Gitlab 简明教程

GitLab - Create a Branch



Branch is independent line and part of the development process. The creation of branch involves following steps.

Creating a Branch

Step 1 − 登录到您的 GitLab 帐户,然后转到 Projects(项目)部分下的项目。

Step 1 − Login to your GitLab account and go to your project under Projects section.

remove user 1

Step 2 − 若要创建一个分支,请点击存储库部分下的分支选项,然后点击新分支按钮。

Step 2 − To create a branch, click on the Branches option under the Repository section and click on the New branch button.

create branch

Step 3 − 在新分支屏幕中,输入分支的名称,然后点击创建分支按钮。

Step 3 − In the New branch screen, enter the name for branch and click on the Create branch button.

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Step 4 − 创建分支后,你将获得一个如下所示的屏幕,其中包括已创建的分支。

Step 4 − After creating branch, you will get a below screen along with the created branch.

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