Excel Power Pivot 简明教程

Table and Chart Combinations

Power Pivot 为您提供各种 Power 透视表和 Power 透视图表组合,以用于数据探索、可视化和报告。您已在前面的章节中学习了数据透视表和数据透视图表。

Power Pivot provides you with different combinations of Power PivotTable and Power PivotChart for data exploration, visualization, and reporting. You have learnt the PivotTables and PivotCharts in the previous chapters.

在本章节中,您将了解如何从 Power 透视窗口中创建表格和图表组合。

In this chapter, you will learn how to create the Table and Chart combinations from within the Power Pivot window.


Consider the following Data Model in Power Pivot that we will use for illustrations −

table and chart combinations

Chart and Table (Horizontal)

利用这个选项,您可以在同一张工作表中创建一个 Power 透视图表和一个 Power 透视表,它们以水平方式彼此相邻。

With this option, you can create a Power PivotChart and a Power PivotTable, one next another horizontally in the same worksheet.

  1. Click the Home tab in Power Pivot window.

  2. Click PivotTable.

  3. Select Chart and Table (Horizontal) from the dropdown list.

chart and table horizontal


Create PivotChart and PivotTable (Horizontal) dialog box appears. Select New Worksheet and click OK.



An empty PivotChart and an empty PivotTable appear on a new worksheet.

empty pivot chart
  1. Click on the PivotChart.

  2. Drag NOC_CountryRegion from Medals table to the AXIS area.

  3. Drag Medal from Medals table to the ∑ VALUES area.

  4. Right click on the Chart and select Change Chart Type from the dropdown list.

  5. Select Area Chart.

  6. Change the Chart Title to Total No. of Medals − Country Wise.

change chart type

正如您所见,美国拥有奖牌数量最多(>4500 枚)。

As you can see, USA has the highest number of Medals (> 4500).

  1. Click on the PivotTable.

  2. Drag Sport from the Sports table to the ROWS area.

  3. Drag Medal from the Medals table to the ∑ VALUES area.

  4. Drag NOC_CountryRegion from Medals table to FILTERS area.

  5. Filter the NOC_CountryRegion field to the value USA.


PivotTable Report 布局更改为 Outline 表单。

Change the PivotTable Report Layout to Outline Form.

pivottable report
  1. Deselect Sport from the Sports table.

  2. Drag Gender from the Medals table to the ROWS area.

drag gender

Chart and Table (Vertical)

使用此选项,您可以在同一工作表的垂直下方创建 Power PivotChart 和 Power PivotTable。

With this option, you can create a Power PivotChart and a Power PivotTable, one below another vertically in the same worksheet.

  1. Click the Home tab in Power Pivot window.

  2. Click PivotTable.

  3. Select Chart and Table (Vertical) from the dropdown list.

chart and table vertical

将会显示 Create PivotChart and PivotTable (Vertical) 对话框。选择新建工作表,然后单击确定。

The Create PivotChart and PivotTable (Vertical) dialog box appears. Select New Worksheet and click OK.


空 PivotChart 和空 PivotTable 将垂直显示在新的工作表上。

An empty PivotChart and an empty PivotTable appear vertically on a new worksheet.

  1. Click on the PivotChart.

  2. Drag Year from the Medals table to AXIS area.

  3. Drag Medal from the Medals table to ∑ VALUES area.

  4. Right click on the Chart and select Change Chart Type from the dropdown list.

  5. Select Line Chart.

  6. Check the box Data Labels in the Chart Elements.

  7. Change the Chart Title to Total No. of Medals – Year Wise.

total medals

正如您所见,2008 年拥有奖牌数量最多(2450 枚)。

As you can observe, year 2008 has the highest number of Medals (2450).

  1. Click on the PivotTable.

  2. Drag Sport from the Sports table to the ROWS area.

  3. Drag Gender from the Medals table to the ROWS area.

  4. Drag Medal from the Medals table to the ∑ VALUES area.

  5. Drag Year from the Medals table to the FILTERS area.

  6. Filter the Year field to the value 2008.

  7. Change the Report Layout of PivotTable to Outline Form.

  8. Filter the field Sport with Value Filters to Greater than or equal to 80.

number of medals