Excel Power Pivot 简明教程

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Excel Power Pivot 是一款高效的强大工具,作为加载项附带于 Excel。借助 Power Pivot,您可以从外部源加载数亿行数据,并通过它功能强大的 xVelocity 引擎高效地管理数据,这是一种高度压缩的形式。这使得执行计算、分析数据并最终形成报表以得出结论和决策成为可能。

Excel Power Pivot is an efficient, powerful tool that comes with Excel as an Add-in. With Power Pivot, you can load hundreds of millions of rows of data from external sources and manage the data effectively with its powerful xVelocity engine in a highly compressed form. This makes it possible to perform the calculations, analyze the data, and arrive at a report to draw conclusions and decisions.