Flask 简明教程

Flask – Overview

What is Web Framework?

Web 应用程序框架或简单的 Web 框架代表了一组库和模块,它使 Web 应用程序开发人员能够编写应用程序,而不必考虑低级细节(例如协议、线程管理等)。

Web Application Framework or simply Web Framework represents a collection of libraries and modules that enables a web application developer to write applications without having to bother about low-level details such as protocols, thread management etc.

What is Flask?

Flask 是用 Python 编写的 Web 应用程序框架。它是由 Armin Ronacher 开发的,他领导着一个名为 Pocco 的国际 Python 爱好者团体。Flask 基于 Werkzeug WSGI 工具包和 Jinja2 模板引擎。这两个都是 Pocco 项目。

Flask is a web application framework written in Python. It is developed by Armin Ronacher, who leads an international group of Python enthusiasts named Pocco. Flask is based on the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template engine. Both are Pocco projects.


Web 服务器网关接口 (WSGI)已被采纳为 Python Web 应用程序开发的标准。WSGI 是 Web 服务器和 Web 应用程序之间通用接口的规范。

Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) has been adopted as a standard for Python web application development. WSGI is a specification for a universal interface between the web server and the web applications.


它是 WSGI 工具包,能实现请求、响应对象和其他实用程序功能。这样便可以在其基础上构建 Web 框架。Flask 框架将 Werkzeug 用作其中一个基础。

It is a WSGI toolkit, which implements requests, response objects, and other utility functions. This enables building a web framework on top of it. The Flask framework uses Werkzeug as one of its bases.


Jinja2 是 Python 的一个流行模板引擎。Web 模板系统将模板与特定数据源结合以呈现动态 Web 页面。

Jinja2 is a popular templating engine for Python. A web templating system combines a template with a certain data source to render dynamic web pages.

Flask 通常被称为微框架。它旨在保持应用程序内核简单且可扩展。Flask 没有用于处理数据库的内置抽象层,也没有表单验证支持。相反,Flask 支持扩展来向应用程序添加此类功能。本教程的后面部分将讨论一些流行的 Flask 扩展。

Flask is often referred to as a micro framework. It aims to keep the core of an application simple yet extensible. Flask does not have built-in abstraction layer for database handling, nor does it have form a validation support. Instead, Flask supports the extensions to add such functionality to the application. Some of the popular Flask extensions are discussed later in the tutorial.