Html 简明教程
HTML - Color Names
下表显示了 HTML 3.2 中引入的 16 种颜色名称 −
The following table shows the 16 color names that were introduced in HTML 3.2 −
Color Name |
Hex Value |
Color |
aqua |
#00ffff |
black |
#000000 |
blue |
#0000ff |
fuchsia |
#ff00ff |
green |
#008000 |
gray |
#808080 |
lime |
#00ff00 |
maroon |
#800000 |
navy |
#000080 |
olive |
#808000 |
purple |
#800080 |
red |
#ff0000 |
silver |
#c0c0c0 |
teal |
#008080 |
white |
#ffffff |
yellow |
#ffff00 |
还有其他颜色不属于 HTML 或 XHTML,但它们在大多数版本的主要浏览器中都受支持。
There are other colors which are not part of HTML or XHTML but they are supported by most of the versions of major browsers.
Color Name |
Hex Value |
Color |
aliceblue |
#f0f8ff |
antiquewhite |
#faebd7 |
aquamarine |
#7fffd4 |
azure |
#f0ffff |
beige |
#f5f5dc |
bisque |
#ffe4c4 |
blanchedalmond |
#ffebcd |
blueviolet |
#8a2be2 |
brown |
#a52a2a |
burlywood |
#deb887 |
cadetblue |
#5f9ea0 |
chartreuse |
#7fff00 |
chocolate |
#d2691e |
coral |
#ff7f50 |
cornflowerblue |
#6495ed |
cornsilk |
#fff8dc |
crimson |
#dc143c |
cyan |
#00ffff |
darkblue |
#00008b |
darkcyan |
#008b8b |
darkgoldenrod |
#b8860b |
darkgray |
#a9a9a9 |
darkgreen |
#006400 |
darkkhaki |
#bdb76b |
darkmagenta |
#8b008b |
darkolivegreen |
#556b2f |
darkorange |
#ff8c00 |
darkorchid |
#9932cc |
darkred |
#8b0000 |
darksalmon |
#e9967a |
darkseagreen |
#8fbc8f |
darkslateblue |
#483d8b |
darkslategray |
#2f4f4f |
darkturquoise |
#00ced1 |
darkviolet |
#9400d3 |
deeppink |
#ff1493 |
deepskyblue |
#00bfff |
dimgray |
#696969 |
dodgerblue |
#1e90ff |
firebrick |
#b22222 |
floralwhite |
#fffaf0 |
forestgreen |
#228b22 |
gainsboro |
#dcdcdc |
ghostwhite |
#f8f8ff |
gold |
#ffd700 |
goldenrod |
#daa520 |
gray |
#808080 |
greenyellow |
#adff2f |
honeydew |
#f0fff0 |
hotpink |
#ff69b4 |
indianred |
#cd5c5c |
indigo |
#4b0082 |
ivory |
#fffff0 |
khaki |
#f0e68c |
lavender |
#e6e6fa |
lavenderblush |
#fff0f5 |
lawngreen |
#7cfc00 |
lemonchiffon |
#fffacd |
lightblue |
#add8e6 |
lightcoral |
#f08080 |
lightcyan |
#e0ffff |
lightgoldenrodyellow |
#fafad2 |
lightgreen |
#90ee90 |
lightgrey |
#d3d3d3 |
lightpink |
#ffb6c1 |
lightsalmon |
#ffa07a |
lightseagreen |
#20b2aa |
lightskyblue |
#87cefa |
lightslategray |
#778899 |
lightsteelblue |
#b0c4de |
lightyellow |
#ffffe0 |
limegreen |
#32cd32 |
linen |
#faf0e6 |
magenta |
#ff00ff |
mediumblue |
#0000cd |
mediumorchid |
#ba55d3 |
mediumpurple |
#9370db |
midnightblue |
#191970 |
mistyrose |
#ffe4e1 |
moccasin |
#ffe4b5 |
oldlace |
#fdf5e6 |
orange |
#ffa500 |
orchid |
#da70d6 |
peachpuff |
#ffdab9 |
peru |
#cd853f |
pink |
#ffc0cb |
plum |
#dda0dd |
purple |
#800080 |
rosybrown |
#bc8f8f |
royalblue |
#4169e1 |
salmon |
#fa8072 |
sandybrown |
#f4a460 |
seagreen |
#2e8b57 |
sienna |
#a0522d |
skyblue |
#87ceeb |
slateblue |
#6a5acd |
steelblue |
#4682b4 |
tan |
#d2b48c |
thistle |
#d8bfd8 |
tomato |
#ff6347 |
violet |
#ee82ee |
wheat |
#f5deb3 |
whitesmoke |
#f5f5f5 |
yellow |
#ffff00 |
yellowgreen |
#9acd32 |
HTML Entities
在 HTML 中保留了一些字符,当在 HTML 文档中使用时,它们具有特殊含义。例如,你不能在 HTML 文本中使用大于和小于符号或尖括号,因为浏览器将以不同的方式处理它们,并将尝试绘制与 HTML 标记相关的含义。
Some characters are reserved in HTML and they have special meaning when used in HTML document. For example, you cannot use the greater than and less than signs or angle brackets within your HTML text because the browser will treat them differently and will try to draw a meaning related to HTML tag.
