating New Worksheet

当您启动 Microsoft Excel 时,始终会打开 3 个新的空白工作表。以下步骤将说明如何在使用一个工作表时创建一个新的工作表、或者在关闭已打开的工作表并希望启动一个新的工作表时,如何创建新的工作表。

Three new blank sheets always open when you start Microsoft Excel. Below steps explain you how to create a new worksheet if you want to start another new worksheet while you are working on a worksheet, or you closed an already opened worksheet and want to start a new worksheet.

Step 1 − 右键单击 Sheet Name 并选择 Insert 选项。

Step 1 − Right Click the Sheet Name and select Insert option.

new sheet

Step 2 − 现在您将看到“插入”对话框,并从常规选项卡中选择 Worksheet 选项。单击 Ok 按钮。

Step 2 − Now you’ll see the Insert dialog with select Worksheet option as selected from the general tab. Click the Ok button.

insert dialog


Now you should have your blank sheet as shown below ready to start typing your text.

blank sheet

您可以随时使用一个快捷方式来创建一个空白工作表。尝试使用 Shift+F11 键,您会看到一个新的空白工作表,类似于上述工作表已打开。

You can use a short cut to create a blank sheet anytime. Try using the Shift+F11 keys and you will see a new blank sheet similar to the above sheet is opened.

Copy Worksheet in Excel 2010

Copy Worksheet

首先,在我们继续之前,让我们创建一些样本文本。打开一个新的 Excel 工作表并输入任意数据。我们在屏幕截图中显示了一个样本数据。

First of all, let us create some sample text before we proceed. Open a new excel sheet and type any data. We’ve shown a sample data in the screenshot.






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excel sample text


Here are the steps to copy an entire worksheet.

Step 1 − 右键单击 Sheet Name 并选择 Move or Copy 选项。

Step 1 − Right Click the Sheet Name and select the Move or Copy option.

copy sheet

Step 2 − 现在您将看到“移动或复制”对话框,并从常规选项卡中选择 Worksheet 选项。单击 Ok 按钮。

Step 2 − Now you’ll see the Move or Copy dialog with select Worksheet option as selected from the general tab. Click the Ok button.

copy dialog

选中 Create a Copy 复选框以创建当前工作表的副本,并为“工作表前”选项选择 (move to end) ,以便在最后创建一个新的工作表。

Select Create a Copy Checkbox to create a copy of the current sheet and Before sheet option as (move to end) so that new sheet gets created at the end.

Ok 按钮。

Press the Ok Button.


Now you should have your copied sheet as shown below.

copy sheet2

您可以通过双击来重命名该工作表。双击后,工作表名称便可编辑。输入任意名称(例如 Sheet5),然后按 Tab 或 Enter 键。

You can rename the sheet by double clicking on it. On double click, the sheet name becomes editable. Enter any name say Sheet5 and press Tab or Enter Key.

Hiding Worksheet in Excel 2010

Hiding Worksheet


Here is the step to hide a worksheet.

Step - 右键单击 Sheet Name ,并选择 Hide 选项。工作表将被隐藏。

Step − Right Click the Sheet Name and select the Hide option. Sheet will get hidden.

hide sheet

Unhiding Worksheet


Here are the steps to unhide a worksheet.

Step 1 - 右键单击任何 Sheet Name ,并选择 Unhide…​ 选项。

Step 1 − Right Click on any Sheet Name and select the Unhide…​ option.

unhide sheet

Step 2 - 在 Unhide 对话框中选择 Sheet Name 来取消隐藏以显示该工作表。

Step 2 − Select Sheet Name to unhide in Unhide dialog to unhide the sheet.

Ok 按钮。

Press the Ok Button.


Now you will have your hidden sheet back.

Delete Worksheet in Excel 2010

Delete Worksheet


Here is the step to delete a worksheet.

Step - 右键单击 Sheet Name ,并选择 Delete 选项。

Step − Right Click the Sheet Name and select the Delete option.

delete sheet


Sheet will get deleted if it is empty, otherwise you’ll see a confirmation message.

delete sheet2

Delete 按钮。

Press the Delete Button.


Now your worksheet will get deleted.

Close Workbook in Excel 2010

Close Workbook


Here are the steps to close a workbook.

Step 1 - 单击 Close Button (如下图所示)。

Step 1 − Click the Close Button as shown below.

close workbook


You’ll see a confirmation message to save the workbook.

close workbook2

Step 2 - 按 Save 按钮保存工作簿(如我们之前在 MS Excel - Save Workbook 章节中所做的那样)。

Step 2 − Press the Save Button to save the workbook as we did in MS Excel - Save Workbook chapter.


Now your worksheet will get closed.

Open Workbook in Excel 2010

让我们按照下面所提到的步骤了解如何在 excel 中打开工作簿。

Let us see how to open workbook from excel in the below mentioned steps.

Step 1 −在 File Menu. 中单击 File Menu * as shown below. You can see the *Open option

Step 1 − Click the File Menu * as shown below. You can see the *Open option in File Menu.


There are two more columns Recent workbooks and Recent places, where you can see the recently opened workbooks and the recent places from where workbooks are opened.


Step 2 −单击 Open Option 将打开如下所示的浏览对话框。浏览目录并查找需要打开的文件。

Step 2 − Clicking the Open Option will open the browse dialog as shown below. Browse the directory and find the file you need to open.


Step 3 −选择工作簿后,您的工作簿将如下所示打开 −

Step 3 − Once you select the workbook your workbook will be opened as below −


Context Help in Excel 2010

MS Excel 在鼠标悬浮时提供根据上下文相关帮助。若要查看特定菜单选项的上下文相关帮助,请将鼠标悬停在该选项上一些时间。然后您就可以看到如下所示的上下文相关帮助。

MS Excel provides context sensitive help on mouse over. To see context sensitive help for a particular Menu option, hover the mouse over the option for some time. Then you can see the context sensitive Help as shown below.

context sensitive help

Getting More Help

若要从 Microsoft 获取有关 MS Excel 的更多帮助,则您可以按 F1File → Help → Support → Microsoft Office Help

For getting more help with MS Excel from Microsoft you can press F1 or by File → Help → Support → Microsoft Office Help.

help from file

Insert Data in Excel 2010

MS Excel, 中有 1048576*16384 个单元格。MS Excel 单元格可以有 Text, Numeric value or formulas. 个字符。MS Excel 单元格最多可以有 32000 个字符。

In MS Excel, there are 1048576*16384 cells. MS Excel cell can have Text, Numeric value or formulas. An MS Excel cell can have maximum of 32000 characters.

Inserting Data

对于 inserting dataMS Excel, 中,只需激活单元格类型文本或数字,然后按 Enter 键或导航键。

For inserting data in MS Excel, just activate the cell type text or number and press enter or Navigation keys.

insert data

Inserting Formula

对于在 MS Excel 中插入公式,请转至公式栏,输入公式,然后按 Enter 键或导航键。查看下面的屏幕截图以了解它。

For inserting formula in MS Excel go to the formula bar, enter the formula and then press enter or navigation key. See the screen-shot below to understand it.

insert formula

Modifying Cell Content

对于修改单元格内容,只需激活单元格,输入一个新值,然后按 Enter 键或导航键即可看到更改。查看下面的屏幕截图以了解它。

For modifying the cell content just activate the cell, enter a new value and then press enter or navigation key to see the changes. See the screen-shot below to understand it.

modify cell content

Select Data in Excel 2010

MS Excel 提供各种选择工作表中数据的方法。让我们看看这些方法。

MS Excel provides various ways of selecting data in the sheet. Let us see those ways.

Select with Mouse


Drag the mouse over the data you want to select. It will select those cells as shown below.

select data with mouse

Select with Special

如果您想选择特定的区域,则选择该区域中的任何单元格。按下 F5 会显示下面的对话框。

If you want to select specific region, select any cell in that region. Pressing F5 will show the below dialogue box.

clicking f5

单击 Special button 可查看下面的对话框。从单选按钮中选择 current region 。单击 ok 可查看当前选定的区域。

Click on Special button to see the below dialogue box. Select current region from the radio buttons. Click on ok to see the current region selected.

select current region


As you can see in the below screen, the data is selected for the current region.

selected data

Delete Data in Excel 2010

MS Excel 提供各种删除工作表中数据的方法。让我们看看这些方法。

MS Excel provides various ways of deleting data in the sheet. Let us see those ways.

Delete with Mouse

选择要删除的数据。在工作表上 Right Click 。选择 delete option ,以删除数据。

Select the data you want to delete. Right Click on the sheet. Select the delete option, to delete the data.

right click delete

Delete with Delete Key

选择要删除的数据。按键盘上的 Delete Button ,它会删除数据。

Select the data you want to delete. Press on the Delete Button from the keyboard, it will delete the data.

Selective Delete for Rows

使用 Mouse click + Control Key. 选择要删除的行,然后右键单击以显示各种选项。选择“删除选项”以删除所选行。

Select the rows, which you want to delete with Mouse click + Control Key. Then right click to show the various options. Select the *Delete option * to delete the selected rows.

rows selective delete

Move Data in Excel 2010

让我们看看我们可以如何使用 MS Excel Move Data

Let us see how we can Move Data with MS Excel.

Step 1 −选择要移动的数据。 Right Click 并选择 cut option.

Step 1 − Select the data you want to Move. Right Click and Select the cut option.

rigth click cut

Step 2Select the first cell 您要移动数据的位置。右键单击它并 paste the data 。您可以看到现在已移动数据。

Step 2Select the first cell where you want to move the data. Right click on it and paste the data. You can see the data is moved now.

moved data

Rows & Columns in Excel 2010

Row and Column Basics

MS Excel 为表格格式,由行和列组成。

MS Excel is in tabular format consisting of rows and columns.

  1. Row runs horizontally while Column runs vertically.

  2. Each row is identified by row number, which runs vertically at the left side of the sheet.

  3. Each column is identified by column header, which runs horizontally at the top of the sheet.

对于 MS Excel 2010年,行号范围从 1 to 1048576; (共 1048576 行),列范围从 A to XFD; (共 16384 列)。

For MS Excel 2010, Row numbers ranges from 1 to 1048576; in total 1048576 rows, and Columns ranges from A to XFD; in total 16384 columns.

Navigation with Rows and Columns


Let us see how to move to the last row or the last column.

  1. You can go to the last row by clicking Control + Down Navigation arrow.

  2. You can go to the last column by clicking Control + Right Navigation arrow.

rows and columns

Cell Introduction

行和列的交点称为 cell

The intersection of rows and columns is called cell.

单元格用 Combination of column header and row number 标识。

Cell is identified with Combination of column header and row number.


For example − A1, A2.

cells introduction

Copy & Paste in Excel 2010

MS Excel 以不同的方式提供 copy paste 选项。最简单的复制粘贴方法如下所示。

MS Excel provides copy paste option in different ways. The simplest method of copy paste is as below.

