Excel Dax 简明教程

Excel DAX - Understanding DAX Functions

在 Excel 2013 中,DAX 具有 246 个函数。您已经在第 – DAX 函数的章节中了解了不同类型的 DAX 函数。但是,如果要在 DAX 公式中使用 DAX 函数,您需要详细理解该函数。您应该知道函数的语法、参数类型、函数的返回值等。

In Excel 2013, DAX has 246 functions. You have already learnt about the different types of DAX functions in the chapter – DAX Functions. However, if you have to use a DAX function in a DAX formula, you need to understand the function in detail. You should know the syntax of the function, the parameter types, what the function returns, etc.

如果您写 DAX 公式,建议在适用情况下使用 DAX 函数。为此,您可以参考本教程库中的教程 – DAX 函数,以深入理解 246 个 DAX 函数各自的使用位置和方式。您始终可以在本教程与 DAX 函数教程之间来回学习,以掌握 DAX。

If you are writing a DAX formula, it is suggested to use the DAX functions where applicable. For this, you can refer to the tutorial – DAX Functions in this tutorials library for an indepth understanding of where and how to use each of the 246 DAX functions. You can always go back and forth between this tutorial and DAX Functions tutorial to obtain mastery on DAX.

在本教程中,您会了解如何在 DAX 函数教程中阅读和解读 DAX 函数。

In this chapter, you will understand how to read and interpret the DAX functions in the DAX Functions tutorial.

DAX Function – Explanation Structure

在 DAX 函数教程中,每个 DAX 函数都使用标准结构来解析,包括以下部分 −

In the DAX functions tutorial, each DAX function is explained in a standard structure, comprising of the following sections −

  1. Description

  2. Syntax

  3. Parameters

  4. Return Value

  5. Remarks

  6. Example


You will learn about each of these in the following sections.


在说明部分,您将学习 DAX 函数是什么以及它可以在哪里使用。

In the Description section, you will learn what the DAX function is about and where it can be used.



In the Syntax section, you will learn the exact function name and the respective parameters.


在参数部分,您将了解每个 DAX 函数的各个参数,是否为输入或输出参数,是否有任何选项。正如在第 – DAX 标准参数一章中所见,将只使用标准参数名称。

In the Parameters section, you will learn about each of the parameters of the specific DAX function, whether a parameter is an input or an output and if there are any options. As seen in the chapter - DAX Standard Parameters, only the standard parameter names will be used.

Return Value

在“返回值”部分,您将了解 DAX 函数将返回什么值及其数据类型。

In the Return Value section, you will learn about what value the DAX function will return and its data type.


在备注部分,您将了解需要了解的关于 DAX 函数使用情况的任何其他信息。

In the Remarks section, you will learn about any extra information that you need to know about the usage of the DAX function.


DAX 函数描述将以函数使用方法的示例结束。

The DAX function description will be ended with an example of the usage of the function.