Gen-ai 简明教程

Transformers in Generative AI

Transformer 是一种神经网络架构,它将输入序列转换成输出序列。GPT 模型是 transformer 神经网络。ChatGPT 使用 transformer 架构,因为它们允许模型针对最重要的输入数据部分。

Transformers are a type of neural network architecture that transforms an input sequence into an output sequence. The GPT models are transformer neural networks. ChatGPT uses the transformer architectures because they allow the model to focus on the most relevant segments of input data.

阅读这节内容,了解 Transformer 模型是什么,了解其关键组件,了解 Transformer 模型的必要性以及 Transformer 与生成对抗网络 (GAN) 之间的比较分析。

Read this chapter to understand what Transformers model is, its key components, the need for transformer model, and a comparative analysis between transformers and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).

What is a Transformer Model?

Transformer 模型是一种神经网络,它通过顺序数据分析学习上下文。

A Transformer Model is a type of neural network that learns context through sequential data analysis.

Transformer 帮助大型语言模型(LLM)理解语言中的上下文,并高效地写作。Transformer 可以一次处理和分析整篇文章,而不仅仅是个别单词或句子。这允许 LLM 捕捉上下文并生成更好的内容。

Transformers helped Large Language Models (LLMs) to understand context in language and write so efficiently. Transformers can process and anlyze an entire article at once, not just individual words or sentences. It allows LLMs to capture the context and generate better content.

与循环神经网络 (RNN) 和卷积神经网络 (CNN) 不同,Transformer 依赖于称为自注意力机制的现代且不断发展的数学技术来处理和生成文本。自注意力机制有助于了解远距离数据元素如何相互依赖。

Unlike Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), transformers rely on modern and evolving mathematical techniques known as the Self-attention Mechanism to process and generate text. The self-attention mechanism helps how distant data elements depend on each other.

Key Components of the Transformer Model

本节简要概述了使 Transformer 模型如此成功的主要组件 -

This section presents a brief overview of the key components that make the Transformer Model so successful −

Self-Attention Mechanism


The self-attention mechanism allows models to weigh different parts of input sequence differently. It enables the model to capture long-range dependencies and relationships within the text, leading to more coherent and context-aware text generation.

Multi-Head Attention


The Transformer model uses multiple attention heads where each head operates independently and captures various aspects of the input data. To get the result, the outputs of these heads are combined. With the use of multi-head attention, transformers provide better representation of the input data.

Positional Encoding


Transformers cannot inherently capture the sequential nature of text that’s why positional encoding is added to the input embeddings. The role of positional encoding is to provide information about the position of each word in the sequence.

Feedforward Neural Networks

在应用自注意力机制之后,将转换后的输入表示通过前馈神经网络 (FFNN) 进行进一步处理。

After applying the self-attention mechanism, the transformed input representations are passed through feedforward neural network (FFNN) for further processing.

Layer Normalization


Layer normalization allows the model to converge more efficiently because it helps stabilize and accelerate the training process.

Encoder-Decoder Structure


The Transformer model is composed of an encoder and a decoder, each consisting of multiple layers. The encoder processes the input sequence and generates an encoded representation, while the decoder uses this representation to generate the output sequence.

Why Do We Need Transformer Models?


In this section, we will highlight the reasons why the transformer architecture is needed.

Transformers Can Capture Long-Range Dependencies

由于梯度消失问题,循环神经网络 (RNN) 及其变体(如长短期记忆 (LSTM) 和门控循环单元 (GRU))不能有效处理远距离依赖性。

Due to the Vanishing Gradient Problem, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and their variants like Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) cannot handle long-range dependencies effectively.


On the other hand, transformers use self-attention mechanisms which allow them to consider the entire sequence at once. This ability allows transformers to capture long-range dependencies more effectively than RNNs.

Transformers Can Handle Parallel Processing


RNNs process sequences sequentially which leads to longer training time and inefficiency especially with large datasets and long sequences.


The self-attention mechanism in transformers allows parallel processing of input sequences which speeds up training time.

Transformers are Scalable


Although CNNs can process data in parallel, they are not inherently suitable for sequential data. Moreover, CNNs cannot capture global context effectively.


The architecture of transformers is designed in such a way that they can handle input sequences of varying lengths. This makes transformers more scalable than CNNs.

Difference between Transformers and Generative Adversarial Networks


Although both Transformers and GANs are powerful deep learning models, they serve different purposes and are used in different domains.


The following table presents a comparative analysis of these two models based on their features −





It uses self-attention mechanisms to process input data. It processes the input sequences in parallel that make them able to handle long-range dependencies. It is composed of encoder and decoder layers.

GANs are primarily used for generating realistic synthetic data. It consists of two competing networks: a generator and a discriminator. The generator creates fake data, and the discriminator evaluates it against real data.

Key Features

It can handle tasks like image classification and speech recognition which are even beyond NLP. Transformers require significant computational resources for training.

It can generate high-quality, realistic synthetic data. GAN training can be unstable hence it requires careful parameter tuning.


Transformers are versatile in nature and can be adapted to various machine learning tasks. Language translation, text summarization, sentiment analysis, Image Processing, Speech Recognition, etc.

The focus of GANs is on the tasks that require high-quality synthetic data generation. Image and video generation, creating synthetic faces, and data augmentation, medical imaging, Enhancing image resolution, etc.


It can handle long-range dependencies effectively. Its capability of parallel processing saves training time. It performs better than other models in NLP tasks.

It is useful for creative applications and scenarios where labeled data is limited. It is capable of generating highly realistic synthetic data. GANs has significantly improved the capabilities of image and video generation.


Transformers require large amounts of training data and computational power. It can be less interpretable than simpler models. There is scalability issues with very long sequences due to quadratic complexity in self-attention mechanism.

GANs training is complex and can be unstable. For example, mode collapse. They are less effective for sequential data tasks. Computational cost is high.


Transformer 模型从根本上改变了自然语言处理 (NLP) 领域,ChatGPT 通过使用 Transformer 和其多模态架构,可为各种应用生成多模态输出。

The Transformer Models have fundamentally transformed the field of natural language processing (NLP). By using the transformers and their multimodal architecture, ChatGPT can generate multimodal output for a wide range of applications.

与 Transformer 类似,GAN 也是一种用于各种应用的强大的深度学习模型,本文给出了 Transformer 和 GAN 之间的比较分析。

Like Transformers, GANs are also a powerful deep learning model used for various applications. We presented a comparative analysis between Transformers and GANs.