Internet Of Things 简明教程

Internet of Things - Technology and Protocols

物联网主要利用标准协议和网络技术。但是,物联网的主要支持技术和协议有 RFID、NFC、低功耗蓝牙、低功耗无线、低功耗无线电协议、LTE-A 和 WiFi-Direct。与普通系统的标准统一网络相比,这些技术支持物联网系统中需要的特定网络功能。

IoT primarily exploits standard protocols and networking technologies. However, the major enabling technologies and protocols of IoT are RFID, NFC, low-energy Bluetooth, low-energy wireless, low-energy radio protocols, LTE-A, and WiFi-Direct. These technologies support the specific networking functionality needed in an IoT system in contrast to a standard uniform network of common systems.


RFID(射频识别)和 NFC(近场通信)为身份和访问令牌、连接自举和支付提供了简单、低功耗和多功能的选项。

RFID (radio-frequency identification) and NFC (near-field communication) provide simple, lowenergy, and versatile options for identity and access tokens, connection bootstrapping, and payments.

  1. RFID technology employs 2-way radio transmitter-receivers to identify and track tags associated with objects.

  2. NFC consists of communication protocols for electronic devices, typically a mobile device and a standard device.

Low-Energy Bluetooth


This technology supports the low-power, long-use need of IoT function while exploiting a standard technology with native support across systems.

Low-Energy Wireless


This technology replaces the most power hungry aspect of an IoT system. Though sensors and other elements can power down over long periods, communication links (i.e., wireless) must remain in listening mode. Low-energy wireless not only reduces consumption, but also extends the life of the device through less use.

Radio Protocols

ZigBee、Z-Wave 和 Thread 是无线协议,用于创建低速率私有区域网络。这些技术功耗低,但与许多类似选项不同,却提供高吞吐量。这样就可以提高小型本地设备网络的功率,而不会产生常规成本。

ZigBee, Z-Wave, and Thread are radio protocols for creating low-rate private area networks. These technologies are low-power, but offer high throughput unlike many similar options. This increases the power of small local device networks without the typical costs.


LTE-A 或 LTE Advanced 通过提高覆盖率,同时降低延迟并提高吞吐量,对 LTE 技术进行了重大升级。它通过扩大范围为物联网提供了极大的能力,其最重要的应用是车辆、无人机和类似的通信。

LTE-A, or LTE Advanced, delivers an important upgrade to LTE technology by increasing not only its coverage, but also reducing its latency and raising its throughput. It gives IoT a tremendous power through expanding its range, with its most significant applications being vehicle, UAV, and similar communication.


WiFi-Direct 消除了对接入点的需求。它允许 P2P(对等)连接以 WiFi 的速度,但具有更低的延迟。WiFi-Direct 消除了经常拖累网络的网络元素,但不会牺牲速度或吞吐量。

WiFi-Direct eliminates the need for an access point. It allows P2P (peer-to-peer) connections with the speed of WiFi, but with lower latency. WiFi-Direct eliminates an element of a network that often bogs it down, and it does not compromise on speed or throughput.