Excel 简明教程

Workbook Security in Excel 2010

Workbook Security

可以通过功能区“审阅”选项卡中提供的保护概念对工作簿应用安全性。MS Excel 的保护相关功能分为三类。

We can apply security to the workbook by the concept of protection available in the Review Tab of ribbon. MS Excel’s protection-related features fall into three categories.

  1. Worksheet protection − Protecting a worksheet from being modified, or restricting the modifications to certain users.

  2. Workbook protection − Protecting a workbook from having sheets inserted or deleted, and also requiring the use of password to open the workbook.

Protect Worksheet


You may want to protect a worksheet for a variety of reasons. One reason is to prevent yourself or others from accidentally deleting the formulas or other critical data. A common scenario is to protect a worksheet, so that the data can be changed, but the formulas can’t be changed.

要保护工作表,请选择 Review » Changes group » Protect Sheet 。Excel 显示“保护工作表”对话框。请注意,提供密码是可选的。如果您输入密码,则需要该密码来取消保护工作表。您可以选择工作表应受保护的不同选项。假设我们勾选了“设置单元格格式”选项,那么 Excel 不允许设置单元格格式。

To protect a worksheet, choose Review » Changes group » Protect Sheet. Excel displays the Protect Sheet dialog box. Note that providing a password is optional. If you enter a password, that password will be required to unprotect the worksheet. You can select various options in which the sheet should be protected. Suppose we checked Format Cells option then Excel will not allow to format cells.

protect sheet


When somebody tries to format the cells, he or she will get the error as shown in the screenshot below.

protected sheet

要取消保护受保护的工作表,请选择 Review » Changes group » Unprotect Sheet 。如果使用密码保护工作表,系统会提示您输入该密码。

To unprotect a protected sheet, choose Review » Changes group » Unprotect Sheet. If the sheet was protected with a password, you’re prompted to enter that password.

Protecting a Workbook

Excel 提供了三种保护工作簿的方法。

Excel provides three ways to protect a workbook.

  1. Requires a password to open the workbook.

  2. Prevents the users from adding sheets, deleting sheets, hiding sheets, and unhiding sheets.

  3. Prevents users from changing the size or position of windows.

Requiring a Password to Open a Workbook

Excel 允许您使用密码保存工作簿。这样做后,无论谁尝试打开工作簿,都必须输入密码。若要向工作簿添加密码,请按照以下步骤操作。

Excel lets you save a workbook with a password. After doing so, whoever tries to open the workbook, must enter the password. To add a password to a workbook, follow these steps.

  1. Choose File » Info » Protect Workbook » Encrypt With Password. Excel displays the Encrypt Document dialog box.

  2. Type a password and click OK.

  3. Type the password again and click OK.

  4. Save the workbook.

encrypt with pass

若要从工作簿中删除密码,请重复相同的过程。不过,在步骤 2 中,删除现有的密码符号。

To remove a password from a workbook, repeat the same procedure. In Step 2, however, delete the existing password symbols.

Protecting Workbook’s Structure and Windows


To prevent others (or yourself) from performing certain actions in a workbook, you can protect the workbook’s structure and windows. When a workbook’s structure and windows are protected, the user may not Add a sheet, Delete a sheet, Hide a sheet, unhide a sheet, etc., and may not be allowed to change the size or position of a workbook’s windows respectively.


To protect a worksheet’s structure and windows, follow the below mentioned steps.

  1. Choose Review » Changes group » Protect Workbook to display the Protect Workbook dialog box.

  2. In the Protect Workbook dialog box, select the Structure check box and Windows check box.

  3. (Optional) Enter a password.

  4. Click OK.

protect workbook