Human Computer Interface 简明教程

Interactive System Design

本章的目标是了解交互式系统(现已成为我们生活中重要组成部分)的设计和开发的各个方面。这些系统的设计和可用性对人们与技术的关系质量产生影响。Web 应用程序、游戏、嵌入式设备等都是该系统的一部分,该系统已成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。现在让我们讨论该系统的一些主要组件。

The objective of this chapter is to learn all the aspects of design and development of interactive systems, which are now an important part of our lives. The design and usability of these systems leaves an effect on the quality of people’s relationship to technology. Web applications, games, embedded devices, etc., are all a part of this system, which has become an integral part of our lives. Let us now discuss on some major components of this system.

Concept of Usability Engineering


Usability Engineering is a method in the progress of software and systems, which includes user contribution from the inception of the process and assures the effectiveness of the product through the use of a usability requirement and metrics.


It thus refers to the Usability Function features of the entire process of abstracting, implementing & testing hardware and software products. Requirements gathering stage to installation, marketing and testing of products, all fall in this process.

Goals of Usability Engineering

  1. Effective to use − Functional

  2. Efficient to use − Efficient

  3. Error free in use − Safe

  4. Easy to use − Friendly

  5. Enjoyable in use − Delightful Experience


可用性有三个组成部分− 有效性、效率和满意度,用户使用这些组成部分在特定环境中实现他们的目标。让我们简要了解一下这些组成部分。

Usability has three components − effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction, using which, users accomplish their goals in particular environments. Let us look in brief about these components.

  1. Effectiveness − The completeness with which users achieve their goals.

  2. Efficiency − The competence used in using the resources to effectively achieve the goals.

  3. Satisfaction − The ease of the work system to its users.

Usability Study


The methodical study on the interaction between people, products, and environment based on experimental assessment. Example: Psychology, Behavioral Science, etc.

Usability Testing


The scientific evaluation of the stated usability parameters as per the user’s requirements, competences, prospects, safety and satisfaction is known as usability testing.

Acceptance Testing


Acceptance testing also known as User Acceptance Testing (UAT), is a testing procedure that is performed by the users as a final checkpoint before signing off from a vendor. Let us take an example of the handheld barcode scanner.

Software Tools

软件工具是一种程序化软件,用于创建、维护或以其他方式支持其他程序和应用程序。HCI 中一些常用的软件工具如下 −

A software tool is a programmatic software used to create, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications. Some of the commonly used software tools in HCI are as follows −

  1. Specification Methods − The methods used to specify the GUI. Even though these are lengthy and ambiguous methods, they are easy to understand.

  2. Grammars − Written Instructions or Expressions that a program would understand. They provide confirmations for completeness and correctness.

  3. Transition Diagram − Set of nodes and links that can be displayed in text, link frequency, state diagram, etc. They are difficult in evaluating usability, visibility, modularity and synchronization.

  4. Statecharts − Chart methods developed for simultaneous user activities and external actions. They provide link-specification with interface building tools.

  5. Interface Building Tools − Design methods that help in designing command languages, data-entry structures, and widgets.

  6. Interface Mockup Tools − Tools to develop a quick sketch of GUI. E.g., Microsoft Visio, Visual Studio .Net, etc.

  7. Software Engineering Tools − Extensive programming tools to provide user interface management system.

  8. Evaluation Tools − Tools to evaluate the correctness and completeness of programs.

HCI and Software Engineering

Software engineering 是设计、开发和维护软件的研究。它与 HCI 接触以使人机交互更加充满活力和互动性。

Software engineering is the study of designing, development and preservation of software. It comes in contact with HCI to make the man and machine interaction more vibrant and interactive.


Let us see the following model in software engineering for interactive designing.

The Waterfall Method

the waterfall model

Interactive System Design

interactive system design


The uni-directional movement of the waterfall model of Software Engineering shows that every phase depends on the preceding phase and not vice-versa. However, this model is not suitable for the interactive system design.


The interactive system design shows that every phase depends on each other to serve the purpose of designing and product creation. It is a continuous process as there is so much to know and users keep changing all the time. An interactive system designer should recognize this diversity.



