Gerrit 简明教程

Gerrit - Create a Branch


You can create a branch on the local machine using the following command.

$ git checkout -b name_of_branch origin/master


The above command creates a new branch as shown in the following screenshot.

gerrit create new branch

在这里,我们使用 branch123 作为新的本地分支。你可以使用以下命令在“master”中显示新分支。

Here, we have used branch123 as the new local branch. You can show the new branch from the 'master' using the following command.

$ git branch


The above command produces the result as shown in the following screenshot.

gerrit create new branch1

Git checkout 在本地分支之间导航,更新工作目录中的文件,并通知 Git 在该本地分支上记录提交。

Git checkout navigates between the branch, updates the files in the working directory, and informs Git to record the commits on that branch.