Internet Of Things 简明教程
Internet of Things - GE Predix
GE (通用电气) Predix 是一个用于从工业仪表收集数据的软件平台。它提供了基于云的 PaaS(平台即服务),该平台支持工业级分析,以实现操作优化和性能管理。它以标准方式连接数据、个人和设备。
GE (General Electric) Predix is a software platform for data collection from industrial instruments. It provides a cloud-based PaaS (platform as a service), which enables industrial-grade analytics for operations optimization and performance management. It connects data, individuals, and equipment in a standard way.

Predix 的设计目标是工厂,并赋予其生态系统与改变移动电话的操作系统相同的简单而有效的功能。它最初是通用电气内部物联网的工具,专门用于监控销售的产品。
Predix was designed to target factories, and give their ecosystems the same simple and productive function as operating systems that transformed mobile phones. It began as a tool for General Electric’s internal IoT, specifically created to monitor products sold.
Ge Predix Partnered with Microsoft Azure
Microsoft 的 Azure 是一个云计算平台和支持基础设施。它提供 PaaS 和 IaaS,以及用于构建系统的各种工具。最近在 Azure 上提供服务的 Predix 利用了大量额外功能,例如人工智能、高级数据可视化和自然语言技术。Microsoft 计划最终将其与 Azure IoT 套件和 Cortana Intelligence 套件以及其成熟的业务应用程序集成在一起。Azure 还允许用户使用 Predix 数据构建应用程序。请注意,AWS 和 Oracle 也支持 Predix。
Microsoft’s Azure is a cloud computing platform and supporting infrastructure. It provides PaaS and IaaS, and assorted tools for building systems. Predix, recently made available on Azure, exploits a host of extra features like AI, advanced data visualization, and natural language technology. Microsoft plans to eventually integrate Predix with its Azure IoT suite and Cortana Intelligence suite, and also their well-established business applications. Azure will also allow users to build applications using Predix data. Note AWS and Oracle also support Predix.
Developer Kits
GE 提供经济的开发工具包,其中包括一般组件和英特尔爱迪生处理器模块。开发者可以选择双核板和树莓派板。开发者只需提供 IP 地址、以太网连接、电源和轻量级编程即可设置数据收集。
GE offers inexpensive developer kits consisting of general components and an Intel Edison processor module. Developers have the options of a dual core board and a Raspberry Pi board. Developers need only provide an IP address, Ethernet connection, power supply, and light programming to set data collection.
该工具包会自动建立必需的连接,向中心 Predix 系统注册并开始从传感器传输环境数据。用户订购硬件/软件输出,GE Digital 拥有并管理用户的硬件和软件。
The kit automatically establishes the necessary connection, registers with the central Predix system, and begins transmitting environmental data from sensors. Users subscribe to hardware/software output, and GE Digital owns and manages the hardware and software for the user.
This kit replaces the awkward and involved assemblies of simulations and testing environments. In other simulations, developers typically use a large set of software (one for each device), and specific configurations for each connection. They also program the monitoring of each device, which can sometimes take hours. The kit reduces much of the time spent performing these tasks from hours to only minutes.

该工具包还包括用于设计与 Predix 服务合作的 IoT 应用程序的软件组件。GE 计划针对不同应用程序发布该工具包的其他版本。
The kit also includes software components for designing an IoT application that partners with Predix services. GE plans to release other versions of the kit for different applications.