Copy Paste

  1. To copy and paste, just select the cells you want to copy. Choose copy option after right click or press Control + C.

  2. Select the cell where you need to paste this copied content. Right click and select paste option or press Control + V.

copy paste

在这种情况下,从键盘中按 MS Excel * will copy everything such as values, formulas, Formats, Comments and validation. MS Excel will overwrite the content with paste. If you want to undo this, press *Control + Z

In this case, MS Excel * will copy everything such as values, formulas, Formats, Comments and validation. MS Excel will overwrite the content with paste. If you want to undo this, press *Control + Z from the keyboard.

Copy Paste using Office Clipboard

当你复制 MS Excel 中的数据时,它会将复制的内容放入 Windows 和 Office 剪贴板中。你可以通过 Home → Clipboard 查看剪贴板内容。查看剪贴板内容。选择需要粘贴到的单元格。点击粘贴,以粘贴内容。

When you copy data in MS Excel, it puts the copied content in Windows and Office Clipboard. You can view the clipboard content by Home → Clipboard. View the clipboard content. Select the cell where you need to paste. Click on paste, to paste the content.


Copy Paste in Special way


You may not want to copy everything in some cases. For example, you want to copy only Values or you want to copy only the formatting of cells. Select the paste special option as shown below.



Below are the various options available in paste special.

  1. All − Pastes the cell’s contents, formats, and data validation from the Windows Clipboard.

  2. Formulas − Pastes formulas, but not formatting.

  3. Values − Pastes only values not the formulas.

  4. Formats − Pastes only the formatting of the source range.

  5. Comments − Pastes the comments with the respective cells.

  6. Validation − Pastes validation applied in the cells.

  7. All using source theme − Pastes formulas, and all formatting.

  8. All except borders − Pastes everything except borders that appear in the source range.

  9. Column Width − Pastes formulas, and also duplicates the column width of the copied cells.

  10. Formulas & Number Formats − Pastes formulas and number formatting only.

  11. Values & Number Formats − Pastes the results of formulas, plus the number.

  12. Merge Conditional Formatting − This icon is displayed only when the copied cells contain conditional formatting. When clicked, it merges the copied conditional formatting with any conditional formatting in the destination range.

  13. Transpose − Changes the orientation of the copied range. Rows become columns, and columns become rows. Any formulas in the copied range are adjusted so that they work properly when transposed.

paste special dialogue

Find & Replace in Excel 2010

MS Excel 提供了 Find & Replace 选项,用于在工作表中查找文本。

MS Excel provides Find & Replace option for finding text within the sheet.

Find and Replace Dialogue


Let us see how to access the Find & Replace Dialogue.

要访问查找和替换,请选择 Home → Find & Select → Find 或按 Control + F Key 。请参见下图。

To access the Find & Replace, Choose Home → Find & Select → Find or press Control + F Key. See the image below.

find option

你可以在 Find and Replace dialogue 中看到如下内容。

You can see the Find and Replace dialogue as below.

find tab

你可以在 Replace tab 中用新文本替换找到的文本。

You can replace the found text with the new text in the Replace tab.

replace tab

Exploring Options


Now, let us see the various options available under the Find dialogue.

  1. Within − Specifying the search should be in Sheet or workbook.

  2. Search By − Specifying the internal search method by rows or by columns.

  3. Look In − If you want to find text in formula as well, then select this option.

  4. Match Case − If you want to match the case like lower case or upper case of words, then check this option.

  5. Match Entire Cell Content − If you want the exact match of the word with cell, then check this option.

various find options

Spell Check in Excel 2010

MS Excel 提供了名为 Spelling check 的文字处理程序功能。借助拼写检查功能,我们可以消除拼写错误。

MS Excel provides a feature of Word Processing program called Spelling check. We can get rid of the spelling mistakes with the help of spelling check feature.

Spell Check Basis


Let us see how to access the spell check.

  1. To access the spell checker, Choose Review ➪ Spelling or press F7.

  2. To check the spelling in just a particular range, select the range before you activate the spell checker.

  3. If the spell checker finds any words it does not recognize as correct, it displays the Spelling dialogue with suggested options.

spell check

Exploring Options

让我们了解 spell check 对话框中提供的各个选项。

Let us see the various options available in spell check dialogue.

  1. Ignore Once − Ignores the word and continues the spell check.

  2. Ignore All − Ignores the word and all subsequent occurrences of it.

  3. Add to Dictionary − Adds the word to the dictionary.

  4. Change − Changes the word to the selected word in the Suggestions list.

  5. Change All − Changes the word to the selected word in the Suggestions list and changes all subsequent occurrences of it without asking.

  6. AutoCorrect − Adds the misspelled word and its correct spelling (which you select from the list) to the AutoCorrect list.

Zoom In/Out in Excel 2010

Zoom Slider

默认情况下,在 MS Excel 中所有信息均以 100% 显示。您可以将缩放比例从 10%(极小)更改为 400%(极大)。缩放不会更改字体大小,因此它对打印输出没有影响。

By default, everything on screen is displayed at 100% in MS Excel. You can change the zoom percentage from 10% (tiny) to 400% (huge). Zooming doesn’t change the font size, so it has no effect on the printed output.


You can view the zoom slider at the right bottom of the workbook as shown below.

zoom slider

Zoom In

您可以通过将滑块向右移动来放大工作簿。它将更改工作簿的唯一视图。您可以放大至最多 400%。请参阅下面的屏幕截图。

You can zoom in the workbook by moving the slider to the right. It will change the only view of the workbook. You can have maximum of 400% zoom in. See the below screen-shot.

zoom in

Zoom Out

您可以通过将滑块向左移动来缩小工作簿。它将更改工作簿的唯一视图。您可以缩小至最多 10%。请参阅下面的屏幕截图。

You can zoom out the workbook by moving the slider to the left. It will change the only view of the workbook. You can have maximum of 10% zoom in. See the below screen-shot.

zoom out

Special Symbols in Excel 2010

如果您希望插入键盘上找不到的一些符号或特殊字符,则需要使用 Symbols option

If you want to insert some symbols or special characters that are not found on the keyboard in that case you need to use the Symbols option.

Using Symbols

转到 Insert » Symbols » Symbol 查看可用符号。您可以看到这里有许多可用符号,如 Pi、alpha、beta 等。

Go to Insert » Symbols » Symbol to view available symbols. You can see many symbols available there like Pi, alpha, beta, etc.


Select the symbol you want to add and click insert to use the symbol.


Using Special Characters

转到 Insert » Symbols » Special Characters 查看可用的特殊字符。您可以看到这里有许多可用的特殊字符,如版权、注册等。

Go to Insert » Symbols » Special Characters to view the available special characters. You can see many special characters available there like Copyright, Registered etc.


Select the special character you want to add and click insert, to use the special character.

special character

Insert Comments in Excel 2010

Adding Comment to Cell


Adding comment to cell helps in understanding the purpose of cell, what input it should have, etc. It helps in proper documentation.


To add comment to a cell, select the cell and perform any of the actions mentioned below.

  1. Choose Review » Comments » New Comment.

  2. Right-click the cell and choose Insert Comment from available options.

  3. Press Shift+F2.


Initially, a comment consists of Computer’s user name. You have to modify it with text for the cell comment.

entering comment

Modifying Comment


You can modify the comment you have entered before as mentioned below.

  1. Select the cell on which the comment appears.

  2. Right-click the cell and choose the Edit Comment from the available options.

  3. Modify the comment.

modify comment

Formatting Comment

注释有各种可用的格式选项。要设置注释的格式, Right click on cell » Edit comment » Select comment » Right click on it » Format comment 。通过设置注释的格式,您可以更改注释的颜色、字体、大小等。

Various formatting options are available for comments. For formatting a comment, Right click on cell » Edit comment » Select comment » Right click on it » Format comment. With formatting of comment you can change the color, font, size, etc of the comment.

formating comment

Add Text Box in Excel 2010

Text Boxes


Text boxes are special graphic objects that combine the text with a rectangular graphic object. Text boxes and cell comments are similar in displaying the text in rectangular box. But text boxes are always visible, while cell comments become visible after selecting the cell.

Adding Text Boxes


To add a text box, perform the below actions.

  1. Choose Insert » Text Box » choose text box or draw it.


Initially, the comment consists of Computer’s user name. You have to modify it with text for the cell comment.

insert text box

Formatting Text Box


After you have added the text box, you can format it by changing the font, font size, font style, and alignment, etc. Let us see some of the important options of formatting a text box.

  1. Fill − Specifies the filling of text box like No fill, solid fill. Also specifying the transparency of text box fill.

  2. Line Colour − Specifies the line colour and transparency of the line.

  3. Line Style − Specifies the line style and width.

  4. Size − Specifies the size of the text box.

  5. Properties − Specifies some properties of the text box.

  6. Text Box − Specifies text box layout, Auto-fit option and internal margins.

format text box

Undo Changes in Excel 2010

Undo Changes

您可以通过使用撤消命令来执行 Excel 中几乎所有操作的反向操作。撤消更改的方法有两种。

You can reverse almost every action in Excel by using the Undo command. We can undo changes in following two ways.

  1. From the Quick access tool-bar » Click Undo.

  2. Press Control + Z.

undo actions

您可以通过多次执行撤消来撤消您执行的过去 100 个操作的效果。如果您单击撤消按钮右侧的箭头,将看到要撤消的操作的列表。单击该列表中的一个项目以撤消该操作及其后续执行的所有操作。

You can reverse the effects of the past 100 actions that you performed by executing Undo more than once. If you click the arrow on the right side of the Undo button, you see a list of the actions that you can reverse. Click an item in that list to undo that action and all the subsequent actions you performed.

Redo Changes

您可以通过使用恢复命令来反向撤销在 Excel 中使用撤消来执行的操作。恢复更改的方法有两种。

You can again reverse back the action done with undo in Excel by using the Redo command. We can redo changes in following two ways.

  1. From the Quick access tool-bar » Click Redo.

  2. Press Control + Y.

redo actions

Setting Cell Type in Excel 2010

Formatting Cell

Microsoft Excel 单元格可以容纳多种类型的数据,例如数字、货币、日期等。您可以使用以下所示的多种方式设置单元格类型 −

MS Excel Cell can hold different types of data like Numbers, Currency, Dates, etc. You can set the cell type in various ways as shown below −

  1. Right Click on the cell » Format cells » Number.

  2. Click on the Ribbon from the ribbon.

set cell type

Various Cell Formats


Below are the various cell formats.

  1. General − This is the default cell format of Cell.

  2. Number − This displays cell as number with separator.

  3. Currency − This displays cell as currency i.e. with currency sign.

  4. Accounting − Similar to Currency, used for accounting purpose.

  5. Date − Various date formats are available under this like 17-09-2013, 17th-Sep-2013, etc.

  6. Time − Various Time formats are available under this, like 1.30PM, 13.30, etc.

  7. Percentage − This displays cell as percentage with decimal places like 50.00%.

  8. Fraction − This displays cell as fraction like 1/4, 1/2 etc.

  9. Scientific − This displays cell as exponential like 5.6E+01.

  10. Text − This displays cell as normal text.

  11. Special − Special formats of cell like Zip code, Phone Number.

  12. Custom − You can use custom format by using this.

Setting Fonts in Excel 2010


You can assign any of the fonts that is installed for your printer to cells in a worksheet.

