Gitlab 简明教程

GitLab - Milestones



Milestones are used for arranging issues and merge requests into a determined group which can achieved within a specified amount of time by setting a start and due date.

Steps for Creating Milestones

Step 1 - 登录到您的 GitLab 帐户,转到您的项目,然后单击“Issues”选项卡下的“Milestones”选项 -

Step 1 − Login to your GitLab account, go to your project and click on the Milestones option under Issues tab −

milestone 1

Step 2 - 单击“New milestones(新里程碑)”按钮 -

Step 2 − Click on the New milestone button −

milestone 2

Step 3 - 现在输入标题、描述、开始日期和截止日期,并单击“Create milestones(创建里程碑)”按钮,如下面的图像所示 -

Step 3 − Now enter the title, description, start and due date and click on Create milestone button as shown in the below image −

milestone 3

Step 4 - 创建里程碑后,它会显示一条消息,提示“Assign some issues to this milestone(将一些问题分配给此里程碑)”,如下所示 -

Step 4 − After creating a milestone, it will display a message saying 'Assign some issues to this milestone' as shown below −

milestone 4

Step 5 - 现在,转到“Issues”选项卡,然后单击“New issue(新问题)”按钮,为里程碑创建一个问题 -

Step 5 − Now go to Issues tab and click on the New issue button to create an issue for the milestone −

milestone 5

Step 6 - 现在,填写信息,如标题、描述,且如果您愿意,可以选择要分配问题的用户、里程碑、操作标签或稍后由开发人员自己选择。单击“Submit issue(提交问题)”按钮。

Step 6 − Now, fill the information such as title, description and if you want, you can select a user to assign an issue, milestone, labels upon operation or could be choose by developers themselves later. Click on the Submit issue button.

milestone 6

Step 7 - 创建问题后,您将获得问题的概述以及标题和描述。在右侧,单击“Edit(编辑)”选项,并在“Milestone(里程碑)”部分下为问题分配里程碑 -

Step 7 − After creating a issue, you will get overview of an issue along with title and description. At right side, click on Edit option and assign milestone for the issue under Milestone section −

milestone 7

Step 8 - 现在,返回“Milestones”部分,您将看到添加的里程碑以及创建的问题 -

Step 8 − Now go back to Milestones section and you will see the added milestone along with created issue −

milestone 8