Internet Of Things 简明教程

IoT - Transportation Applications


At every layer of transportation, IoT provides improved communication, control, and data distribution. These applications include personal vehicles, commercial vehicles, trains, UAVs, and other equipment. It extends throughout the entire system of all transportation elements such as traffic control, parking, fuel consumption, and more.

Rails and Mass Transit

当前系统提供复杂化的集成和性能,但是,它们采用旧技术和方法进行 MRT。物联网带来的改进提供了更完整的控制和监测。这带来了总性能、维护问题、维护和改进方面的更好管理。

Current systems deliver sophisticated integration and performance, however, they employ older technology and approaches to MRT. The improvements brought by IoT deliver more complete control and monitoring. This results in better management of overall performance, maintenance issues, maintenance, and improvements.

除标准 MRT 以外的大众运输选择缺乏必要的集成,无法将其从一种选择转变为专用服务。物联网提供了一种低成本、先进的方法来优化性能,并将 MRT 的品质带入其他运输选项,例如公共汽车。这在排班、优化运输时间、可靠性、管理设备问题和响应客户需求方面改进了服务和服务交付。

Mass transit options beyond standard MRT suffer from a lack of the integration necessary to transform them from an option to a dedicated service. IoT provides an inexpensive and advanced way to optimize performance and bring qualities of MRT to other transportation options like buses. This improves services and service delivery in the areas of scheduling, optimizing transport times, reliability, managing equipment issues, and responding to customer needs.



The primary concerns of traffic are managing congestion, reducing accidents, and parking. IoT allows us to better observe and analyze the flow of traffic through devices at all traffic observation points. It aids in parking by making storage flow transparent when current methods offer little if any data.

road sign


Accidents typically result from a number of factors, however, traffic management impacts their frequency. Construction sites, poor rerouting, and a lack of information about traffic status are all issues that lead to incidents. IoT provides solutions in the form of better information sharing with the public, and between various parties directly affecting road traffic.


汽车行业中的许多人设想未来的汽车将搭载物联网技术,使汽车成为“智能”的且有吸引力的选择,与 MRT 相当。物联网为个人车辆提供了少量的重大改进。大部分好处源于对相关基础设施和汽车运输的固有缺陷的更好控制;但是,物联网确实改善了个人车辆的个人空间。物联网为车辆带来了与家居中一样的改进和定制化。

Many in the automotive industry envision a future for cars in which IoT technology makes cars “smart,” attractive options equal to MRT. IoT offers few significant improvements to personal vehicles. Most benefits come from better control over related infrastructure and the inherent flaws in automobile transport; however, IoT does improve personal vehicles as personal spaces. IoT brings the same improvements and customization to a vehicle as those in the home.

Commercial Transportation


Transportation benefits extend to business and manufacturing by optimizing the transport arm of organizations. It reduces and eliminates problems related to poor fleet management through better analytics and control such as monitoring idling, fuel consumption, travel conditions, and travel time between points. This results in product transportation operating more like an aligned service and less like a collection of contracted services.