Setting Font from Home

您可以通过 Home » Font group » select the font 设置所选文本的字体。

You can set the font of the selected text from Home » Font group » select the font.

set font home

Setting Font From Format Cell Dialogue

  1. Right click on cell » Format cells » Font Tab

  2. Press Control + 1 or Shift + Control + F

set font format cells

Text Decoration in Excel 2010


You can change the text decoration of the cell to change its look and feel.

Text Decoration


Various options are available in Home tab of the ribbon as mentioned below.

  1. Bold − It makes the text in bold by choosing Home » Font Group » Click B or Press Control + B.

  2. Italic − It makes the text italic by choosing Home » Font Group » Click I or Press Control + I.

  3. Underline − It makes the text to be underlined by choosing Home » Font Group » Click U or Press Control + U.

  4. Double Underline − It makes the text highlighted as double underlined by choose Home » Font Group » Click arrow near U » Select Double Underline.

text decoration home tab

More Text Decoration Options

“格式化单元格” » “字体”选项卡中提供了更多可用的文本修饰选项,效果如下所述。

There are more options available for text decoration in Formatting cells » Font Tab »Effects cells as mentioned below.

  1. Strike-through − It strikes the text in the center vertically.

  2. Super Script − It makes the content to appear as a super script.

  3. Sub Script − It makes content to appear as a sub script.

more text decoration

Rotate Cells in Excel 2010


You can rotate the cell by any degree to change the orientation of the cell.

Rotating Cell from Home Tab

单击 Home tab 中的 orientation 。选择可用的选项,如“向左旋转角”、“向右旋转角”等。

Click on the orientation in the Home tab. Choose options available like Angle CounterClockwise, Angle Clockwise, etc.

rotate cell home tab

Rotating Cell from Formatting Cell

右键单击单元格。选择“设置单元格格式” » “对齐” » 设置旋转角度。

Right Click on the cell. Choose Format cells » Alignment » Set the degree for rotation.

rotate cell format cells

Setting Colors in Excel 2010


You can change the background color of the cell or text color.

Changing Background Color

默认情况下,在 MS Excel 中单元格的背景色呈白色。可以根据需要从 Home tab » Font group » Background color 中对其进行更改。

By default the background color of the cell is white in MS Excel. You can change it as per your need from Home tab » Font group » Background color.

change bg color

Changing Foreground Color

默认情况下,在 MS Excel 中前景或文本颜色呈黑色。可以根据需要从 Home tab » Font group » Foreground color 中对其进行更改。

By default, the foreground or text color is black in MS Excel. You can change it as per your need from Home tab » Font group » Foreground color.

change text color

还可以通过选择单元格 Right click » Format cells » Font Tab » Color 来更改前景颜色。

Also you can change the foreground color by selecting the cell Right click » Format cells » Font Tab » Color.

change text color by formatting cells

Text Alignments in Excel 2010


If you don’t like the default alignment of the cell, you can make changes in the alignment of the cell. Below are the various ways of doing it.

Change Alignment from Home Tab

可以更改单元格的水平对齐方式和垂直对齐方式。默认情况下,Excel 将数字右对齐,文本左对齐。单击“开始”选项卡中“对齐”组中可用的选项以更改对齐方式。

You can change the Horizontal and vertical alignment of the cell. By default, Excel aligns numbers to the right and text to the left. Click on the available option in the Alignment group in Home tab to change alignment.

alignment from home

Change Alignment from Format Cells

右键单击单元格并选择“设置单元格格式”。在“设置单元格格式”对话框中,选择 Alignment Tab 。从“垂直对齐”和“水平对齐”选项中选择可用的选项。

Right click on the cell and choose format cell. In format cells dialogue, choose Alignment Tab. Select the available options from the Vertical alignment and Horizontal alignment options.

alignment from format cells

Exploring Alignment Options

1. Horizontal Alignment − 可以将水平对齐方式设为左对齐、居中对齐、右对齐等。

1. Horizontal Alignment − You can set horizontal alignment to Left, Centre, Right, etc.

  1. Left − Aligns the cell contents to the left side of the cell.

  2. Center − Centers the cell contents in the cell.

  3. Right − Aligns the cell contents to the right side of the cell.

  4. Fill − Repeats the contents of the cell until the cell’s width is filled.

  5. Justify − Justifies the text to the left and right of the cell. This option is applicable only if the cell is formatted as wrapped text and uses more than one line.

2. Vertical Alignment − 可以将垂直对齐设置为顶部、中间、底部等。

2. Vertical Alignment − You can set Vertical alignment to top, Middle, bottom, etc.

  1. Top Aligns the cell contents to the top of the cell.

  2. Center Centers the cell contents vertically in the cell.

  3. Bottom Aligns the cell contents to the bottom of the cell.

  4. Justify Justifies the text vertically in the cell; this option is applicable only if the cell is formatted as wrapped text and uses more than one line.

Merge & Wrap in Excel 2010

Merge Cells

MS Excel 使你能够合并两个或更多单元格。合并单元格时,并不合并单元格的内容。而是将一组单元格合并为一个占据相同空间的单元格。

MS Excel enables you to merge two or more cells. When you merge cells, you don’t combine the contents of the cells. Rather, you combine a group of cells into a single cell that occupies the same space.


You can merge cells by various ways as mentioned below.

  1. Choose Merge & Center control on the Ribbon, which is simpler. To merge cells, select the cells that you want to merge and then click the Merge & Center button.

merge cells
  1. Choose Alignment tab of the Format Cells dialogue box to merge the cells.

merge cells format cells

Additional Options

Home » Alignment group » Merge & Center control 包含一个带以下附加选项的下拉列表 −

The Home » Alignment group » Merge & Center control contains a drop-down list with these additional options −

  1. Merge Across − When a multi-row range is selected, this command creates multiple merged cells — one for each row.

  2. Merge Cells − Merges the selected cells without applying the Center attribute.

  3. Unmerge Cells − Unmerges the selected cells.

Wrap Text and Shrink to Fit


If the text is too wide to fit the column width but don’t want that text to spill over into adjacent cells, you can use either the Wrap Text option or the Shrink to Fit option to accommodate that text.

text wrap

Borders and Shades in Excel 2010

Apply Borders

MS Excel 允许您将边框应用于单元格。要应用边框,请选择单元格范围 Right Click » Format cells » Border Tab » Select the Border Style

MS Excel enables you to apply borders to the cells. For applying border, select the range of cells Right Click » Format cells » Border Tab » Select the Border Style.

border style

然后,您可通过“开始”选项卡 » “字体”组 » “应用边框”添加边框。

Then you can apply border by Home Tab » Font group »Apply Borders.

set border home tab

Apply Shading

您可以从 Home tab » Font Group » Select the Color 为单元格添加底纹。

You can add shading to the cell from the Home tab » Font Group » Select the Color.

shaded cells

Apply Formatting in Excel 2010

Formatting Cells

在 MS Excel 中,您可以通过 Right Click » Format cells » Select the tab 来对单元格或单元格范围应用格式。可用的各种选项卡如下所示:

In MS Excel, you can apply formatting to the cell or range of cells by Right Click » Format cells » Select the tab. Various tabs are available as shown below

format cells

Alternative to Placing Background

  1. Number − You can set the Format of the cell depending on the cell content. Find tutorial on this at MS Excel - Setting Cell Type.

  2. Alignment − You can set the alignment of text on this tab. Find tutorial on this at MS Excel - Text Alignments.

  3. Font − You can set the Font of text on this tab.Find tutorial on this at MS Excel - Setting Fonts.

  4. Border − You can set border of cell with this tab.Find tutorial on this at MS Excel - Borders and Shades.

  5. Fill − You can set fill of cell with this tab. Find tutorial on this at MS Excel - Borders and Shades.

  6. Protection − You can set cell protection option with this tab.

Sheet Options in Excel 2010

Sheet Options

MS Excel 提供用于打印的各种表格选项,例如通常不会打印单元格网格线。如果希望打印输出包含网格线,请选择 Page Layout » Sheet Options group » Gridlines » Check Print

MS Excel provides various sheet options for printing purpose like generally cell gridlines aren’t printed. If you want your printout to include the gridlines, Choose Page Layout » Sheet Options group » Gridlines » Check Print.

sheet options

Options in Sheet Options Dialogue

  1. Print Area − You can set the print area with this option.

  2. Print Titles − You can set titles to appear at the top for rows and at the left for columns.

  3. PrintGridlines − Gridlines to appear while printing worksheet. Black & White − Select this check box to have your color printer print the chart in black and white. Draft quality − Select this check box to print the chart using your printer’s draft-quality setting. Rows & Column Heading − Select this check box to have rows and column heading to print.

  4. Page OrderDown, then Over − It prints the down pages first and then the right pages. Over, then Down − It prints right pages first and then comes to print the down pages.

Adjust Margins in Excel 2010


页边距是打印页边、顶部和底部的未打印区域。MS Excel 中所有打印页都具有相同的页边距。您无法为不同的页面指定不同的页边距。

Margins are the unprinted areas along the sides, top, and bottom of a printed page. All printed pages in MS Excel have the same margins. You can’t specify different margins for different pages.


You can set margins by various ways as explained below.

  1. Choose Page Layout » Page Setup » Margins drop-down list, you can select Normal, Wide, Narrow, or the custom Setting.

margin from page layout
  1. These options are also available when you choose File » Print.

margin from file menu


If none of these settings does the job, choose Custom Margins to display the Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box, as shown below.

margin setup

Center on Page

默认情况下,Excel 会将打印页对齐在顶部和左侧边距。如果您希望输出水平或垂直居中,请在“页面设置”对话框的“边距”选项卡的“分页居中”区域选择相应的复选框,如以上屏幕截图所示。

By default, Excel aligns the printed page at the top and left margins. If you want the output to be centered vertically or horizontally, select the appropriate check box in the Center on Page section of the Margins tab as shown in the above screenshot.

Page Orientation in Excel 2010

Page Orientation


Page orientation refers to how output is printed on the page. If you change the orientation, the onscreen page breaks adjust automatically to accommodate the new paper orientation.

Types of Page Orientation

  1. Portrait − Portrait to print tall pages (the default).

  2. Landscape − Landscape to print wide pages. Landscape orientation is useful when you have a wide range that doesn’t fit on a vertically oriented page.

Changing Page Orientation

  1. Choose Page Layout » Page Setup » Orientation » Portrait or Landscape.

set page orientation
  1. Choose File » Print.

set page orientation file menu


A header is the information that appears at the top of each printed page and a footer is the information that appears at the bottom of each printed page. By default, new workbooks do not have headers or footers.

  1. Choose Page Setup dialog box » Header or Footer tab.

set header footer


You can choose the predefined header and footer or create your custom ones.

  1. &[Page] − Displays the page number.

  2. &[Pages] − Displays the total number of pages to be printed.

  3. &[Date] − Displays the current date.

  4. &[Time] − Displays the current time.

  5. &[Path]&[File] − Displays the workbook’s complete path and filename.

  6. &[File] − Displays the workbook name.

  7. &[Tab] − Displays the sheet’s name.

