Excel Pivot Tables 简明教程

Excel Pivot Tables - Exploring Data

Excel 数据透视表允许你探索和提取 Excel 表格或数据范围内的重要数据。有几种方法去做,你可以选择最适合你数据的。此外,在你探索数据时,你可以立即看到不同组合,当改变你的选择去挑选数据值时。

Excel PivotTable allows you to explore and extract significant data from an Excel table or a range of data. There are several ways of doing this and you can choose the ones that are best suited to your data. Further, while you are exploring the data, you can view the different combinations instantly as you change your choices to pick the data values.


You can do the following with a PivotTable −

  1. Sort the data.

  2. Filter the data.

  3. Nest the PivotTable fields.

  4. Expand and Collapse the fields.

  5. Group and ungroup field values.

Sorting and Filtering Data

你可以按照字段升序或降序对数据透视表中的数据进行排序。你还可以按照小计从最大到最小的值或者从最小到最大的值进行排序。你还可以设定排序选项。你将在此教程的章节中详细学习这些内容 - 在数据透视表中通过排序数据。

You can sort the data in a PivotTable in ascending or descending order of the field values. You can also sort by subtotals from largest to smallest or smallest to largest values. You can also set sort options. You will learn these in detail in the chapter – Sorting Data in a PivotTable in this tutorial.

你可以筛选数据透视表中的数据来专注于一些特定的数据。你在数据透视表中有几个筛选选项,你将在教程中的章节 - 在数据透视表中筛选数据中学习这些选项。你可以用切片器筛选,你将在教程中的章节 - 用切片器筛选了解这些知识。

You can filter the data in a PivotTable to focus on some specific data. You have several filtering options in PivotTable that you will learn in the chapter – Filtering Data in a PivotTable in this tutorial. You can use Slicers for filtering, which you will learn in the chapter – Filtering using Slicers in this tutorial.

Nesting, Expanding and Collapsing Fields

你可以将字段嵌套在数据透视表中以显示层次结构(如果和你的数据相关)。你将在教程的章节 - 在数据透视表中嵌套中学习这个知识。

You can nest fields in a PivotTable to show a hierarchy, if relevant to your data. You will learn this in the chapter - Nesting in a PivotTable in this tutorial.

在数据透视表中有嵌套字段时,你可以展开或折叠字段的值。你将在教程的章节 - 用数据透视表工具探索数据中学习这些知识。

When you have nested fields in your PivotTable, you can expand and collapse the values of those fields. You will learn these in the Chapter – Exploring Data with PivotTable Tools in this tutorial.

Grouping and Ungrouping Field Values

你可以在数据透视表中对特定字段的值分组或取消分组。你将在教程的章节 - 用数据透视表工具探索数据中学习这个知识。

You can group and ungroup specific values of a field in a PivotTable. You will learn this in the Chapter – Exploring Data with PivotTable Tools in this tutorial.