H2 Database 简明教程

H2 Database Tutorial

H2 是一款开源的轻量级 Java 数据库。它可以内嵌在 Java 应用程序中或以客户端-服务器模式运行。可以将 H2 数据库配置为以内存数据库的形式运行,这意味着数据不会保留在磁盘上。在此简要教程中,我们将仔细了解 H2 的各种功能和命令,作为一款最好的开源、多模型的下一代 SQL 产品。

H2 is an open-source lightweight Java database. It can be embedded in Java applications or run in the client-server mode. H2 database can be configured to run as in-memory database, which means that data will not persist on the disk. In this brief tutorial, we will look closely at the various features of H2 and its commands, one of the best open-source, multi-model, next generation SQL product.


本教程专为所有希望学习如何以简单轻松的步骤使用 H2 数据库的软件专业人员而设计。本教程将让你对 H2 数据库的基本概念有一个很好的整体了解。

This tutorial is designed for all those software professionals who would like to learn how to use H2 database in simple and easy steps. This tutorial will give you a good overall understanding on the basic concepts of H2 database.


H2 数据库主要处理关系数据。因此,在继续本教程之前,你首先应该对数据库的一般概念,尤其是 RDBMS 概念有很好的了解。

H2 database primarily deals with relational data. Hence, you should first of all have a good understanding of the concepts of databases in general, especially RDBMS concepts, before going ahead with this tutorial.