Gitlab 简明教程

GitLab - Create Groups



Creating group helps to connect multiple repositories and allows members to access the project by giving permissions on the group level.

Steps for Creating Group

Step 1 − 登录到您的 GitLab 帐户并单击 Groups(群组)菜单 −

Step 1 − Login to your GitLab account and click on the Groups menu −

create group 1

Step 2 − 接下来,您将看到以下屏幕,然后单击 New group(新建群组)按钮来创建一个群组 −

Step 2 − Next, you will get the below screen and click on the New group button to create a group −

create group 2

Step 3 − 输入群组名称、说明、可见性级别(私人/公共/内部),并且您还可以为您的群组设置图片,尺寸应在 200kb 以内。现在单击 Create group(创建群组)按钮。

Step 3 − Enter the Group name, Description, visibility level(Private/Public/Internal) and also you can set the image for the group of your choice which should be within 200kb in size. Now click on the Create group button.

create group 3

Step 4 − 接下来,它将在创建群组后显示成功消息,如下所示 −

Step 4 − Next, it will display the success message after creating the group as shown below −

create group 4

Step 5 − 现在,返回到 Groups(群组)部分,您将在列表中看到已创建的群组 −

Step 5 − Now, go back to your Groups section and you will see the created group in the list −

create group 5