Html 简明教程
HTML Tutorial
HTML 是 Web 页面的标准标记语言。HTML 代表超文本标记语言,用于创建任何 Web 页面的内容和结构。如果你认为人体是网页,那么 HTML 就是身体的骨架。它是网页的构建块。HTML 是伯纳斯-李在 1991 年底创建的,但“HTML 2.0”是 1995 年发布的首个标准 HTML 规范。
HTML is a Standard Markup language for web pages. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is used to create content and structure of any web page. If you think of the human body as a web page then HTML is the skeleton of the body. It is the building block of web pages. HTML was created by Berners-Lee in late 1991 but "HTML 2.0" was the first standard HTML specification which was published in 1995.
本教程的目的是通过涵盖每个标签和属性的示例代码来让你成为 HTML 专家。你可以在每篇文章提供的代码中进行更改并实时查看差异。
Aim of this tutorial is to make you HTML expert by covering each tag and attribute’s example codes. You can make changes on the provided code of each article and see the difference live.
Who Should Learn HTML?
本 HTML 教程面向有志成为 Web Designers 和 Developers 的人,他们需要足够详细地了解 HTML 及其最新版本 ( HTML5 ),包括其简单概述和实用示例。
This HTML tutorial is designed for aspiring Web Designers and Developers with a need to understand the HTML and its newest versions(HTML5) in enough detail along with its simple overview, and practical examples.
HTML Online Editor
我们提供 * HTML Online Editor* ,让你能够直接在 Web 浏览器中编辑和执行 HTML 代码。只需单击“运行”按钮图标,即可查看 HTML Hello World 程序的运行情况。
We offer an HTML Online Editor that enables you to edit and execute HTML code directly within your web browser. Simply click the "Run" button icon to see the HTML Hello World program in action.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Online HTML Editor</title>
<h1>Online HTML Editor</h1>
<p>Hello World</p>
Why to Learn HTML?
对于希望成为 Web 开发者的学生和在职专业人员来说,HTML 是必须掌握的。HTML 被广泛用于创建网页,除了 HTML 之外,还可以学习 * CSS* 和 * JavaScript.*
HTML is a MUST for students and working professionals to become a Web Developer. HTML is being widely used to create web pages with the help of different tags and attributes along with the HTML you can learn CSS and JavaScript.
Create a Website: You can create a website or customize an existing web template if you know HTML well.
Become a Web Designer: If you want to start a career as a professional web designer, HTML and CSS designing is a must skill.
Understand Web: If you want to optimize your website, to boost its speed and performance, it is good to know HTML to yield the best results.
Prerequisites to Learn HTML
HTML 是基于文本的计算机编码,因此学习它不需要任何先决条件,你只需要熟悉计算机,并且具备有关文件或目录的基本办公知识。
HTML is text-based computer coding so there are no prerequisites for learning it, you will just have to be familiar with computer, and basic working knowledge with files or directory.
Get Started with HTML
牢记这一点,比如从对 HTML 一无所知到具有一定知识,我们将主题分为 12 个较小的部分,这样学习曲线尽可能容易,并且你可以了解诸如在何处以及何时使用哪个标签或属性之类的主题。
By keeping things in mind like, having no knowledge to sound knowledge of HTML we have categories topics in 12 smaller parts, so learning curve can be easy as much as possible and you can relate topics like where and when to use which tag or attribute.
Basics of HTML
在深入研究之前,了解任何技术的要点始终都被推荐。HTML 基础部分已填入所有 HTML 基础知识(例如编辑器、基本标签、元素、属性、标题、段落、格式等)。
Before going deep down it is always recomended to know the basics of any technologies. HTML basic part has filled with all the fundamentals of HTML like - editors, basic tags, elements, attributes, heading, paragraph, formatting, etc..
HTML Formatting
HTML Formatting* 是在网站上以更佳方式呈现文本内容的方法,因此用户可以轻松浏览你的网站。
HTML Formatting is the way of representing textual context on the website in a better way, so the user can easily navigate through your website.
