Internet Technologies 简明教程
Websites Types
Internet Forums
An internet forum is message board where people can hold conversation by posting messages.

Key Points
Key Points
A forum can contain several sub forums.
Each of sub forums may contain a number of topics.
Within a forum’s topic, each new discussion started is called a thread.
This thread can be replied by as many people as so wish.
Blog 一词取自w*e*b* log. ,它是一种会定期更新的网站,内容几乎涵盖所有领域。换言之,博客是一种 Content Management System (CMS) ,一种在互联网上发布文章的简便方法。
The term Blog is taken from we*b* log. It is a kind of web site that is updated regularly, with content about almost anything. In other words, blog is a Content Management System (CMS), an easy way of publishing articles on the internet.

Blogging Terminologies
A type of website used to publish content on the internet.
A person who writes for a blog.
Writing for blogs is referred as blogging.
A term is used to refer all the blogs on the web.
What to Blog about
Following discussion will help you to figure out what to write about and as well as what to name your blog.
Write what you know about. For example, if you have good computer knowledge. You can write what you know about the subject.
You can share your experience. You can also write what you gained from that experience, what you learned.
Detail your personal research.
Share your memory of someone.
E-Commerce 或 Electronics Commerce 是一种现代商业方法,旨在满足企业组织、供应商和客户降低成本和提高商品和服务质量,同时提高交付速度的需求。电子商务是指使用以下方法进行无纸化商务信息交换。
E-Commerce or Electronics Commerce is a methodology of modern business which addresses the need of business organizations, vendors and customers to reduce cost and improve the quality of goods and services while increasing the speed of delivery. E-commerce refers to paperless exchange of business information using following ways.
Electronic Data Exchange (EDI)
Electronic Mail (e-mail)
Electronic Bulletin Boards
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
Other Network-based technologies

E-Commerce provides following features:
E-Commerce enables use of credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, electronic fund transfer via bank’s website and other modes of electronics payment.
电子商务自动化了企业的业务,企业提供的服务可随时随地获取。这里的“24x7”是指一周七天 24 小时。
E-commerce automates business of enterprises and services provided by them to customers are available anytime, anywhere. Here 24x7 refers to 24 hours of each seven days of a week.
E-commerce increases the reach of advertising of products and services of businesses. It helps in better marketing management of products / services.
Using E-Commerce, orders for the products can be generated anytime, anywhere without any human intervention. By this way, dependencies to buy a product reduce at large and sales increases.
E-Commerce provides various ways to provide pre sales and post sales assistance to provide better services to customers.
Online portfolio is collection of images, multimedia, emails, blog entries, and hyperlinks that are managed online. It can be seen as a kind of learning record that provides actual evidence of achievement.
There are three types of online portfolio:
@ {s0} 作品集包含个人在一段时间内所做的一切。
Developmental portfolio contains all the things that an individual has done over a period of time.
@ {s1} 作品集包含内容的个人反思。
Reflective portfolio contains personal reflection on the content.
@ {s2} 在线作品集是指学习者在特定工作中的成果。
Representational online portfolio refers to learner’s achievement in a particular work.