Excel Macros 简明教程

Excel Macros Tutorial

Excel 宏是一项或多项操作,你可以记录、命名、保存和按需多次运行这些操作。宏能够帮助你节省重复数据操作和数据报表所需的时间,而这些操作和报表是需要频繁完成的。

An Excel macro is an action or a set of actions that you can record, give a name, save and run as many times as you want and whenever you want. Macros help you to save time on repetitive tasks involved in data manipulation and data reports that are required to be done frequently.


本指南面向初学者和 Excel 宏的新手。完成本教程后,你构建宏的坚实基础将让你能够有效使用宏。

This guide targets novice developers and those new to Excel Macros. After completing this tutorial, your firm foundation in creating macros will allow you to use macros efficiently.


当你在录制宏时,Excel 会将其存储为 VBA 代码。你可以在 VBA 编辑器中查看该代码。如果你对 Excel VBA 知识丰富,你可以理解该代码并对此进行修改。但是,如果你没有足够的知识,我们建议你学习我们有关 VBA 的简短教程。

When you record a macro, Excel stores it as a VBA code. You can view this code in the VBA editor. You can understand the code and modify it if you have substantial knowledge of Excel VBA. However, if you do not have sufficient knowledge, then we will suggest you to go through our short tutorials on VBA.