HTML Lists
HTML List* 是相关信息的集合。列表可以根据要求按顺序排列或无序排列。
HTML List is a collection of related infomation. The lists can be ordered or underdered depending on the requirement.
HTML Tables
HTML Tables* 允许我们通过提供行和列功能有条理地呈现数据。此外,还提供视觉结构,有助于清晰度和理解,使它们成为 Web 开发中的基本要素。
HTML Tables allow us to present data in a organized way by providing row and column facility. Also offer a visual structure that aids in clarity and comprehension, making them a fundamental element in web development.
HTML Links
HTML 链接是超链接,这意味着当你单击链接时,它将重定向到另一个文档或网站部分。我们也可以将其用于按钮,以向某人发送邮件。
HTML Links are hyperlinks that means when you click on a link, it redirect to an another document or section of the website. Or we can use that on the button to mail someone as well.
HTML Forms
HTML forms* 是用于从用户那里收集数据的简单表单。HTML 表单具有交互式控件和各种输入类型,例如文本、数字、电子邮件、密码、单选按钮、复选框、按钮等。
HTML forms are simple form that has been used to collect data from the users. HTML form has interactive controls and various input types such as text, numbers, email, password, radio buttons, checkboxes, buttons, etc.
HTML Graphics
HTML 图形是用于表现任何想法或想象的视觉表现形式,从而增强用户对网站的整体体验。
HTML Graphics are the visual representations that are used to represent any idea or imagination in order to enhance the overall experience of the website for the user.
HTML API 也称为“应用程序编程接口”。它是一组定义、工具和协议,可实现跨各种软件程序的交互和通信。
HTML API is also known as "Application Programming Interface." It is a collection of definitions, tools, and protocols that enables interaction and communication across various software programs.
HTML References
HTML 参考资料是提供每个主题的全面信息和指导的基本资源。参考资料始终对经验丰富的和没有经验的开发人员都有帮助。
HTML References are essential resources that provide comprehensive information and guidance on each topics. References are always helpful for both experienced and non-experienced developers.
HTML Exercises and Cheat Sheet
After completing the above topics you can check our Interview Questions, Quizzes, and Tests set to test your knowledge.
HTML - Interview Questions
HTML - Online Quiz
HTML - Online Test
HTML - Mock Test
HTML - Cheat Sheet
HTML Applications
如前所述,HTML 是 Web 上最广泛使用的语言之一。
As mentioned before, HTML is one of the most widely used languages on the web.
Web Page Development: HTML is used to create pages that are rendered over the web. Almost every page of the web has HTML tags in it to render its details in the browser.
Responsive UI: HTML pages now-a-days works well on all platforms, mobile, tabs, desktop or laptops owing to responsive design strategy.
Game Development: HTML5 has native support for rich experience and is now useful in the gaming development arena as well.
Mobile application development: HTML with CSS3 and Javascript can be used for developing cross-platform mobile applications.
Multimedia and video streaming: HTML5 offers support for multimedia elements like video and audio, which enables seamless media playback directly in web browsers.
Geolocation: Allows websites to request a user’s geographic location. This is helpful for location-based applications and services.
Careers and Salary
HTML(超文本标记语言)和 * HTML5* 是 Web 开发的主干。完成本教程后,你就能自信地应用于以下个人资料。
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and HTML5 are the backbone of web development. By completing this tutorial you will confident enough to apply on the below mentioned profiles.
HTML Email Developer - Salary Ranges from ₹ 2.0 Lakhs to ₹ 11.0 Lakhs.
HTML Coder - Salary Ranges from ₹ 1.0 Lakhs to ₹ 7.3 Lakhs.
如果你在学习 HTML 的同时学习 CSS 和 JavaScript,那么机会的数量将不断增加。
Along with HTML if you learn CSS and JavaScript then number of opportunities will grow.