HTML 处理器必须支持下表中列出的五个特殊字符。
HTML processors must support following five special characters listed in the table that follows.
Symbol |
Description |
Entity Name |
Number Code |
" |
quotation mark |
" |
" |
' |
apostrophe |
' |
' |
& |
ampersand |
& |
& |
< |
less-than |
< |
< |
> |
greater-than |
> |
> |
如果你想将 <div id = "character"> 作为代码写入,那么你必须按如下方式写入 −
If you want to write <div id = "character"> as a code, then you will have to write as follows −
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Entities</title>
<div id = "character">
此代码将生成一个 div 标记,其中 id = character。
This code will produce a div tag with id = character.
在 HTML 4.0 中还有一长串特殊字符。为了让这些字符出现在你的文档中,你可以使用数字代码或实体名称。例如,要插入版权符号,你可以使用以下任何一个 −
There is also a long list of special characters in HTML 4.0. In order for these to appear in your document, you can use either the numerical codes or the entity names. For example, to insert a copyright symbol you can use either of the following −
© 2007
© 2007
ISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
Result |
Description |
Entity Name |
Number Code |
non-breaking space |
¡ |
inverted exclamation mark |
¡ |
¡ |
¤ |
currency |
¤ |
¤ |
¢ |
cent |
¢ |
¢ |
£ |
pound |
£ |
£ |
¥ |
yen |
¥ |
¥ |
¦ |
broken vertical bar |
¦ |
¦ |
§ |
section |
§ |
§ |
¨ |
spacing diaeresis |
¨ |
¨ |
© |
copyright |
© |
© |
ª |
feminine ordinal indicator |
ª |
ª |
« |
angle quotation mark (left) |
« |
« |
¬ |
negation |
¬ |
¬ |
soft hyphen |
® |
registered trademark |
® |
® |
™ |
trademark |
™ |
™ |
¯ |
spacing macron |
¯ |
¯ |
° |
degree |
° |
° |
± |
plus-or-minus |
± |
± |
² |
superscript 2 |
² |
² |
³ |
superscript 3 |
³ |
³ |
´ |
spacing acute |
´ |
´ |
µ |
micro |
µ |
µ |
¶ |
paragraph |
¶ |
¶ |
· |
middle dot |
· |
· |
¸ |
spacing cedilla |
¸ |
¸ |
¹ |
superscript 1 |
¹ |
¹ |
º |
masculine ordinal indicator |
º |
º |
» |
angle quotation mark (right) |
» |
» |
¼ |
fraction 1/4 |
¼ |
¼ |
½ |
fraction 1/2 |
½ |
½ |
¾ |
fraction 3/4 |
¾ |
¾ |
¿ |
inverted question mark |
¿ |
¿ |
× |
multiplication |
× |
× |
÷ |
division |
÷ |
÷ |
ISO 8859-1 Character Entities
Result |
Description |
Entity Name |
Number Code |
À |
capital a, grave accent |
À |
À |
Á |
capital a, acute accent |
Á |
Á |
capital a, circumflex accent |
à |
capital a, tilde |
à |
à |
Ä |
capital a, umlaut mark |
Ä |
Ä |
Å |
capital a, ring |
Å |
Å |
Æ |
capital ae |
Æ |
Æ |
Ç |
capital c, cedilla |
Ç |
Ç |
È |
capital e, grave accent |
È |
È |
É |
capital e, acute accent |
É |
É |
Ê |
capital e, circumflex accent |
Ê |
Ê |
Ë |
capital e, umlaut mark |
Ë |
Ë |
Ì |
capital i, grave accent |
Ì |
Ì |
Í |
capital i, acute accent |
Í |
Í |
Î |
capital i, circumflex accent |