当在页面布局视图中选择了页眉或页脚时, Header & Footer » Design » Options 组包含的控件可用于指定其他选项−

When a header or footer is selected in Page Layout view, the Header & Footer » Design » Options group contains controls that let you specify other options −

  1. Different First Page − Check this to specify a different header or footer for the first printed page.

  2. Different Odd & Even Pages − Check this to specify a different header or footer for odd and even pages.

  3. Scale with Document − If checked, the font size in the header and footer will be sized. Accordingly if the document is scaled when printed. This option is enabled, by default.

  4. Align with Page Margins − If checked, the left header and footer will be aligned with the left margin, and the right header and footer will be aligned with the right margin. This option is enabled, by default.

Insert Page Break in Excel 2010

Page Breaks

如果你不希望某一行独立地打印在页面上,或者不希望表格标题行成为页面上的最后一行,MS Excel 让你可以精确地控制 page breaks

If you don’t want a row to print on a page by itself or you don’t want a table header row to be the last line on a page. MS Excel gives you precise control over page breaks.

MS Excel 会自动处理分页,但有时你可能想要强制分页 either a vertical or a horizontal one ,以便以你想要的方式打印报表。

MS Excel handles page breaks automatically, but sometimes you may want to force a page break either a vertical or a horizontal one. so that the report prints the way you want.


For example, if your worksheet consists of several distinct sections, you may want to print each section on a separate sheet of paper.

Inserting Page Breaks

Insert Horizontal Page Break - 例如,如果你希望第 14 行为新页面的第一行,则选择单元格 A14。然后选择 Page Layout » Page Setup Group » Breaks» Insert Page Break

Insert Horizontal Page Break − For example, if you want row 14 to be the first row of a new page, select cell A14. Then choose Page Layout » Page Setup Group » Breaks» Insert Page Break.

insert horiztal page break

Insert vertical Page break - 在这种情况下,确保将指针放在第 1 行。选择 Page Layout » Page Setup » Breaks » Insert Page Break 以创建分页。

Insert vertical Page break − In this case, make sure to place the pointer in row 1. Choose Page Layout » Page Setup » Breaks » Insert Page Break to create the page break.

insert vertical page break

Removing Page Breaks

  1. Remove a page break you’ve added − Move the cell pointer to the first row beneath the manual page break and then choose Page Layout » Page Setup » Breaks » Remove Page Break.

  2. Remove all manual page breaks − Choose Page Layout » Page Setup » Breaks » Reset All Page Breaks.

Set Background in Excel 2010

Background Image

遗憾的是,你不能在打印输出上设置背景图片。你可能注意到了 Page Layout » Page Setup » Background command. ,此按钮显示一个对话框,让你可以选择要作为背景显示的图片。在其他与打印相关的命令中放置此控件极具误导性。放置在工作表上的背景图片永远不会被打印。

Unfortunately, you cannot have a background image on your printouts. You may have noticed the Page Layout » Page Setup » Background command. This button displays a dialogue box that lets you select an image to display as a background. Placing this control among the other print-related commands is very misleading. Background images placed on a worksheet are never printed.

Alternative to Placing Background

  1. You can insert a Shape, WordArt, or a picture on your worksheet and then adjust its transparency. Then copy the image to all printed pages.

  2. You can insert an object in a page header or footer.

set background

Freeze Panes in Excel 2010

Freezing Panes

如果你设置了带行或列标题的工作表,则在向下或向右滚动时这些标题将不可见。MS Excel 通过固定窗格为此问题提供了便捷的解决方案。在滚动工作表时,固定窗格使标题保持可见。

If you set up a worksheet with row or column headings, these headings will not be visible when you scroll down or to the right. MS Excel provides a handy solution to this problem with freezing panes. Freezing panes keeps the headings visible while you’re scrolling through the worksheet.

Using Freeze Panes


Follow the steps mentioned below to freeze panes.

  1. Select the First row or First Column or the row Below, which you want to freeze, or Column right to area, which you want to freeze.

  2. Choose View Tab » Freeze Panes.

  3. Select the suitable option − Freeze Panes − To freeze area of cells. Freeze Top Row − To freeze first row of worksheet. Freeze First Column − To freeze first Column of worksheet.

freeze pane intro
  1. If you have selected Freeze top row you can see the first row appears at the top, after scrolling also. See the below screen-shot.

freezing first row

Unfreeze Panes

要取消固定窗格,请选择 View Tab » Unfreeze Panes

To unfreeze Panes, choose View Tab » Unfreeze Panes.

Conditional Format in Excel 2010

Conditional Formatting

MS Excel 2010 条件格式功能让你能够对值范围进行格式化,以便自动对超出一定限制的值进行格式化。

MS Excel 2010 Conditional Formatting feature enables you to format a range of values so that the values outside certain limits, are automatically formatted.

选择 Home Tab » Style group » Conditional Formatting dropdown

Choose Home Tab » Style group » Conditional Formatting dropdown.

Various Conditional Formatting Options

  1. Highlight Cells Rules − It opens a continuation menu with various options for defining the formatting rules that highlight the cells in the cell selection that contain certain values, text, or dates, or that have values greater or less than a particular value, or that fall within a certain ranges of values.

假设你想查找金额为 0 的单元格并将其标记为红色。选择单元格范围 » 开始选项卡 » 条件格式下拉菜单 » 突出显示单元格规则 » 等于。

Suppose you want to find cell with Amount 0 and Mark them as red.Choose Range of cell » Home Tab » Conditional Formatting DropDown » Highlight Cell Rules » Equal To.

apply condition formatting


After Clicking ok, the cells with value zero are marked as red.

conditional formatting applied
  1. Top/Bottom Rules − It opens a continuation menu with various options for defining the formatting rules that highlight the top and bottom values, percentages, and above and below average values in the cell selection.

假设你想突出显示最高 10% 的行,你可以使用这些最高/最低规则来实现。

Suppose you want to highlight the top 10% rows you can do this with these Top/Bottom rules.

conditional format top10
  1. Data Bars − It opens a palette with different color data bars that you can apply to the cell selection to indicate their values relative to each other by clicking the data bar thumbnail.


With this conditional Formatting data Bars will appear in each cell.

data bar condition
  1. Color Scales − It opens a palette with different three- and two-colored scales that you can apply to the cell selection to indicate their values relative to each other by clicking the color scale thumbnail.


See the below screenshot with Color Scales, conditional formatting applied.

color scales
  1. Icon Sets − It opens a palette with different sets of icons that you can apply to the cell selection to indicate their values relative to each other by clicking the icon set.


See the below screenshot with Icon Sets conditional formatting applied.

icon set
  1. New Rule − It opens the New Formatting Rule dialog box, where you define a custom conditional formatting rule to apply to the cell selection.

  2. Clear Rules − It opens a continuation menu, where you can remove the conditional formatting rules for the cell selection by clicking the Selected Cells option, for the entire worksheet by clicking the Entire Sheet option, or for just the current data table by clicking the This Table option.

  3. Manage Rules − It opens the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box, where you edit and delete particular rules as well as adjust their rule precedence by moving them up or down in the Rules list box.

Creating Formulas in Excel 2010

Formulas in MS Excel


Formulas are the Bread and butter of worksheet. Without formula, worksheet will be just simple tabular representation of data. A formula consists of special code, which is entered into a cell. It performs some calculations and returns a result, which is displayed in the cell.


Formulas use a variety of operators and worksheet functions to work with values and text. The values and text used in formulas can be located in other cells, which makes changing data easy and gives worksheets their dynamic nature. For example, you can quickly change the data in a worksheet and formulas works.

Elements of Formulas

公式可以包含下列任意元素 −

A formula can consist of any of these elements −

  1. Mathematical operators, such as +(for addition) and *(for multiplication) Example − =A1+A2 Adds the values in cells A1 and A2.

  2. Values or text Example − =200*0.5 Multiplies 200 times 0.15. This formula uses only values, and it always returns the same result as 100.

  3. Cell references (including named cells and ranges) Example − =A1=C12 Compares cell A1 with cell C12. If the cells are identical, the formula returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

  4. Worksheet functions (such as SUMor AVERAGE) Example − =SUM(A1:A12) Adds the values in the range A1:A12.

Creating Formula

创建公式需要在公式栏中键入。公式以“=”号开头。在手动构建公式时,既可以在单元格地址中键入也可以在工作表中指向它们。使用 Pointing method 为公式提供单元格地址通常是更简单且更强大的公式构建方法。当使用内置函数时,在“函数参数”对话框中定义函数参数时,单击单元格或拖过要使用的单元格区域。请参阅下面的屏幕截图。

For creating a formula you need to type in the Formula Bar. Formula begins with '=' sign. When building formulas manually, you can either type in the cell addresses or you can point to them in the worksheet. Using the Pointing method to supply the cell addresses for formulas is often easier and more powerful method of formula building. When you are using built-in functions, you click the cell or drag through the cell range that you want to use when defining the function’s arguments in the Function Arguments dialog box. See the below screen shot.

formula intro

完成公式输入后,Excel 立即计算结果,然后在工作表中的单元格内显示结果(但是,只要单元格处于活动状态,公式的内容就会继续在公式栏上显示)。如果您在公式中输入错误,导致 Excel 完全无法计算公式,Excel 会显示一个“警告”对话框,建议如何解决问题。

As soon as you complete a formula entry, Excel calculates the result, which is then displayed inside the cell within the worksheet (the contents of the formula, however, continue to be visible on the Formula bar anytime the cell is active). If you make an error in the formula that prevents Excel from being able to calculate the formula at all, Excel displays an Alert dialog box suggesting how to fix the problem.

Copying Formulas in Excel 2010

Copying Formulas in MS Excel

复制公式是典型电子表格中执行的最常见任务之一,该电子表格主要依赖于公式。当公式使用单元格引用(而不是常量值)时,Excel 使得将原始公式复制到需要类似公式的每个地方的任务变得容易。

Copying formulas is one of the most common tasks that you do in a typical spreadsheet that relies primarily on formulas. When a formula uses cell references rather than constant values, Excel makes the task of copying an original formula to every place that requires a similar formula.

Relative Cell Addresses

MS Excel 会自动调整原始公式中的单元格引用,以适应您制作的副本的位置。它通过 relative cell addresses, 系统执行此操作,其中公式中单元格地址中的列引用会更改以适应其新的列位置,而行引用会更改以适应其新的行位置。

MS Excel does it automatically adjusting the cell references in the original formula to suit the position of the copies that you make. It does this through a system known as relative cell addresses, where by the column references in the cell address in the formula change to suit their new column position and the row references change to suit their new row position.

让我们借助示例了解此操作。假设我们想要最后一行所有行的总和,那么我们在第一列(即 B)上编写一个公式。我们希望获得第 9 行中第 3 行至第 8 行的总和。

Let us see this with the help of example. Suppose we want the sum of all the rows at last, then we will write a formula for first column i.e. B. We want sum of the rows from 3 to 8 in the 9th row.


在第 9 行中编写公式后,我们可以将其拖动到其余列,并且会复制该公式。拖动后,我们可以看到剩余列中的以下公式。

After writing formula in the 9th row, we can drag it to remaining columns and the formula gets copied. After dragging we can see the formula in the remaining columns as below.

