Functional Programming With Java 简明教程

Functional Programming with Java - Composition

函数组合是指将多个函数组合到一个函数中的技术。我们可以组合 lambda 表达式。Java 使用 Predicate 和 Function 类提供内建支持。以下示例展示了如何使用谓词方法组合两个函数。

Functional composition refers to a technique where multiple functions are combined together to a single function. We can combine lambda expression together. Java provides inbuilt support using Predicate and Function classes. Following example shows how to combine two functions using predicate approach.

import java.util.function.Predicate;
public class FunctionTester {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Predicate<String> hasName = text -> text.contains("name");
      Predicate<String> hasPassword = text -> text.contains("password");
      Predicate<String> hasBothNameAndPassword = hasName.and(hasPassword);
      String queryString = "name=test;password=test";



Predicate 提供了 and() 和 or() 方法来组合函数。而 Function 提供了 compose 和 andThen 方法来组合函数。以下示例展示了如何使用 Function 方法组合两个函数。

Predicate provides and() and or() method to combine functions. Whereas Function provides compose and andThen methods to combine functions. Following example shows how to combine two functions using Function approach.

import java.util.function.Function;
public class FunctionTester {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Function<Integer, Integer> multiply = t -> t *3;
      Function<Integer, Integer> add = t -> t  + 3;
      Function<Integer, Integer> FirstMultiplyThenAdd = multiply.compose(add);
      Function<Integer, Integer> FirstAddThenMultiply = multiply.andThen(add);