Î |
Î |
Ï |
capital i, umlaut mark |
Ï |
Ï |
Ð |
capital eth, Icelandic |
Ð |
Ð |
Ñ |
capital n, tilde |
Ñ |
Ñ |
Ò |
capital o, grave accent |
Ò |
Ò |
Ó |
capital o, acute accent |
Ó |
Ó |
Ô |
capital o, circumflex accent |
Ô |
Ô |
Õ |
capital o, tilde |
Õ |
Õ |
Ö |
capital o, umlaut mark |
Ö |
Ö |
Ø |
capital o, slash |
Ø |
Ø |
Ù |
capital u, grave accent |
Ù |
Ù |
Ú |
capital u, acute accent |
Ú |
Ú |
Û |
capital u, circumflex accent |
Û |
Û |
Ü |
capital u, umlaut mark |
Ü |
Ü |
Ý |
capital y, acute accent |
Ý |
Ý |
Þ |
capital THORN, Icelandic |
Þ |
Þ |
ß |
small sharp s, German |
ß |
ß |
à |
small a, grave accent |
à |
à |
á |
small a, acute accent |
á |
á |
â |
small a, circumflex accent |
â |
â |
ã |
small a, tilde |
ã |
ã |
ä |
small a, umlaut mark |
ä |
ä |
å |
small a, ring |
å |
å |
æ |
small ae |
æ |
æ |
ç |
small c, cedilla |
ç |
ç |
è |
small e, grave accent |
è |
è |
é |
small e, acute accent |
é |
é |
ê |
small e, circumflex accent |
ê |
ê |
ë |
small e, umlaut mark |
ë |
ë |
ì |
small i, grave accent |
ì |
ì |
í |
small i, acute accent |
í |
í |
î |
small i, circumflex accent |
î |
î |
ï |
small i, umlaut mark |
ï |
ï |
ð |
small eth, Icelandic |
ð |
ð |
ñ |
small n, tilde |
ñ |
ñ |
ò |
small o, grave accent |
ò |
ò |
ó |
small o, acute accent |
ó |
ó |
ô |
small o, circumflex accent |
ô |
ô |
õ |
small o, tilde |
õ |
õ |
ö |
small o, umlaut mark |
ö |
ö |
ø |
small o, slash |
ø |
ø |
ù |
small u, grave accent |
ù |
ù |
ú |
small u, acute accent |
ú |
ú |
û |
small u, circumflex accent |
û |
û |
ü |
small u, umlaut mark |
ü |
ü |
ý |
small y, acute accent |
ý |
ý |
þ |
small thorn, Icelandic |
þ |
þ |
ÿ |
small y, umlaut mark |
ÿ |
ÿ |
Other Entities Supported by HTML Browsers
Result |
Description |
Entity Name |
Number Code |
Œ |
capital ligature OE |
Œ |
Œ |
œ |
small ligature oe |
œ |
œ |
Š |
capital S with caron |
Š |
Š |
š |
small S with caron |
š |
š |
Ÿ |
capital Y with diaeres |
Ÿ |
Ÿ |
ˆ |
modifier letter circumflex accent |
ˆ |
ˆ |
˜ |
small tilde |
˜ |
˜ |
en space |
em space |
thin space |
zero width non-joiner |
zero width joiner |
left-to-right mark |
right-to-left mark |
– |
en dash |
– |
– |
— |
em dash |
— |
— |
‘ |
left single quotation mark |
‘ |
‘ |
’ |
right single quotation mark |
’ |
’ |
‚ |
single low-9 quotation mark |
‚ |
‚ |
“ |
left double quotation mark |
“ |
“ |
” |
right double quotation mark |
” |
” |
„ |
double low-9 quotation mark |
„ |
„ |
† |
dagger |
† |
† |
‡ |
double dagger |
‡ |
‡ |
… |
horizontal ellipsis |
… |
… |
‰ |
per mille |
‰ |
‰ |
‹ |
single left-pointing angle quotation |
‹ |
‹ |
› |
single right-pointing angle quotation |
› |
› |
€ |
euro |
€ |
€ |