Internet Technologies 简明教程
Website Development
Web development
Web development 指的是构建网站并将其部署在网络上。Web 开发需要在服务器端和客户端使用脚本语言。
Web development refers to building website and deploying on the web. Web development requires use of scripting languages both at the server end as well as at client end.

Before developing a web site once should keep several aspects in mind like:
What to put on the web site?
Who will host it?
How to make it interactive?
How to code it?
How to create search engine friendly web site?
How to secure the source code frequently?
Will the web site design display well in different browsers?
Will the navigation menus be easy to use?
Will the web site loads quickly?
How easily will the site pages print?
How easily will visitors find important details specific to the web site?
How effectively the style sheets be used on your web sites?
Web Development Process
Web 开发过程包括构建一个有吸引力、有效且响应迅速的网站所需的所有步骤。此图显示了这些步骤:
Web development process includes all the steps that are good to take to build an attractive, effective and responsive website. These steps are shown in the following diagram:

Web development tools
Web 开发工具帮助开发人员测试和调试网站。现在,Web 开发工具作为附加组件随 Web 浏览器一起提供。所有 Web 浏览器都内置了用于此目的的工具。
Web development tools helps the developer to test and debug the web sites. Now a days the web development tooll come with the web browsers as add-ons. All web browsers have built in tools for this purpose.
这些工具允许 Web 开发人员使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 等。通过将鼠标悬停在网页上的某个项目上并从上下文菜单中选择“检查元素”来访问这些工具。
Thsese tools allow the web developer to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript etc.. These are accessed by hovering over an item on a web page and selecting the “Inspect Element” from the context menu.
以下是每个 Web 开发工具展现的常见特征:
Following are the common featuers that every web development tool exhibits:
HTML 和 DOM 查看器使您可以查看 DOM 呈现时的样子。它还允许对 HTML 和 DOM 进行更改,并查看在进行更改后在页面中反映的更改。
HTML and DOM viewer allows you to see the DOM as it was rendered. It also allows to make changes to HTML and DOM and see the changes reflected in the page after the change is made.
Web 开发工具还有助于检查在网页上加载和提供的资源。
Web development tools also helps to inspect the resources that are loaded and available on the web page.
Profiling 指的是获取有关网页或 Web 应用程序性能的信息, Auditing 在分析页面后为开发人员提供建议,以优化减少页面加载时间并提高响应速度。
Profiling refers to get information about the performance of a web page or web application and Auditing provides developers suggestions, after analyzing a page, for optimizations to decerease page load time and increase responsiveness.
Skills Required
要成为一名成功的 Web 开发人员,应该具备以下技能:
For being a successful web developer, one should possess the following skills:
Understanding of client and server side scripting.
Creating, editing and modifying templates for a CMS or web development framework.
Testing cross browser inconsistencies.
Conducting observational user testing.
Testing for compliance to specified standards such as accessibility standards in the client region.
Programming interaction with javaScript, PHP, and Jquery etc.