Internet Technologies 简明教程
Web Pages
Web Page
web page 是万维网上可用的文档。网页储存在 Web 服务器上,可以通过 Web 浏览器查看。
web page is a document available on world wide web. Web Pages are stored on web server and can be viewed using a web browser.
A web page can cotain huge information including text, graphics, audio, video and hyper links. These hyper links are the link to other web pages.
Static Web page
Static web pages 也称为平面或静态网页。它们在客户端浏览器上加载的内容与它们储存在 Web 服务器上的内容完全相同。此类网页只包含静态信息。用户只能读取信息,但不能做任何修改或与信息互动。
Static web pages are also known as flat or stationary web page. They are loaded on the client’s browser as exactly they are stored on the web server. Such web pages contain only static information. User can only read the information but can’t do any modification or interact with the information.
静态网页仅使用 HTML 创建。静态网页仅在无需再修改信息时才使用。
Static web pages are created using only HTML. Static web pages are only used when the information is no more required to be modified.
Dynamic Web page
Dynamic web page 在不同时刻显示不同的信息。只加载网页的一部分而不加载整个网页是可以的。使用 Ajax 技术使这一点成为可能。
Dynamic web page shows different information at different point of time. It is possible to change a portaion of a web page without loading the entire web page. It has been made possible using Ajax technology.
It is created by using server-side scripting. There are server-side scripting parameters that determine how to assemble a new web page which also include setting up of more client-side processing.
通过客户端脚本(例如 JavaScript)处理。然后传递至 Document Object Model (DOM).
It is processed using client side scripting such as JavaScript. And then passed in to Document Object Model (DOM).
Scripting Laguages
Scripting languages are like programming languages that allow us to write programs in form of script. These scripts are interpreted not compiled and executed line by line.
Client-side Scripting
Client-side scripting 指示客户端上执行的程序。客户端脚本包含浏览器在响应该用户操作时执行的指令。
Client-side scripting refers to the programs that are executed on client-side. Client-side scripts contains the instruction for the browser to be executed in response to certain user’s action.
Following table describes commonly used Client-Side scripting languages:
S.N. |
Scripting Language Description |
1. |
JavaScript It is a prototype based scripting language. It inherits its naming conventions from java. All java script files are stored in file having .js extension. |
2. |
*ActionScript*It is an object oriented programming language used for the development of websites and software targeting Adobe flash player. |
3. |
Dart It is an open source web programming language developed by Google. It relies on source-to-source compiler to JavaScript. |
4. |
VBScript It is an open source web programming language developed by Microsoft. It is superset of JavaScript and adds optional static typing class-based object oriented programming. |
Server-side Scripting
Sever-side scripting 充当客户端的接口,还限制用户访问 Web 服务器上的资源。它还可以收集用户的特征,以便定制响应。
Sever-side scripting acts as an interface for the client and also limit the user access the resources on web server. It can also collects the user’s characteristics in order to customize response.
Following table describes commonly used Server-Side scripting languages:
S.N. |
Scripting Language Description |
1. |
ASP Active Server Pages (ASP)is server-side script engine to create dynamic web pages. It supports Component Object Model (COM) which enables ASP web sites to access functionality of libraries such as DLL. |
2. |
ActiveVFP It is similar to PHP and also used for creating dynamic web pages. It uses native Visual Foxpro language and database. |
3. | It is used to develop dynamic websites, web applications, and web services. |
4. |
Java Java Server Pages are used for creating dynamic web applications. The Java code is compiled into byte code and run by Java Virtual Machine (JVM). |
5. |
Python It supports multiple programming paradigms such as object-oriented, and functional programming. It can also be used as non-scripting language using third party tools such as Py2exe or Pyinstaller. |
6. |
WebDNA It is also a server-side scripting language with an embedded database system. |