Excel Pivot Tables 简明教程

Excel Pivot Tables - Overview

A PivotTable is an extremely powerful tool that you can use to slice and dice data. You can track and analyze hundreds of thousands of data points with a compact table that can be changed dynamically to enable you to find the different perspectives of the data. It is a simple tool to use, yet powerful.

The major features of a PivotTable are as follows −

  1. Creating a PivotTable is extremely simple and fast

  2. Enabling churning of data instantly by simple dragging of fields, sorting and filtering and different calculations on the data.

  3. Arriving at the suitable representation for your data as you gain insights into it.

  4. Ability to create reports on the fly.

  5. Producing multiple reports from the same PivotTable in a matter of seconds.

  6. Providing interactive reports to synchronize with the audience.

In this tutorial, you will understand these PivotTable features in detail along with examples. By the time you complete this tutorial, you will have sufficient knowledge on PivotTable features that can get you started with exploring, analyzing, and reporting data based on the requirements.

Creating a PivotTable

You can create a PivotTable from a range of data or an Excel table. You can start with an empty PivotTable to fill in the details, if you are aware of what you are looking for. You can also make use of Excel Recommended PivotTables that can give you heads up on the PivotTable layouts that are best suited for summarizing your data.

You will learn how to create a PivotTable from a data range or Excel table in the Chapter - Creating a PivotTable from a Table or Range.

Excel gives you a more powerful way of creating a PivotTable from multiple tables, different data sources, and external data sources. It is named as PowerPivot that works on its database known as Data Model. You will learn these Excel power tools in other tutorials in this Tutorials Library.

You need to first know about the normal PivotTable as explained in this tutorial, before you venture into the power tools.

PivotTable Layout - Fields and Areas



Exploring Data with PivotTable



Summarizing Values

一旦通过不同的浏览技术整理了所需数据,您要采取的下一步就是汇总数据。Excel 为您提供了各种计算类型,您可以根据适用性和要求应用这些类型。您还可以切换不同的计算类型并在几秒钟内查看结果。


Updating a PivotTable



PivotTable Reports

使用数据透视表探索并汇总数据之后,您会将其作为报表显示。数据透视表报表本质上是交互式的,即使是不熟悉 Excel 的人也能够直观地使用它。由于其固有的动态特性,它们将使您能够快速更改报表透视图,以显示所需の詳細级别或关注听众感兴趣的具体项目。