  1. column C : =SUM(C3:C8)

  2. column D : =SUM(D3:D8)

  3. column E : =SUM(E3:E8)

  4. column F : =SUM(F3:F8)

  5. column G : =SUM(G3:G8)

copied formula

Formula Reference in Excel 2010

Cell References in Formulas

您创建的大多数公式都包含对单元格或区域的引用。这些引用使您的公式能够与包含在这些单元格或区域中的数据动态协同。例如,如果您的公式引用单元格 C2 并更改 C2 中包含的值,那么公式结果会自动反映新的值。如果您没有在公式中使用引用,则需要编辑公式本身才能更改公式中使用值。

Most formulas you create include references to cells or ranges. These references enable your formulas to work dynamically with the data contained in those cells or ranges. For example, if your formula refers to cell C2 and you change the value contained in C2, the formula result reflects new value automatically. If you didn’t use references in your formulas, you would need to edit the formulas themselves in order to change the values used in the formulas.


When you use a cell (or range) reference in a formula, you can use three types of references − relative, absolute, and mixed references.

Relative Cell References

当您将公式复制到另一个单元格时,行和列引用可能会更改,因为引用实际上是当前行和列的偏移量。默认情况下,Excel 在公式中创建相对单元格引用。

The row and column references can change when you copy the formula to another cell because the references are actually offsets from the current row and column. By default, Excel creates relative cell references in formulas.

relative ref

Absolute Cell References


The row and column references do not change when you copy the formula because the reference is to an actual cell address. An absolute reference uses two dollar signs in its address: one for the column letter and one for the row number (for example, $A$5).

abs ref

Mixed Cell References

行引用或列引用是相对的,而另一个是绝对的。地址部分只有一个是绝对的(例如,$A5 或 A$5)。

Both the row or column reference is relative and the other is absolute. Only one of the address parts is absolute (for example, $A5 or A$5).

mixed ref

Using Functions in Excel 2010

Functions in Formula

您创建的许多公式都使用可用的工作表函数。这些函数使您能够极大地增强公式的功能,并执行只使用运算符就很难进行的计算。例如,您可以使用 LOG 或 SIN 函数来计算对数或正弦比率。您不能仅使用数学运算符来完成此复杂计算。

Many formulas you create use available worksheet functions. These functions enable you to greatly enhance the power of your formulas and perform calculations that are difficult if you use only the operators. For example, you can use the LOG or SIN function to calculate the Logarithm or Sin ratio. You can’t do this complicated calculation by using the mathematical operators alone.

Using Functions

当你输入 = 符号然后键入任何字母时,你会看到下面的搜索函数。

When you type = sign and then type any alphabet you will see the searched functions as below.

function intro

假设您需要确定某个范围内的最大值。如果没有使用函数,公式无法告诉您答案。我们将使用使用 MAX 函数的公式来返回范围 B3:B8 中的最大值,例如 =MAX(A1:D100)

Suppose you need to determine the largest value in a range. A formula can’t tell you the answer without using a function. We will use formula that uses the MAX function to return the largest value in the range B3:B8 as =MAX(A1:D100).

function use

另一个函数示例。假设您想找到月份单元格是否大于 1900,那么我们就可以给销售代表发奖金。那么我们可以通过用 IF 函数编写公式来实现,例如 =IF(B9>1900,"Yes","No")

Another example of functions. Suppose you want to find if the cell of month is greater than 1900 then we can give Bonus to Sales representative. The we can achieve it with writing formula with IF functions as =IF(B9>1900,"Yes","No")


Function Arguments


In the above examples, you may have noticed that all the functions used parentheses. The information inside the parentheses is the list of arguments.


Functions vary in how they use arguments. Depending on what it has to do, a function may use.

  1. No arguments − Examples − Now(), Date(), etc.

  2. One argument − UPPER(), LOWER(), etc.

  3. A fixed number of arguments − IF(), MAX(), MIN(), AVERGAGE(), etc.

  4. Infinite number of arguments

  5. Optional arguments

Built-in Functions in Excel 2010

Built In Functions

MS Excel 具有许多内置函数,我们可以在公式中使用这些函数。要按类别查看所有函数,请选择 Formulas Tab » Insert Function. 然后出现插入函数对话框,我们可以从中选择函数。

MS Excel has many built in functions, which we can use in our formula. To see all the functions by category, choose Formulas Tab » Insert Function. Then Insert function Dialog appears from which we can choose the function.


Functions by Categories

让我们看看 MS Excel 中的一些内置函数。

Let us see some of the built in functions in MS Excel.

  1. Text Functions LOWER − Converts all characters in a supplied text string to lower case UPPER − Converts all characters in a supplied text string to upper case TRIM − Removes duplicate spaces, and spaces at the start and end of a text string CONCATENATE − Joins together two or more text strings. LEFT − Returns a specified number of characters from the start of a supplied text string. MID − Returns a specified number of characters from the middle of a supplied text string RIGHT − Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a supplied text string. LEN − Returns the length of a supplied text string FIND − Returns the position of a supplied character or text string from within a supplied text string (case-sensitive).

  2. Date & Time DATE − Returns a date, from a user-supplied year, month and day. TIME − Returns a time, from a user-supplied hour, minute and second. DATEVALUE − Converts a text string showing a date, to an integer that represents the date in Excel’s date-time code. TIMEVALUE − Converts a text string showing a time, to a decimal that represents the time in Excel. NOW − Returns the current date & time. TODAY − Returns today’s date.

  3. Statistical MAX − Returns the largest value from a list of supplied numbers. MIN − Returns the smallest value from a list of supplied numbers. AVERAGE − Returns the Average of a list of supplied numbers. COUNT − Returns the number of numerical values in a supplied set of cells or values. COUNTIF − Returns the number of cells (of a supplied range), that satisfies a given criteria. SUM − Returns the sum of a supplied list of numbers

  4. Logical AND − Tests a number of user-defined conditions and returns TRUE if ALL of the conditions evaluate to TRUE, or FALSE otherwise OR − Tests a number of user-defined conditions and returns TRUE if ANY of the conditions evaluate to TRUE, or FALSE otherwise. NOT − Returns a logical value that is the opposite of a user supplied logical value or expression i.e. returns FALSE if the supplied argument is TRUE and returns TRUE if the supplied argument is FAL

  5. Math & Trig ABS − Returns the absolute value (i.e. the modulus) of a supplied number. SIGN − Returns the sign (+1, -1 or 0) of a supplied number. SQRT − Returns the positive square root of a given number. MOD − Returns the remainder from a division between two supplied numbers.

Data Filtering in Excel 2010

Filters in MS Excel

在 MS Excel 中筛选数据是指仅显示满足特定条件的行。(其他行将被隐藏。)

Filtering data in MS Excel refers to displaying only the rows that meet certain conditions. (The other rows gets hidden.)

使用存储数据,如果您有兴趣查看鞋码为 36 的数据,则可以设置过滤器来执行此操作。按照以下提到的步骤操作。

Using the store data, if you are interested in seeing data where Shoe Size is 36, then you can set filter to do this. Follow the below mentioned steps to do this.

  1. Place a cursor on the Header Row.

  2. Choose Data Tab » Filter to set filter.

set filter
  1. Click the drop-down arrow in the Area Row Header and remove the check mark from Select All, which unselects everything.

  2. Then select the check mark for Size 36 which will filter the data and displays data of Shoe Size 36.

  3. Some of the row numbers are missing; these rows contain the filtered (hidden) data.

  4. There is drop-down arrow in the Area column now shows a different graphic — an icon that indicates the column is filtered.

applied filter

Using Multiple Filters

您可以按多个条件(例如按多个列值)过滤记录。假设在对尺码 36 过滤后,您需要设置一个颜色等于咖啡的过滤器。设置完鞋码的过滤器后,选择“颜色”列,然后设置颜色的过滤器。

You can filter the records by multiple conditions i.e. by multiple column values. Suppose after size 36 is filtered, you need to have the filter where color is equal to Coffee. After setting filter for Shoe Size, choose Color column and then set filter for color.

multiple filter

Data Sorting in Excel 2010

Sorting in MS Excel

在 MS Excel 中对数据进行排序将会根据特定列的内容重新排列行。您可能想要对表格进行排序,以按字母顺序排列名称。或者,您可能想要按从最小到最大或从最大到最小对数据按金额进行排序。

Sorting data in MS Excel rearranges the rows based on the contents of a particular column. You may want to sort a table to put names in alphabetical order. Or, maybe you want to sort data by Amount from smallest to largest or largest to smallest.


To Sort the data follow the steps mentioned below.

  1. Select the Column by which you want to sort data.

  2. Choose Data Tab » Sort Below dialog appears.

sort data
  1. If you want to sort data based on a selected column, Choose Continue with the selection or if you want sorting based on other columns, choose Expand Selection.

  2. You can Sort based on the below Conditions. Values − Alphabetically or numerically. Cell Color − Based on Color of Cell. Font Color − Based on Font color. Cell Icon − Based on Cell Icon.

sorting options
  1. Clicking Ok will sort the data.

sorted records


Sorting option is also available from the Home Tab. Choose Home Tab » Sort & Filter. You can see the same dialog to sort records.

sort home tab

Using Ranges in Excel 2010

Ranges in MS Excel

单元格是工作表中的一个单一元素,可以包含值、一些文本或公式。单元格由其地址标识,该地址包含其列字母和行号。例如,单元格 B1 是位于第二列和第一行的单元格。

A cell is a single element in a worksheet that can hold a value, some text, or a formula. A cell is identified by its address, which consists of its column letter and row number. For example, cell B1 is the cell in the second column and the first row.


A group of cells is called a range. You designate a range address by specifying its upper-left cell address and its lower-right cell address, separated by a colon.

区域的示例 −

Example of Ranges −

  1. C24 − A range that consists of a single cell.

  2. A1:B1 − Two cells that occupy one row and two columns.

  3. A1:A100 − 100 cells in column A.

  4. A1:D4 − 16 cells (four rows by four columns).

Selecting Ranges

您可以通过多种方式选择一个区域 −

You can select a range in several ways −

  1. Press the left mouse button and drag, highlighting the range. Then release the mouse button. If you drag to the end of the screen, the worksheet will scroll.

  2. Press the Shift key while you use the navigation keys to select a range.

  3. Press F8 and then move the cell pointer with the navigation keys to highlight the range. Press F8 again to return the navigation keys to normal movement.

  4. Type the cell or range address into the Name box and press Enter. Excel selects the cell or range that you specified.

range intro

Selecting Complete Rows and Columns

当你需要选择整行或整列时。你可以选择整行和整列,这种方式与选择区域的方式基本相同 −

When you need to select an entire row or column. You can select entire rows and columns in much the same manner as you select ranges −

  1. Click the row or column border to select a single row or column.

  2. To select multiple adjacent rows or columns, click a row or column border and drag to highlight additional rows or columns.

