Highcharts 简明教程
Highcharts - Line Charts
Line charts are used to draw line/spline based charts. In this section, we will discuss the different types of line and spline based charts.
Sr.No. |
Chart Type & Description |
1 |
Basic lineBasic line chart. |
2 |
With data labelsChart with data labels. |
3 |
Ajax loaded data, clickable pointsChart drawn after retrieving data from server. |
4 |
Time series, zoomableChart with time series. |
5 |
Spline with inverted axesSpline chart having inverted axes. |
6 |
Spline with symbolsSpline chart using symbols for heat/rain. |
7 |
Spline with plot bandsSpline chart with plot bands. |
8 |
Time data with irregular intervalsChart of a large set of time based data. |
9 |
Logarithmic axisChart depicting the logarithmic axis. |