Internet Of Things 简明教程
Internet of Things - Salesforce
Salesforce IoT Cloud是一个用于存储和处理IoT数据的平台。 它使用Thunder引擎进行可扩展,实时事件处理。 称为Lightning的应用程序开发组件集为其应用程序提供动力。 它收集来自设备,网站,应用程序,客户和合作伙伴的数据,以触发实时响应操作。
The Salesforce IoT Cloud is a platform for storing and processing IoT data. It uses the Thunder engine for scalable, real-time event processing. Its collection of application development components, known as Lightning, powers its applications. It gathers data from devices, websites, applications, customers, and partners to trigger actions for real-time responses.

CRM领导者Salesforce决定进入此空间,这是由于在未来时代保持竞争力所需的。 IoT云通过扩大其覆盖范围和分析深度来增加Salesforce。
Salesforce, a CRM leader, decided to enter this space due to the need to remain competitive in the coming era. The IoT cloud adds to Salesforce by expanding its reach, and the depth of its analytics.
Salesforce与IoT相结合,通过更紧密的集成和对实时事件的响应,显著提高了客户服务; 例如,风力涡轮机的调整可以在航空公司乘客降落之前自动重新预订延迟/取消的连接航班。
Salesforce combined with IoT delivers dramatically improved customer service with tighter integration and responses to real-time events; for example, adjustments in wind turbines could trigger automatic rebooking of delayed/canceled connecting flights before airline passengers land.
Electric Imp
Electric Imp平台是Salesforce建议的将设备快速连接到云的方法。 您通过Squirrel语言开发应用程序; 高级,面向对象,轻量级脚本语言。 应用程序由两个模块组成:设备模块(在设备上运行); 和代理模块(在Electric Imp云中运行)。 该平台确保模块之间的安全通信,并且您使用简单的调用向设备发送消息 −
The Electric Imp platform is Salesforce’s recommended method for quickly connecting devices to the cloud. You develop applications through the Squirrel language; a high level, OO, lightweight scripting language. Applications consist of two modules: the device module, which runs on the device; and the agent module, which runs in the Electric Imp cloud. The platform ensures secure communication between the modules, and you send devices messages with a simple call −
agent.send("nameOfmessage", data);
Listen for messages on the agent with the following code −
device.on("nameOfmessage", function(data) {
//Data operations
Beyond these basic tasks, coding for device interaction, monitoring, and response resembles standard web application development, and uses a simple, easy-to-learn syntax.