  3. To select multiple (nonadjacent) rows or columns, press Ctrl while you click the row or column borders that you want.

selected complete

Data Validation in Excel 2010

Data Validation

MS Excel 数据验证功能允许你设置某些规则来指定可以输入到单元格的内容。例如,你可能希望将特定单元格中的数据输入限制为介于 0 到 10 之间的整数。如果用户输入无效内容,则你可以显示自定义消息,如下所示。

MS Excel data validation feature allows you to set up certain rules that dictate what can be entered into a cell. For example, you may want to limit data entry in a particular cell to whole numbers between 0 and 10. If the user makes an invalid entry, you can display a custom message as shown below.

data validation

Validation Criteria


To specify the type of data allowable in a cell or range, follow the steps below, which shows all the three tabs of the Data Validation dialog box.

  1. Select the cell or range.

  2. Choose Data » Data Tools » Data Validation. Excel displays its Data Validation dialog box having 3 tabs settings, Input Message and Error alert.

Settings Tab


Here you can set the type of validation you need. Choose an option from the Allow drop-down list. The contents of the Data Validation dialog box will change, displaying controls based on your choice.

  1. Any Value − Selecting this option removes any existing data validation.

  2. Whole Number − The user must enter a whole number.For example, you can specify that the entry must be a whole number greater than or equal to 50.

  3. Decimal − The user must enter a number. For example, you can specify that the entry must be greater than or equal to 10 and less than or equal to 20.

  4. List − The user must choose from a list of entries you provide. You will create drop-down list with this validation. You have to give input ranges then those values will appear in the drop-down.

  5. Date − The user must enter a date. You specify a valid date range from choices in the Data drop-down list. For example, you can specify that the entered data must be greater than or equal to January 1, 2013, and less than or equal to December 31, 2013.

  6. Time − The user must enter a time. You specify a valid time range from choices in the Data drop-down list. For example, you can specify that the entered data must be later than 12:00 p.m.

  7. Text Length − The length of the data (number of characters) is limited. You specify a valid length by using the Data drop-down list. For example, you can specify that the length of the entered data be 1 (a single alphanumeric character).

  8. Custom − To use this option, you must supply a logical formula that determines the validity of the user’s entry (a logical formula returns either TRUE or FALSE).

data validation setting

Input Message Tab


You can set the input help message with this tab. Fill the title and Input message of the Input message tab and the input message will appear when the cell is selected.

input message tab

Error Alert Tab


You can specify an error message with this tab. Fill the title and error message. Select the style of the error as stop, warning or Information as per you need.

error alert tab

Using Styles in Excel 2010

Using Styles in MS Excel

使用 MS Excel 2010 Named styles 可以非常轻松地将一组预定义的格式选项应用于单元格或范围。这可以节省时间并确保单元格外观一致。

With MS Excel 2010 Named styles make it very easy to apply a set of predefined formatting options to a cell or range. It saves time as well as make sure that look of the cells are consistent.


A Style can consist of settings for up to six different attributes −

  1. Number format

  2. Font (type, size, and color)

  3. Alignment (vertical and horizontal)

  4. Borders

  5. Pattern

  6. Protection (locked and hidden)

现在,让我们看看样式是如何有用的。假设您将特定样式应用于工作表中分散的二十个单元格。之后,您意识到这些单元格的字体大小应为 12 磅,而不是 14 磅。无需更改每个单元格,只需编辑样式即可。具有该特定样式的所有单元格都会自动更改。

Now, let us see how styles are helpful. Suppose that you apply a particular style to some twenty cells scattered throughout your worksheet. Later, you realize that these cells should have a font size of 12 pt. rather than 14 pt. Rather than changing each cell, simply edit the style. All cells with that particular style change automatically.

Applying Styles

选择 Home » Styles » Cell Styles 。请注意,此显示是一个实时预览,也就是说,当您将鼠标移动到样式选项上时,所选单元格或范围将暂时显示该样式。当您看到喜欢的样式时,单击它以将样式应用到选区。

Choose Home » Styles » Cell Styles. Note that this display is a live preview, that is, as you move your mouse over the style choices, the selected cell or range temporarily displays the style. When you see a style you like, click it to apply the style to the selection.

apply style

Creating Custom Style in MS Excel

我们可以在 Excel 2010 中创建新的自定义样式。要创建新样式,请按照以下步骤操作−

We can create new custom style in Excel 2010. To create a new style, follow these steps −

  1. Select a cell and click on Cell styles from Home Tab.

  2. Click on New Cell Style and give style name.

  3. Click on Format to apply formatting to the cell.

creating style
  1. After applying formatting click on OK. This will add new style in the styles. You can view it on Home » Styles.

added custom styles

Using Themes in Excel 2010

Using Themes in MS Excel

为了帮助用户创建更专业的外观文档,MS Excel 纳入了一个被称为文档主题的概念。通过使用主题,可以轻松指定文档中的颜色、字体和各种图形效果。最棒的是,更改整个文档外观轻而易举。只需点击鼠标几下,即可应用不同的主题和更改工作簿的外观。

To help users create more professional-looking documents, MS Excel has incorporated a concept known as document themes. By using themes, it is easy to specify the colors, fonts, and a variety of graphic effects in a document. And best of all, changing the entire look of your document is a breeze. A few mouse clicks is all it takes to apply a different theme and change the look of your workbook.

Applying Themes

选择 Page layout Tab » Themes Dropdown 。请注意,此显示是一个实时预览,也就是说,当您将鼠标移动到主题上时,会暂时显示主题效果。当您看到喜欢的样式时,单击它以将样式应用到选区。

Choose Page layout Tab » Themes Dropdown. Note that this display is a live preview, that is, as you move your mouse over the Theme, it temporarily displays the theme effect. When you see a style you like, click it to apply the style to the selection.

Creating Custom Theme in MS Excel

我们可以在 Excel 2010 中创建新的自定义主题。要创建新样式,请按照以下步骤操作−

We can create new custom Theme in Excel 2010. To create a new style, follow these steps −

  1. Click on the save current theme option under Theme in Page Layout Tab.

  2. This will save the current theme to office folder.

  3. You can browse the theme later to load the theme.

Using Templates in Excel 2010

Using Templates in MS Excel

模板本质上是一个充当某事物基础的模型。Excel 模板是一个用于创建其他工作簿的工作簿。

Template is essentially a model that serves as the basis for something. An Excel template is a workbook that’s used to create other workbooks.

Viewing Available Templates

若要查看 Excel 模板,请选择 File » New 以在后台视图中显示可用模板屏幕。您可以选择存储在硬盘驱动器上的模板,也可以选择来自 Microsoft Office Online 的模板。如果您选择 Microsoft Office Online 中的模板,则必须连接到 Internet 才能下载它。Office Online 模板部分包含一些图标,代表各种类别的模板。单击一个图标,您将看到可用模板。当您选择模板缩略图时,您可以在右侧面板中看到预览。

To view the Excel templates, choose File » New to display the available templates screen in Backstage View. You can select a template stored on your hard drive, or a template from Microsoft Office Online. If you choose a template from Microsoft Office Online, you must be connected to the Internet to download it. The Office Online Templates section contains a number of icons, which represents various categories of templates. Click an icon, and you’ll see the available templates. When you select a template thumbnail, you can see a preview in the right panel.

view templates

On-line Templates

这些模板数据在 Microsoft 服务器上的在线提供。当您选择模板并点击它时,它会从 Microsoft 服务器下载模板数据并按如下所示打开它。

These template data is available online at the Microsoft server. When you select the template and click on it, it will download the template data from Microsoft server and opens it as shown below.

view templates

Using Templates in MS Excel

模板本质上是一个充当某事物基础的模型。Excel 模板是一个用于创建其他工作簿的工作簿。

Template is essentially a model that serves as the basis for something. An Excel template is a workbook that’s used to create other workbooks.

Viewing Available Templates

若要查看 Excel 模板,请选择 File » New 以在后台视图中显示可用模板屏幕。您可以选择存储在硬盘驱动器上的模板,也可以选择来自 Microsoft Office Online 的模板。如果您选择 Microsoft Office Online 中的模板,则必须连接到 Internet 才能下载它。Office Online 模板部分包含一些图标,代表各种类别的模板。单击一个图标,您将看到可用模板。当您选择模板缩略图时,您可以在右侧面板中看到预览。

To view the Excel templates, choose File » New to display the available templates screen in Backstage View. You can select a template stored on your hard drive, or a template from Microsoft Office Online. If you choose a template from Microsoft Office Online, you must be connected to the Internet to download it. The Office Online Templates section contains a number of icons, which represents various categories of templates. Click an icon, and you’ll see the available templates. When you select a template thumbnail, you can see a preview in the right panel.

view templates

On-line Templates

这些模板数据在 Microsoft 服务器上的在线提供。当您选择模板并点击它时,它会从 Microsoft 服务器下载模板数据并按如下所示打开它。

These template data is available online at the Microsoft server. When you select the template and click on it, it will download the template data from Microsoft server and opens it as shown below.

view templates

Using Macros in Excel 2010

Macros in MS Excel

宏使您可以自动处理 Excel 2010 中几乎可以执行的任何任务。通过使用 View Tab » Macro Dropdown 中的宏录制器来记录您例行执行的任务,您不仅会显著加快该过程,而且还能确保每次执行任务时任务中的每个步骤都以相同的方式执行。

Macros enable you to automate almost any task that you can undertake in Excel 2010. By using macro recorder from View Tab » Macro Dropdown to record tasks that you perform routinely, you not only speed up the procedure considerably but you are assured that each step in a task is carried out the same way each and every time you perform a task.

若要查看宏,请选择 View Tab » Macro dropdown

To view macros choose View Tab » Macro dropdown.

view macros

Macro Options


View tab contains a Macros command button to which a dropdown menu containing the following three options.

  1. View Macros − Opens the Macro dialog box where you can select a macro to run or edit.

  2. Record Macro − Opens the Record Macro dialog box where you define the settings for your new macro and then start the macro recorder; this is the same as clicking the Record Macro button on the Status bar.

  3. Use Relative References − Uses relative cell addresses when recording a macro, making the macro more versatile by enabling you to run it in areas of a worksheet other than the ones originally used in the macro’s recording.

Creating Macros


You can create macros in one of two ways −

  1. Use MS Excel’s macro recorder to record your actions as you undertake them in a worksheet.

  2. Enter the instructions that you want to be followed in a VBA code in the Visual Basic Editor.


Now let’s create a simple macro that will automate the task of making cell content Bold and apply cell color.

  1. Choose View Tab » Macro dropdown.

  2. Click on Record Macro as below.

record macro
  1. Now Macro recording will start.

  2. Do the steps of action, which you want to perform repeatedly. Macro will record those steps.

  3. You can stop the macro recording once done with all steps.

stop recording

Edit Macro

您可以随时编辑创建的宏。编辑宏将使您转到 VBA 编程编辑器。

You can edit the created Macro at any time. Editing macro will take you to the VBA programming editor.

