Internet Technologies 简明教程
Internet Connectivity
Here in this tutorial, we will discuss how to connect to internet i.e. internet service providers, software and hardware requirements, configuring internet connection etc.
Internet Service Providers (ISP)
@ {s3} 是一家提供互联网接入的公司。他们提供各种服务:
Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company offering access to internet. They offer various services:
Internet Access
Domain name registration
Dial-up access
Leased line access
ISP Types
ISP 可大致分为六类,如下图所示:
ISPs can broadly be classified into six categories as shown in the following diagram:

它们通过电话线、有线 Wi-Fi 或光纤提供互联网接入。
They provide access to internet through telephone lines, cable wi-fi or fiber optics.
Such providers offer mailbox hosting services.
托管 ISP 提供电子邮件和其他 Web 托管服务,如虚拟机、云等。
Hosting ISPs offers e-mail, and other web hosting services such as virtual machines, clouds etc.
此类 ISP 通过其他 ISP 服务提供互联网接入。
Such ISPs offer internet access via other ISP services.
免费 ISP 不收取互联网服务费用。
Free ISPs do not charge for internet services.
Connection Types
There exist several ways to connect to the internet. Following are these connection types available:
Dial-up Connection
Dial-up 连接使用电话线将 PC 连接到互联网。它需要一个调制解调器来设置拨号连接。这个调制解调器充当 PC 和电话线之间的接口。
Dial-up connection uses telephone line to connect PC to the internet. It requires a modem to setup dial-up connection. This modem works as an interface between PC and the telephone line.
还有一个通信程序,指示调制解调器拨打 ISP 提供的特定号码。
There is also a communication program that instructs the modem to make a call to specific number provided by an ISP.
Dial-up connection uses either of the following protocols:
The following diagram shows the accessing internet using modem:

ISDN 是 Integrated Services Digital Network. 的缩写。它使用承载数字信号(而非模拟信号)的电话线建立连接。
ISDN is acronym of Integrated Services Digital Network. It establishes the connection using the phone lines which carry digital signals instead of analog signals.
有两种技术可提供 ISDN 服务:
There are two techniques to deliver ISDN services:
Key points:
Key points:
The BRI ISDN consists of three distinct channels on a single ISDN line: t1o 64kbps B (Bearer) channel and one 16kbps D (Delta or Data) channels.
The PRI ISDN consists of 23 B channels and one D channels with both have operating capacity of 64kbps individually making a total transmission rate of 1.54Mbps.
下图显示了使用 ISDN 连接访问互联网:
The following diagram shows accessing internet using ISDN connection:

DSL 是 Digital Subscriber Line. 的缩写。它是一种宽带连接形式,因为它通过普通电话线提供连接。
DSL is acronym of Digital Subscriber Line. It is a form of broadband connection as it provides connection over ordinary telephone lines.
以下是一些今天可用的 DSL 技术版本:
Following are the several versions of DSL technique available today:
All of the above mentioned technologies differ in their upload and download speed, bit transfer rate and level of service.
下图显示了我们如何利用 DSL 技术连接到互联网:
The following diagram shows that how we can connect to internet using DSL technology:

Cable TV Internet Connection
Cable TV Internet connection is provided through Cable TV lines. It uses coaxial cable which is capable of transferring data at much higher speed than common telephone line.
Key Points:
Key Points:
A cable modem is used to access this service, provided by the cable operator.
The Cable modem comprises of two connections: one for internet service and other for Cable TV signals.
Since Cable TV internet connections share a set amount of bandwidth with a group of customers, therefore, data transfer rate also depends on number of customers using the internet at the same time.
The following diagram shows that how internet is accessed using Cable TV connection:

Satellite Internet Connection
Satellite Internet connection offers high speed connection to the internet. There are two types of satellite internet connection: one way connection or two way connection.
单向连接中,我们只能下载数据,但如果我们想上传,我们就需要通过电话线通过 ISP 拨号连接。
In one way connection, we can only download data but if we want to upload, we need a dialup access through ISP over telephone line.
In two way connection, we can download and upload the data by the satellite. It does not require any dialup connection.
The following diagram shows how internet is accessed using satellite internet connection:

Wireless Internet Connection
无线互联网连接利用无线电频段连接互联网,并提供非常高的速度。无线互联网连接可以通过 WiFi 或蓝牙获得。
Wireless Internet Connection makes use of radio frequency bands to connect to the internet and offers a very high speed. The wireless internet connection can be obtained by either WiFi or Bluetooth.
Key Points:
Key Points:
Wi Fi wireless technology is based on IEEE 802.11 standards which allow the electronic device to connect to the internet.
Bluetooth wireless technology makes use of short-wavelength radio waves and helps to create personal area network (PAN).