Prototyping is another type of software engineering models that can have a complete range of functionalities of the projected system.

在 HCI 中,原型设计是一种试验和部分设计,可帮助用户在不执行完整系统的情况下测试设计想法。

In HCI, prototyping is a trial and partial design that helps users in testing design ideas without executing a complete system.

原型的例子可以是 Sketches 。交互式设计的草图稍后可以制作成图形界面。请参见下图。

Example of a prototype can be Sketches. Sketches of interactive design can later be produced into graphical interface. See the following diagram.


上图可以看作是 Low Fidelity Prototype ,因为它使用了手动程序,如在纸上绘制草图。

The above diagram can be considered as a Low Fidelity Prototype as it uses manual procedures like sketching in a paper.

Medium Fidelity Prototype 涉及系统的部分程序,但不是全部程序。例如,GUI 的第一个屏幕。

A Medium Fidelity Prototype involves some but not all procedures of the system. E.g., first screen of a GUI.

最后,[ Hi Fidelity Prototype 将系统的所有功能模拟设计中。此原型需要时间、金钱和劳动力。

Finally, a Hi Fidelity Prototype simulates all the functionalities of the system in a design. This prototype requires, time, money and work force.

User Centered Design (UCD)

从用户收集反馈来改进设计的过程被称为以用户为中心的设计或 UCD。

The process of collecting feedback from users to improve the design is known as user centered design or UCD.

UCD Drawbacks

  1. Passive user involvement.

  2. User’s perception about the new interface may be inappropriate.

  3. Designers may ask incorrect questions to users.

Interactive System Design Life Cycle (ISLC)


The stages in the following diagram are repeated until the solution is reached.

[ Diagram


interactive system design life cycle

GUI Design & Aesthetics

图形用户界面 (GUI) 是用户可以在计算机系统中操作程序、应用程序或设备的界面。用户在此处可以访问图标、菜单、窗口小部件、标签。

Graphic User Interface (GUI) is the interface from where a user can operate programs, applications or devices in a computer system. This is where the icons, menus, widgets, labels exist for the users to access.

GUI 中的每一项都是以用户可以识别且赏心悦目的方式进行排列,这一点非常重要,它体现了 GUI 设计者的审美意识。GUI 美学为任何产品提供了特色和特性。

It is significant that everything in the GUI is arranged in a way that is recognizable and pleasing to the eye, which shows the aesthetic sense of the GUI designer. GUI aesthetics provides a character and identity to any product.

HCI in Indian Industries

在过去的几年中,印度的大多数 IT 公司都在聘用设计师从事 HCI 相关活动。甚至跨国公司也开始在印度聘用 HCI 人员,因为印度设计师已证明他们在体系结构、视觉和交互设计方面的能力。因此,印度 HCI 设计师不仅在国内声名鹊起,而且在国外也表现突出。

For the past couple of years, majority IT companies in India are hiring designers for HCI related activities. Even multi-national companies started hiring for HCI from India as Indian designers have proven their capabilities in architectural, visual and interaction designs. Thus, Indian HCI designers are not only making a mark in the country, but also abroad.


The profession has boomed in the last decade even when the usability has been there forever. And since new products are developed frequently, the durability prognosis also looks great.

根据对可用性专家的估计,印度只有 1,000 名专家。总体需求约为 60,000。在国内从事设计的所有设计师中,HCI 设计师约占 2.77%。

As per an estimation made on usability specialists, there are mere 1,000 experts in India. The overall requirement is around 60,000. Out of all the designers working in the country, HCI designers count for approximately 2.77%.

HCI Analogy


Let us take a known analogy that can be understood by everyone. A film director is a person who with his/her experience can work on script writing, acting, editing, and cinematography. He/She can be considered as the only person accountable for all the creative phases of the film.

类似地,HCI 可以被视为电影导演,其工作一部分具有创造性,一部分具有技术性。HCI 设计师对所有设计领域都有深入的了解。下图描述了该类比 −

Similarly, HCI can be considered as the film director whose job is part creative and part technical. An HCI designer have substantial understanding of all areas of designing. The following diagram depicts the analogy −

hci analogy