Edit macros

Adding Graphics in Excel 2010

Graphic Objects in MS Excel

MS Excel 支持多种类型的图形对象,例如功能区的“插入”选项卡上提供的“形状”库、“SmartArt”、“文本框”和“WordArt”。图形可在 Insert Tab 中找到。请参阅以下屏幕截图,了解 MS Excel 2010 中的各种可用图形。

MS Excel supports various types of graphic objects like Shapes gallery, SmartArt, Text Box, and WordArt available on the Insert tab of the Ribbon.Graphics are available in the Insert Tab. See the screenshots below for various available graphics in MS Excel 2010.

various grpahics

Insert Shape

  1. Choose Insert Tab » Shapes dropdown.

  2. Select the shape you want to insert. Click on shape to insert it.

  3. To edit the inserted shape just drag the shape with the mouse. Shape will adjust the shape.

inserting shape

Insert Smart Art

  1. Choose Insert Tab » SmartArt.

  2. Clicking SmartArt will open the SmartArt dialogue as shown below in the screen-shot. Choose from the list of available smartArts.

  3. Click on SmartArt to Insert it in the worksheet.

  4. Edit the SmartArt as per your need.

inserting smart art

Insert Clip Art

  1. Choose Insert Tab » Clip Art.

  2. Clicking Clip Art will open the search box as shown in the below screen-shot. Choose from the list of available Clip Arts.

  3. Click on Clip Art to Insert it in the worksheet.

inserting clip art

Insert Word Art

  1. Choose Insert Tab » WordArt.

  2. Select the style of WordArt, which you like and click it to enter a text in it.

inserting word art

Cross Referencing in Excel 2010

Graphic Objects in MS Excel

当你的信息分散在多个不同的电子表格中时,将所有这些不同的数据集汇集到一个有意义的列表或表中似乎是一项艰巨的任务。这就是 Vlookup 函数大显身手的地方。

When you have information spread across several different spreadsheets, it can seem a daunting task to bring all these different sets of data together into one meaningful list or table. This is where the Vlookup function comes into its own.


VlookUp 垂直向下搜索查找表的值。VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,range_lookup) 有 4 个参数,如下所示。

VlookUp searches for a value vertically down for the lookup table. VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,range_lookup) has 4 parameters as below.

  1. lookup_value − It is the user input. This is the value that the function uses to search on.

  2. The table_array − It is the area of cells in which the table is located. This includes not only the column being searched on, but the data columns for which you are going to get the values that you need.

  3. Col_index_num − It is the column of data that contains the answer that you want.

  4. Range_lookup − It is a TRUE or FALSE value. When set to TRUE, the lookup function gives the closest match to the lookup_value without going over the lookup_value. When set to FALSE, an exact match must be found to the lookup_value or the function will return #N/A. Note, this requires that the column containing the lookup_value be formatted in ascending order.


让我们来看一个交叉引用两个电子表格的非常简单的例子。每个电子表格都包含有关同一组人的信息。第一个电子表格有他们的出生日期,第二个电子表格有他们最喜欢的颜色。我们如何建立一个显示个人姓名、出生日期和他们最喜欢的颜色的列表?VLOOKUP 将在这种情况下提供帮助。首先,让我们看看两张表中的数据。

Let’s look at a very simple example of cross-referencing two spreadsheets. Each spreadsheet contains information about the same group of people. The first spreadsheet has their dates of birth, and the second shows their favorite color. How do we build a list showing the person’s name, their date of birth and their favorite color? VLOOOKUP will help in this case. First of all, let us see data in both the sheets.


This is data in the first sheet

data first sheet


This is data in the second sheet

data second sheet

现在,为了从另一张表中找到属于该人的相应最喜欢的颜色,我们需要查找数据。VLOOKUP 的第一个参数是查找值(在这种情况下,为个人姓名)。第二个参数是表数组,即从 B2 到 C11 的第二张表中的表。VLOOKUP 的第三个参数是列索引 num,这是我们要寻找的答案。在这种情况下,它是 2,颜色列数为 2。第四个参数是返回部分匹配的 True 或返回完全匹配的 False。应用 VLOOKUP 公式后,它将计算颜色,并且结果如下显示。

Now for finding the respective favorite color for that person from another sheet we need to vlookup the data. First argument to the VLOOKUP is lookup value (In this case it is person name). Second argument is the table array, which is table in the second sheet from B2 to C11. Third argument to VLOOKUP is Column index num, which is the answer we are looking for. In this case, it is 2 the color column number is 2. The fourth argument is True returning partial match or false returning exact match. After applying VLOOKUP formula it will calculate the color and the results are displayed as below.

vlookup results

如您在上面的屏幕截图中看到的那样,VLOOKUP 的结果已在第二张表中搜索颜色。在未找到匹配项的情况下,它返回了 #N/A。在这种情况下,Andy 的数据不存在于第二张表中,因此返回 #N/A。

As you can see in the above screen-shot that results of VLOOKUP has searched for color in the second sheet table. It has returned #N/A in case where match is not found. In this case, Andy’s data is not present in the second sheet so it returned #N/A.

Printing Worksheets in Excel 2010

Quick Print


If you want to print a copy of a worksheet with no layout adjustment, use the Quick Print option. There are two ways in which we can use this option.

  1. Choose File » Print (which displays the Print pane), and then click the Print button.

  2. Press Ctrl+P and then click the Print button (or press Enter).

printing worksheet

Adjusting Common Page Setup Settings


You can adjust the print settings available in the Page setup dialogue in different ways as discussed below. Page setup options include Page orientation, Page Size, Page Margins, etc.

  1. The Print screen in Backstage View, displayed when you choose File » Print.

  2. The Page Layout tab of the Ribbon.

Choosing Your Printer

要切换到不同的打印机,请选择 File » Print 并使用“打印机”部分中的下拉控件选择任何其他已安装的打印机。

To switch to a different printer, choose File » Print and use the drop-down control in the Printer section to select any other installed printer.

setting printer

Specifying What You Want to Print

有时,您可能只想打印电子表格的一部分,而不是整个活动区域。选择 File » Print 并使用“设置”部分中的控件来指定要打印的内容。

Sometimes you may want to print only a part of the worksheet rather than the entire active area. Choose File » Print and use the controls in the Settings section to specify what to print.

  1. Active Sheets − Prints the active sheet or sheets that you selected.

  2. Entire Workbook − Prints the entire workbook, including chart sheets.

  3. Selection − Prints only the range that you selected before choosing File » Print.

set what to print

Email Workbooks MS Excel 2010

Email Workbook

MS Excel 允许您非常轻松地通过电子邮件发送工作簿。要通过电子邮件将工作簿发送给任何人,请按照以下提到的步骤操作。

MS Excel allows you to email the workbook very easily. To email the workbook to anyone, follow the below mentioned steps.

  1. Choose File » Save and Send. It basically saves the document first and then the emails.

email workbook
  1. Click on Send using E-mail if your email system is configured. MS Outlook will open with the file as attachment in the New Email Window. You can send mail this workbook to anyone with valid email address.


Translate Worksheet in Excel 2010

Translate Worksheet

您可以翻译不同语言书写的文本,如短语或段落、单个单词(使用迷你翻译器),或使用 MS Excel 2010 翻译您的整个文件。

You can translate the text written in a different language, such as phrases or paragraphs, individual words (by using the Mini Translator), or translate your whole file with MS Excel 2010.

翻译位于 MS Excel 2010 功能区审阅选项卡中。您使用此选项可以快速将单元格翻译成不同语言。

Translation is available in the review tab of the ribbon in MS Excel 2010. You can quickly translate cell into different language with this option.

Performing Translation Step By Step

  1. Select the content, which you want to translate to a different language.

  2. Choose review tab » translation.

  3. It will open the pane from which you can select the language to which you need to translate.

  4. You need to have an internet connection for performing translation. It will translate using the Microsoft Translator.

  5. Click on Insert to apply translation changes.

tranlation use

Workbook Security in Excel 2010

Workbook Security

可以通过功能区“审阅”选项卡中提供的保护概念对工作簿应用安全性。MS Excel 的保护相关功能分为三类。

We can apply security to the workbook by the concept of protection available in the Review Tab of ribbon. MS Excel’s protection-related features fall into three categories.

  1. Worksheet protection − Protecting a worksheet from being modified, or restricting the modifications to certain users.

  2. Workbook protection − Protecting a workbook from having sheets inserted or deleted, and also requiring the use of password to open the workbook.

Protect Worksheet


You may want to protect a worksheet for a variety of reasons. One reason is to prevent yourself or others from accidentally deleting the formulas or other critical data. A common scenario is to protect a worksheet, so that the data can be changed, but the formulas can’t be changed.

要保护工作表,请选择 Review » Changes group » Protect Sheet 。Excel 显示“保护工作表”对话框。请注意,提供密码是可选的。如果您输入密码,则需要该密码来取消保护工作表。您可以选择工作表应受保护的不同选项。假设我们勾选了“设置单元格格式”选项,那么 Excel 不允许设置单元格格式。

To protect a worksheet, choose Review » Changes group » Protect Sheet. Excel displays the Protect Sheet dialog box. Note that providing a password is optional. If you enter a password, that password will be required to unprotect the worksheet. You can select various options in which the sheet should be protected. Suppose we checked Format Cells option then Excel will not allow to format cells.

protect sheet


When somebody tries to format the cells, he or she will get the error as shown in the screenshot below.

protected sheet

要取消保护受保护的工作表,请选择 Review » Changes group » Unprotect Sheet 。如果使用密码保护工作表,系统会提示您输入该密码。

To unprotect a protected sheet, choose Review » Changes group » Unprotect Sheet. If the sheet was protected with a password, you’re prompted to enter that password.

Protecting a Workbook

Excel 提供了三种保护工作簿的方法。

Excel provides three ways to protect a workbook.

  1. Requires a password to open the workbook.

  2. Prevents the users from adding sheets, deleting sheets, hiding sheets, and unhiding sheets.

  3. Prevents users from changing the size or position of windows.

Requiring a Password to Open a Workbook

Excel 允许您使用密码保存工作簿。这样做后,无论谁尝试打开工作簿,都必须输入密码。若要向工作簿添加密码,请按照以下步骤操作。

Excel lets you save a workbook with a password. After doing so, whoever tries to open the workbook, must enter the password. To add a password to a workbook, follow these steps.

  1. Choose File » Info » Protect Workbook » Encrypt With Password. Excel displays the Encrypt Document dialog box.

  2. Type a password and click OK.

  3. Type the password again and click OK.

  4. Save the workbook.

encrypt with pass

若要从工作簿中删除密码,请重复相同的过程。不过,在步骤 2 中,删除现有的密码符号。

To remove a password from a workbook, repeat the same procedure. In Step 2, however, delete the existing password symbols.

Protecting Workbook’s Structure and Windows


To prevent others (or yourself) from performing certain actions in a workbook, you can protect the workbook’s structure and windows. When a workbook’s structure and windows are protected, the user may not Add a sheet, Delete a sheet, Hide a sheet, unhide a sheet, etc., and may not be allowed to change the size or position of a workbook’s windows respectively.


To protect a worksheet’s structure and windows, follow the below mentioned steps.

  1. Choose Review » Changes group » Protect Workbook to display the Protect Workbook dialog box.

  2. In the Protect Workbook dialog box, select the Structure check box and Windows check box.

  3. (Optional) Enter a password.

