Internet Technologies 简明教程

Website Monetization

Website monetization 指的是通过网站赚钱。这是通过将现有流量转化为特定网站的收入来完成的。

Website monetization refers to making money from the website. It is done by converting existing traffic to a particular website into revenue.

Methods of Monetization

Display Advertising


It refers to the banners and text ads. This method is good for the websites that have significant traffic, valuable audience, relevant and active advertisers.

Affiliate Marketing


It refers to steering the visitors to products and services of a third party merchant. It is good for the websites that are product centric and have easy integration into content.

Lead generation


It refers to capturing the customer information and selling it to a third party.

Email rental


It refers to renting out your email lists to third parties. In this you will send an email on their behalf to your distribution list.