H2o 简明教程
H2O - Flow
在上一课中,你学习了使用命令行界面创建基于 H2O 的机器学习模型。H2O Flow 实现了同样的目的,但使用的是基于网络的界面。
In the last lesson, you learned to create H2O based ML models using command line interface. H2O Flow fulfils the same purpose, but with a web-based interface.
在接下来的教程中,我将向你展示如何启动 H2O Flow 和运行一个示例应用程序。
In the following lessons, I will show you how to start H2O Flow and to run a sample application.
Starting H2O Flow
你先前下载的 H2O 安装包含 h2o.jar 文件。要启动 H2O Flow,首先从命令提示符运行此 jar 文件 −
The H2O installation that you downloaded earlier contains the h2o.jar file. To start H2O Flow, first run this jar from the command prompt −
$ java -jar h2o.jar
当 jar 文件运行成功后,你将在控制台上收到以下消息 −
When the jar runs successfully, you will get the following message on the console −
Open H2O Flow in your web browser:
现在,打开你选择的浏览器,并键入以上 URL。你将看到 H2O 基于网络的桌面,如下所示 −
Now, open the browser of your choice and type the above URL. You would see the H2O web-based desktop as shown here −

这基本上是一个类似于 Colab 或 Jupyter 的笔记本。我将在解释 Flow 中的各种功能的同时向你展示如何在笔记本中加载和运行一个示例应用程序。点击上面屏幕上的查看示例 Flow 链接以查看提供的示例列表。
This is basically a notebook similar to Colab or Jupyter. I will show you how to load and run a sample application in this notebook while explaining the various features in Flow. Click on the view example Flows link on the above screen to see the list of provided examples.
我将从示例中描述航空公司延误 Flow 示例。
I will describe the Airlines delay Flow example from the sample.