  4. Click OK.

protect workbook

Data Tables in Excel 2010

Data Tables

在 Excel 中,数据透视表是一种通过修改公式中的输入单元格来查看不同结果的方法。数据透视表在 MS Excel 的 Data Tab » What-If analysis dropdown » Data table 中可用。

In Excel, a Data Table is a way to see different results by altering an input cell in your formula. Data tables are available in Data Tab » What-If analysis dropdown » Data table in MS Excel.

protect workbook

Data Table with Example

现在,我们通过一个示例来看数据透视表的概念。假设您有许多值的价格和数量。此外,您还有一个用于计算净价格的折扣作为第三个变量。您可以借助数据透视表以组织表格格式保留净价格值。您的价格水平向右展开,而数量垂直向下展开。我们正在使用公式来计算净价格,计算方式为价格乘以数量减去总折扣(数量 * 每个数量的折扣)。

Now, let us see data table concept with an example. Suppose you have the Price and quantity of many values. Also, you have the discount for that as third variable for calculating the Net Price. You can keep the Net Price value in the organized table format with the help of the data table. Your Price runs horizontally to the right while quantity runs vertically down. We are using a formula to calculate the Net Price as Price multiplied by Quantity minus total discount (Quantity * Discount for each quantity).

data table example1

现在,要创建数据透视表,请选择数据透视表范围。选择 Data Tab » What-If analysis dropdown » Data table 。它将为您提供一个对话,询问输入行和输入列。将输入行指定为价格单元格(在本例中为单元格 B3),将输入列指定为数量单元格(在本例中为单元格 B4)。请参阅下面的屏幕截图。

Now, for creation of data table select the range of data table. Choose Data Tab » What-If analysis dropdown » Data table. It will give you dialogue asking for Input row and Input Column. Give the Input row as Price cell (In this case cell B3) and Input column as quantity cell (In this case cell B4). Please see the below screen-shot.

data table example2


Clicking OK will generate data table as shown in the below screen-shot. It will generate the table formula. You can change the price horizontally or quantity vertically to see the change in the Net Price.

data table example3

Pivot Tables in Excel 2010

Pivot Tables


A pivot table is essentially a dynamic summary report generated from a database. The database can reside in a worksheet (in the form of a table) or in an external data file. A pivot table can help transform endless rows and columns of numbers into a meaningful presentation of the data. Pivot tables are very powerful tool for summarized analysis of the data.

数据透视表可在 Insert tab » PivotTable dropdown » PivotTable 下找到。

Pivot tables are available under Insert tab » PivotTable dropdown » PivotTable.

Pivot Table Example

现在,我们借助示例来看数据透视表。假设您有大量选民数据,并且您想要查看按政党划分的选民信息的汇总数据,那么您可以使用数据透视表来实现。选择 Insert tab » Pivot Table 以插入数据透视表。MS Excel 将选中表格数据。您可以选择数据透视表位置,可以是现有工作表或新工作表。

Now, let us see Pivot table with the help of example. Suppose you have huge data of voters and you want to see the summarized data of voter Information per party, then you can use the Pivot table for it. Choose Insert tab » Pivot Table to insert pivot table. MS Excel selects the data of the table. You can select the pivot table location as existing sheet or new sheet.

pivot table


This will generate the Pivot table pane as shown below. You have various options available in the Pivot table pane. You can select fields for the generated pivot table.

pivot table structure
  1. Column labels − A field that has a column orientation in the pivot table. Each item in the field occupies a column.

  2. Report Filter − You can set the filter for the report as year, then data gets filtered as per the year.

  3. Row labels − A field that has a row orientation in the pivot table. Each item in the field occupies a row.

  4. Values area − The cells in a pivot table that contain the summary data. Excel offers several ways to summarize the data (sum, average, count, and so on).


After giving input fields to the pivot table, it generates the pivot table with the data as shown below.

pivot table example

Simple Charts in Excel 2010


图表是数值的可视化表示。图表(也称为图形)是电子表格中不可或缺的部分。由早期电子表格产品生成的图表非常粗糙,但经过多年的不断改进。Excel 为您提供了创建各种高度可定制图表的工具。在精心设计的图表中显示数据可以使您的数字更易于理解。由于图表呈现的是一幅图像,因此图表特别适用于汇总一系列数字及其相互关系。

A chart is a visual representation of numeric values. Charts (also known as graphs) have been an integral part of spreadsheets. Charts generated by early spreadsheet products were quite crude, but thy have improved significantly over the years. Excel provides you with the tools to create a wide variety of highly customizable charts. Displaying data in a well-conceived chart can make your numbers more understandable. Because a chart presents a picture, charts are particularly useful for summarizing a series of numbers and their interrelationships.

Types of Charts

MS Excel 中有各种图表类型,如下图所示屏幕截图所示。

There are various chart types available in MS Excel as shown in the below screen-shot.

  1. Column − Column chart shows data changes over a period of time or illustrates comparisons among items.

  2. Bar − A bar chart illustrates comparisons among individual items.

  3. Pie − A pie chart shows the size of items that make up a data series, proportional to the sum of the items. It always shows only one data series and is useful when you want to emphasize a significant element in the data.

  4. Line − A line chart shows trends in data at equal intervals.

  5. Area − An area chart emphasizes the magnitude of change over time.

  6. X Y Scatter − An xy (scatter) chart shows the relationships among the numeric values in several data series, or plots two groups of numbers as one series of xy coordinates.

  7. Stock − This chart type is most often used for stock price data, but can also be used for scientific data (for example, to indicate temperature changes).

  8. Surface − A surface chart is useful when you want to find the optimum combinations between two sets of data. As in a topographic map, colors and patterns indicate areas that are in the same range of values.

  9. Doughnut − Like a pie chart, a doughnut chart shows the relationship of parts to a whole; however, it can contain more than one data series.

  10. Bubble − Data that is arranged in columns on a worksheet, so that x values are listed in the first column and corresponding y values and bubble size values are listed in adjacent columns, can be plotted in a bubble chart.

  11. Radar − A radar chart compares the aggregate values of a number of data series.

Creating Chart


To create charts for the data by below mentioned steps.

  1. Select the data for which you want to create the chart.

  2. Choose Insert Tab » Select the chart or click on the Chart group to see various chart types.

  3. Select the chart of your choice and click OK to generate the chart.

Inserted chart

Editing Chart


You can edit the chart at any time after you have created it.

  1. You can select the different data for chart input with Right click on chart » Select data. Selecting new data will generate the chart as per the new data, as shown in the below screen-shot.

chart select different data
  1. You can change the X axis of the chart by giving different inputs to X-axis of chart.

  2. You can change the Y axis of chart by giving different inputs to Y-axis of chart.

Pivot Charts Excel 2010

Pivot Charts

数据透视表是一个数据摘要的图形展示,它显示在一个数据透视表里。数据透视表总是基于一个数据透视表。尽管 Excel 允许你同时设置数据透视表和数据透视表,但是你不能在没有数据透视表的情况下创建一个数据透视表。 Excel 所有绘图功能都可以在数据透视表里使用。

A pivot chart is a graphical representation of a data summary, displayed in a pivot table. A pivot chart is always based on a pivot table. Although Excel lets you create a pivot table and a pivot chart at the same time, you can’t create a pivot chart without a pivot table. All Excel charting features are available in a pivot chart.

数据透视表在 Insert tab » PivotTable dropdown » PivotChart 下面。

Pivot charts are available under Insert tab » PivotTable dropdown » PivotChart.

Pivot Chart Example

现在,让我们用一个示例看看数据透视表。假设你有很多选民数据,而且你想以图标的形式查看选民信息每党派数据的汇总视图,那么你可以为此使用数据透视表。选择 Insert tab » Pivot Chart 来插入数据透视表。

Now, let us see Pivot table with the help of an example. Suppose you have huge data of voters and you want to see the summarized view of the data of voter Information per party in the form of charts, then you can use the Pivot chart for it. Choose Insert tab » Pivot Chart to insert the pivot table.

pivot chart structure

MS Excel 选择表的字段。你可以选择数据透视表的放置位置,比如现有工作表或新工作表。数据透视表取决于 MS Excel 自动创建数据透视表。你可以在下图中生成数据透视表。

MS Excel selects the data of the table. You can select the pivot chart location as an existing sheet or a new sheet. Pivot chart depends on automatically created pivot table by the MS Excel. You can generate the pivot chart in the below screen-shot.

pivot chart data

Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel 2010

MS Excel Keyboard Short-cuts

MS Excel 提供了多种键盘快捷键。如果你熟悉 Windows 操作系统,你应该知道它们中的大多数。以下是微软 Excel 中所有主要快捷键的列表。

MS Excel offers many keyboard short-cuts. If you are familiar with windows operating system, you should be aware of most of them. Below is the list of all the major shortcut keys in Microsoft Excel.

  1. Ctrl + A − Selects all contents of the worksheet.

  2. Ctrl + B − Bold highlighted selection.

  3. Ctrl + I − Italicizes the highlighted selection.

  4. Ctrl + K − Inserts link.

  5. Ctrl + U − Underlines the highlighted selection.

  6. Ctrl + 1 − Changes the format of selected cells.

  7. Ctrl + 5 − Strikethrough the highlighted selection.

  8. Ctrl + P − Brings up the print dialog box to begin printing.

  9. Ctrl + Z − Undo last action.

  10. Ctrl + F3 − Opens Excel Name Manager.

  11. Ctrl + F9 − Minimizes the current window.

  12. Ctrl + F10 − Maximize currently selected window.

  13. Ctrl + F6 − Switches between open workbooks or windows.

  14. Ctrl + Page up − Moves between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.

  15. Ctrl + Page down − Moves between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.

  16. Ctrl + Tab − Moves between Two or more open Excel files.

  17. Alt + = − Creates a formula to sum all of the above cells

  18. Ctrl + ' − Inserts the value of the above cell into cell currently selected.

  19. Ctrl + Shift + ! − Formats the number in comma format.

  20. Ctrl + Shift + $ − Formats the number in currency format.

  21. Ctrl + Shift + # − Formats the number in date format.

  22. Ctrl + Shift + % − Formats the number in percentage format.

  23. Ctrl + Shift + ^ − Formats the number in scientific format.

  24. Ctrl + Shift + @ − Formats the number in time format.

  25. Ctrl + Arrow key − Moves to the next section of text.

  26. Ctrl + Space − Selects the entire column.

  27. Shift + Space − Selects the entire row.

  28. Ctrl + - − Deletes the selected column or row.

  29. Ctrl + Shift + = − Inserts a new column or row.

  30. Ctrl + Home − Moves to cell A1.

  31. Ctrl + ~ − Switches between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells.

  32. F2 − Edits the selected cell.

  33. F3 − After a name has been created F3 will paste names.

  34. F4 − Repeat last action. For example, if you changed the color of text in another cell pressing F4 will change the text in cell to the same color.

  35. F5 − Goes to a specific cell. For example, C6.

  36. F7 − Spell checks the selected text or document.

  37. F11 − Creates chart from the selected data.

  38. Ctrl + Shift + ; − Enters the current time.

  39. Ctrl + ; − Enters the current date.

  40. Alt + Shift + F1 − Inserts New Worksheet.

  41. Alt + Enter − While typing text in a cell pressing Alt + Enter will move to the next line allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell.

  42. Shift + F3 − Opens the Excel formula window.

  43. Shift + F5 − Brings up the search box.