Java I18n 简明教程

Java Internationalization Tutorial

国际化或 I18N 指应用程序能够为多种不同的语言的用户提供服务的能力。 Java 具有内置的国际化支持。Java 还提供了数字、货币的格式化,以及相应地调整日期和时间。

Internationalization or I18N refers to the capablity of an Application to be able to server users in multiple and different languages. Java has in-built support for Internationalization. Java also provides formating of numbers, currecies and adjustment of date and time accordingly.

本教程涵盖了基本了解 Java 国际化的大部分主题,并让您感受到它的工作原理。

This tutorial covers most of the topics required for a basic understanding of Java Internationalization and to get a feel of how it works.


本教程专为初学者编写,旨在帮助他们理解与 Java 国际化相关的从基本到高级的概念。

This tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the basic to advanced concepts related to Java Internationalization.



Before you start practicing various types of examples given in this reference, we assume that you are already aware about computer programs and computer programming languages.