Internet Technologies 简明教程
Web Browser
Web Browser
web Browser 是一种应用程序软件,允许我们查看和浏览网络上的信息。用户只需在地址栏中输入 URL 即可请求任何网页。
web Browser is an application software that allows us to view and explore information on the web. User can request for any web page by just entering a URL into address bar.
Web 浏览器可以显示文本、音频、视频、动画等。Web 浏览器负责解释网页中包含的文本和命令。
Web browser can show text, audio, video, animation and more. It is the responsibility of a web browser to interpret text and commands contained in the web page.
早期的 Web 浏览器是基于文本的,而现在则推出了基于图形或基于语音的 Web 浏览器。以下是最常用的 Web 浏览器:
Earlier the web browsers were text-based while now a days graphical-based or voice-based web browsers are also available. Following are the most common web browser available today:
Browser |
Vendor |
Internet Explorer |
Microsoft |
Google Chrome |
Mozilla Firefox |
Mozilla |
Netscape Navigator |
Netscape Communications Corp. |
Opera |
Opera Software |
Safari |
Apple |
Sea Monkey |
Mozilla Foundation |
K-meleon |
K-meleon |
市场上有许多 Web 浏览器。所有浏览器都在屏幕上解释和显示信息,但它们的性能和结构因实现而异。但是,所有 Web 浏览器必须展示的最基本组件如下所列:
There are a lot of web browser available in the market. All of them interpret and display information on the screen however their capabilities and structure varies depending upon implementation. But the most basic component that all web browser must exhibit are listed below:
Client Programs
Controller 充当 CPU 中的控制单元。它从键盘或鼠标获取输入,解释它并根据收到的输入让其他服务工作。
Controller works as a control unit in CPU. It takes input from the keyboard or mouse, interpret it and make other services to work on the basis of input it receives.
Interpreter 从控制器接收信息并逐行执行指令。一些解释器是强制性的,而另一些是可选的。例如,HTML 解释器程序是强制性的,而 Java 解释器是可选的。
Interpreter receives the information from the controller and execute the instruction line by line. Some interpreter are mandatory while some are optional For example, HTML interpreter program is mandatory and java interpreter is optional.
Client Program 描述用于访问特定服务的特定协议。以下是常用的客户端程序:
Client Program describes the specific protocol that will be used to access a particular service. Following are the client programs tat are commonly used:

Starting Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 是由 Microsoft 开发的 Web 浏览器。它默认安装在 Windows 操作系统中,但是可以下载并升级。
Internet explorer is a web browser developed by Microsoft. It is installed by default with the windows operating system howerver, it can be downloaded and be upgraded.
要启动 Internet Explorer,请执行以下步骤:
To start internet explorer, follow the following steps:
Go to Start button and click Internet Explorer.

将出现 Internet Explorer 窗口,如下面的示意图所示:
The Internet Explorer window will appear as shown in the following diagram:

Accessing Web Page
访问网页非常简单。只需在地址栏中输入 URL ,如下面的示意图所示:
Accessing web page is very simple. Just enter the URL in the address bar as shown the following diagram:

网页可能包含 hyperlinks. 。当我们单击这些链接时,会打开其他网页。这些超链接可以是文本或图像形式。当我们将鼠标悬停在超链接上时,指针会变成手的形状。
A web page may contain hyperlinks. When we click on these links other web page is opened. These hyperlinks can be in form of text or image. When we take the mouse over an hyperlink, pointer change its shape to hand.

Key Points
Key Points
In case, you have accessed many web pages and willing to see the previous webpage then just click back button.
You can open a new web page in the same tab, or different tab or in a new window.
Saving Webpage
You can save web page to use in future. In order to save a webpage, follow the steps given below:
Click File > Save As. Save Webpage dialog box appears.
Choose the location where you want to save your webpage from save in: list box. Then choose the folder where you want to save the webpage.
Specify the file name in the File name box.
Select the type from Save as type list box.
From the encoding list box, choose the character set which will be used with your webpage. By default, Western European is selected.
Click save button and the webpage is saved.
Saving Web Elements
Web 元素是图片、链接等。要保存这些元素,请按照以下步骤操作:
Web elements are the pictures, links etc. In order to save these elements follow the steps given below:
Right click on the webpage element you want to save. Menu options will appear. These options may vary depending on the element you want to save.

Save Picture As: 此选项可让您以特定位置保存图片及其名称。单击此选项时,将打开一个对话框,您可以在其中指定其名称和位置。
Save Picture As: This option let you save the picture at specific location with its name. When you click this option, a dialog box is opened where you can sepcify its name and location.
The Favourites option helps to save addresses of the webpages you visited oftenly. Hence you need not to remember long and complex address of websites you visit often.
In order to open any webpage, you just need to double click on the webpage that you have marked from bookmarks list.
In ordered to add website to your favourite list, follow the steps given below:
Open webpage that you want to add to your favourite.
Click on favourite menu and then click on Add to Favourites opton. Addfavourites dialog box appears.

In AddFavourites dialog box, the Name: text box will contains the name of the web page that you want to add to favourites.
Click the Create in button, Favoutites folder will appear. Move to the folder where you want to store the favourites by clicking on the folder name.
Now click OK button to save the favourites.
In order to open favourites, follow the steps given below:
In the Favourite Panel, take the mouse over the site that you want to open. Now click on the address to open that site.
Favourite can also be opened from the Favourites menu by selecting the appropriate one.

Favourites can be organized by categorizing web pages, creating folder for each category and then storing web pages into them. In order to organize favourites, follow the steps given below:
Click Favourites menu > Organize Favourites. Organize favourites dialog box will appears.
In order to organize the webpages, drag the individual webpage to the respective folder. Similarly to delete a favourite, Click on delete button.