Gerrit 简明教程
Gerrit - Review before Merge
代码审查是 Gerrit 工作流中的一个重要部分。其基本理念是,必须在合并代码之前对其进行审查。
Code review is an important part of the workflow in Gerrit. The basic concept is that the code must be reviewed before being merged.
MediaWiki 的代码工作流可以在将其合并之前进行审查,也可以审查对 MediaWiki 外观和工作方式进行自定义的扩展。有一种特殊情况,你可以推送 internationalization and localization 提交。
The workflow of the code for MediaWiki can be reviewed before merging it and also extensions can be reviewed which customizes the MediaWiki looks and works. There is one special case in which you can push the internationalization and localization commits.
在完成开时,你可以将所有提交推送到远程分支。某人会将变更获取到本地,并通过创建合并提交将获取到的变更合并到本地主服务器中。你可以将这些变更推送至 refs/for/master 。
You can push all the commits to a remote branch when you finish the development. Someone will fetch the changes into local and merge those fetched changes into the local master by creating merge commit. You can push these changes to refs/for/master.