Gerrit 简明教程

Gerrit - Push Your Change Set to Gerrit

您可以使用 git-review 命令提交补丁进行审阅。可以通过运行以下屏幕截图中所示的 git review -R 命令将更改集推送到 Gerrit。

You can submit the patches for review by using the git-review command. The change set can be pushed to Gerrit, by running the git review -R command as shown in the following screenshot.

gerrit push changes to gerrit new

-R 选项通知 git-review 在将 git 更改提交到 Gerrit 之前不完成重新变基。

The -R option informs git-review not to complete rebase before submitting git changes to Gerrit.

可以使用以下命令将代码提交到 master 以外的其他分支。

You can submit the code to other branch rather than the master, using the following command.

git review name_of_branch


It is also possible to submit the code to a different remote, using the following command.

git review -r name_of_remote