Gerrit 简明教程
Gerrit - Overview
Gerrit 是一款基于 Web 的代码审查工具,与 Git 相集成,并建立在 Git 版本控制系统之上(帮助开发者协同工作并维护其工作记录)。当代码审查完成时,它允许将更改合并到 Git 仓库。
Gerrit is a web based code review tool which is integrated with Git and built on top of Git version control system (helps developers to work together and maintain the history of their work). It allows to merge changes to Git repository when you are done with the code reviews.
Gerrit 由 Google 的 Shawn Pearce 开发,它用 Java、Servlet 和 GWT(Google Web Toolkit)编写。Gerrit 的稳定版本是 2.12.2,于 2016 年 3 月 11 日发布,并基于 Apache License v2 许可发布。
Gerrit was developed by Shawn Pearce at Google which is written in Java, Servlet, GWT(Google Web Toolkit). The stable release of Gerrit is 2.12.2 and published on March 11, 2016 licensed under Apache License v2.
Why Use Gerrit?
以下是您应该使用 Gerrit 的若干原因。
Following are certain reasons, why you should use Gerrit.
You can easily find the error in the source code using Gerrit.
You can work with Gerrit, if you have regular Git client; no need to install any Gerrit client.
Gerrit can be used as an intermediate between developers and git repositories.
Features of Gerrit
Gerrit is a free and an open source Git version control system.
The user interface of Gerrit is formed on Google Web Toolkit.
It is a lightweight framework for reviewing every commit.
Gerrit acts as a repository, which allows pushing the code and creates the review for your commit.
Advantages of Gerrit
Gerrit provides access control for Git repositories and web frontend for code review.
You can push the code without using additional command line tools.
Gerrit can allow or decline the permission on the repository level and down to the branch level.
Gerrit is supported by Eclipse.